View Full Version : Maximum damage DR/Breakers for high level content :D
06-27-2011, 10:09 AM
I've been noticing a great amount of discussion on the topic of crafting specific mob type weaponry.
So based on your experiences, What are the best crafting prefix and suffix's for the following specific high level mobs types as well as your method of DR/Breaking?
Dragons - Epic Von6, Gianthold Tor, Prey
Elementals- Including those annoying mephits
Evil Outsiders- Devil's, Orthon's, Pit Fiend's, Marilith, Tieflings
Giants- Tor, Reavers Refuge
Constructs- Golems and Portals
Undead- Sub-terrain
Miscellaneous- As well as any other high level types I may have missed
Thanks and I appreciate your feedback.
06-27-2011, 10:34 AM
I've been noticing a great amount of discussion on the topic of crafting specific mob type weaponry.
So based on your experiences, What are the best crafting prefix and suffix's for the following specific high level mobs types as well as your method of DR/Breaking?
I'll give the best, and the practical (i.e., that doesn't require pull-your-hair-out crafting grind)
Evil Outsiders:
Best: +4 Holy Burst Silver of Greater Evil Outsider Bane for Devils, same but Cold Iron for Demons
Practical: +4 Holy Silver of Evil Outsider Bane for Devils, same but Cold Iron for Demons
Consider a LitII for trash Devils.
Elementals: Note that Mephits are not Elementals
Best: +5 Vicious of Greater Elemental Bane
Practial: +4 Vicious of Elemental Bane
for Mephits, Vicious of Pure Good (no Banes for Mephits)
If you can't stand the self-damage, True Law/Chaos are good choices. The Ele's in Shroud are actually Evil, so Holy is a decent choice if that's the only place you care about.
For anything not immune to electricity, a LitII will outclass or match all of the above.
Best: +5 Holy Silver Maul/Warhammer of Greater Undead Bane (assuming no Imp. Crit: Bludg; if you have that, +4 Holy Burst is better); Silver for Vamps
Practical: +4 Holy Maul/Warhammer of Undead Bane; add Silver if you can manage to get a blank, but Vamp DR isn't a big deal
Consider making a Triple-Pos GS; they're cheap, and much more potent.
If you don't need the Bludgeoning (most Undead at end-game need it though), LitII will outclass or match the banes. Triple-Pos beats the LitII.
Best: +5 Vicious Adamantine Maul/Warhammer of Greater Construct Bane for most Constructs, +4 Anarchic Burst of Greater Construct Bane for Maruts (and Shroud portals)
Practical: +4 Vicious Adamantine Maul/Warhammer of Construct Bane for most Constructs, +4 Anarchic of Construct Bane for Maruts (and Shroud portals)
Dragons/Giants/Whatever: no DR, so pretty basic
Best: +4 Holy Burst of Greater [Dragon/Giant/Whatever] Bane
Practical: +4 Holy of [Dragon/Giant/Whatever] Bane
Consider making a LitII GS; for these and almost all other monsters not listed above, this will be on par or better with the best crafted options, and you only need one for everything, not a dozen different banes.
Note that Stormreaver as DR/Mithral and lightning immunity. No Cannith crafting can break his DR but the extremely overpriced Metalline, and LitIIs are not effective. But there's little reason to care. More Reaver's Fates have failed due to killing him too quickly than have failed from not killing him fast enough, I would think. Sor'jek in Tempest's Spine has the same DR and Immunity but he's hardly end-game. His Lich form in SoS has Lightning Immunity, but not DR/Mithral
06-27-2011, 11:01 AM
Best: +5 Holy Maul/Warhammer of Greater Undead Bane (assuming no Imp. Crit: Bludg; if you have that, +4 Holy Burst is better)
Practical: +4 Holy Maul/Warhammer of Undead Bane
Consider making a Triple-Pos GS; they're cheap, and much more potent.
If you don't need the Bludgeoning (most Undead at end-game need it though), LitII will outclass or match the banes. Triple-Pos beats the LitII.
Best: +5 Vicious Adamantine Maul/Warhammer of Greater Construct Bane for most Constructs, +4 Anarchic Burst of Greater Construct Bane for Maruts (and Shroud portals)
Practical: +4 Vicious Adamantine Maul/Warhammer of Construct Bane for most Constructs, +4 Anarchic of Construct Bane for Maruts (and Shroud portals)
I agree with everything but these 2.
I have noticed since U9 and the change to all insta-kill weapons that they do arround the same base damage as bane weapons and then get an additional 100 if the critter is over 1000hp or insta-kill on a 20.
In my opinion they are the better than the banes. I would add disruption and smiting over banes.
06-27-2011, 11:01 AM
I'll give the best, and the practical (i.e., that doesn't require pull-your-hair-out crafting grind)
Elementals: Note that Mephits are not Elementals
Best: +5 Vicious of Greater Elemental Bane
Practial: +4 Vicious of Elemental Bane
for Mephits, Vicious of Pure Good (no Banes for Mephits)
If you can't stand the self-damage, True Law/Chaos are good choices. The Ele's in Shroud are actually Evil, so Holy is a decent choice if that's the only place you care about.
For anything not immune to electricity, a LitII will outclass or match all of the above.
Thanks for feedback,
I found that elementals and mephits were the mob types who were particularly annoying especially when large numbers of them were present.
I noticed yellow damage numbers when attacking Elementals and was wondering if this was a type of DR and if there was some way to bypass that damage.
06-27-2011, 11:10 AM
I agree with everything but these 2.
I have noticed since U9 and the change to all insta-kill weapons that they do arround the same base damage as bane weapons and then get an additional 100 if the critter is over 1000hp or insta-kill on a 20.
In my opinion they are the better than the banes. I would add disruption and smiting over banes.
That would be great, except that Smiting and Disruption are not available for Cannith crafting yet.
I noticed yellow damage numbers when attacking Elementals and was wondering if this was a type of DR and if there was some way to bypass that damage.
The have DR/-, i.e., unbreakable DR. It's the same type Barbarians get.
06-27-2011, 11:21 AM
Also, if playing a monk:
+5 Axiomatic Burst Handwraps (cold iron for dark) of Greater Chaotic Outsider Banes
+5 Anarchic Burst Handwraps (silver for dark) of Greater Lawful Outsider Banes
I know most monks will just stack holy with their holy burst rings; however, with these two prefixes they can get an additional burst effect on crits.
06-27-2011, 11:22 AM
for demons craft chaotic outsider bane
for devils craft lawful outsider bane
much lower crafting level, and you use essences you would otherwise ignore
06-27-2011, 12:41 PM
Also, if playing a monk:
+5 Axiomatic Burst Handwraps (cold iron for dark) of Greater Chaotic Outsider Banes
+5 Anarchic Burst Handwraps (silver for dark) of Greater Lawful Outsider Banes
I know most monks will just stack holy with their holy burst rings; however, with these two prefixes they can get an additional burst effect on crits.
Note, however, that unlike loot-gen and named wraps, Anarchic crafted wraps will give a Monk a neg-level while equipped. The penalty isn't very steep (-2 attacks, saves and skills; and -5 HP), but could be worth sticking with Holy to avoid. The Burst adds about 1 damage per hit on average (w/ Imp Crit). 1.4 in EarthIII or IV stance.
06-27-2011, 12:49 PM
That would be great, except that Smiting and Disruption are not available for Cannith crafting yet.
Construct-beaters don't get that good even with high crafting levels. With low crafting levels it's a clear no-go.
Vicious of Construct Bane: 4d6 add damage +2 base damage (and self-damage, which I don't really like to do if I can help it)
Smiting: 4d6 add damage +5 average smiting damage (which is a vorpal on most normal quests)
Anything of smiting beats the Vicious of CB unless the target has adamantine DR, in which case pick up a Mace of Smiting for anything between 5-20k on AH, seems like there's always two or three hanging around in there.
One advantage I can see is that the crafted item could maybe save inventory space by being both a golem beater and a portal beater, and a marut beater. But it'd generally be weaker than the specialized lootgen options for each case.
06-27-2011, 01:06 PM
Anything of smiting beats the Vicious of CB unless the target has adamantine DR, in which case pick up a Mace of Smiting for anything between 5-20k on AH, seems like there's always two or three hanging around in there.
I thought the Mace of Smiting was still using the old version of Smiting, without the bonus dice. So, basically useless at end-game. Was this changed?
A Bludgeoning Adamantine Smiter loot-gen is not going to be cheap.
06-27-2011, 01:10 PM
I thought the Mace of Smiting was still using the old version of Smiting, without the bonus dice. So, basically useless at end-game. Was this changed?
Oooo. ooo. I think I understand why they're so cheap now.
Hmmmm. Err, yes, why, it WASN'T changed. It's horrible! Don't buy it!
*runs to AH*
(FYI: It's using the old text description but the smiting effect is same as any other smiter)
06-27-2011, 01:13 PM
I thought the Mace of Smiting was still using the old version of Smiting, without the bonus dice. So, basically useless at end-game. Was this changed?
A Bludgeoning Adamantine Smiter loot-gen is not going to be cheap.
Smiting is smiting mace of smiting works just like anyotger smiter
so says my static group cleric who I passed the last mace of smiting I pulled. And he beats the training dummy with it.
06-27-2011, 01:22 PM
Smiting is smiting mace of smiting works just like anyotger smiter
so says my static group cleric who I passed the last mace of smiting I pulled. And he beats the training dummy with it.
Interesting. Looks like someone was mistaken updating the Wiki (
06-27-2011, 01:23 PM
Note, however, that unlike loot-gen and named wraps, Anarchic crafted wraps will give a Monk a neg-level while equipped. The penalty isn't very steep (-2 attacks, saves and skills; and -5 HP), but could be worth sticking with Holy to avoid. The Burst adds about 1 damage per hit on average (w/ Imp Crit). 1.4 in EarthIII or IV stance.
monks do not gain a negative level when using anarchic handwraps. they can also use pure good handwraps without being good(note: the named handwraps from deleras do require you to be good aligned, or have UMD 20)
its a common mistake. also, this does not apply to kamas or any other monk weapons
06-27-2011, 01:33 PM
monks do not gain a negative level when using anarchic handwraps. they can also use pure good handwraps without being good(note: the named handwraps from deleras do require you to be good aligned, or have UMD 20)
its a common mistake. also, this does not apply to kamas or any other monk weapons
This is true of loot-gen and named wraps, as I acknowledged.
However, crafted handwraps are coded differently (see: all the bugs that have plagued them, and only them; or bugs with non-crafted wraps, and only them), and do in fact give a neg level (
06-27-2011, 02:27 PM
regarding undead, would silver be the preferred material for the maul? (vampires)
06-27-2011, 02:28 PM
regarding undead, would silver be the preferred material for the maul? (vampires)
Yes, that's true. Will add to my post.
Silver Mauls/Warhammers won't be cheap, though.
06-27-2011, 06:36 PM
I tend to focus on conserving pack space instead of maximizing damage vs every specific thing so I made the following:
+4 Ghost Touch Flametouched Iron <bludgeon> of Undead Bane
+4 Vicious <bludgeon> of Everbright
+4 Anarchic Adamantine <bludgeon> of Construct Bane
+4 Holy Cold Iron <primary weapon type> of Chaotic Outsider Bane
+4 Holy Silver <primary weapon type> of Lawful Outsider Bane
+4 True Law <primary weapon> of Pure Good (optional)
For a generic trash beater, like for a weapon type without a good named variant (Dwarven Axe/Bastard Sword,) or for ranged weapon if you don't have luck pulling the Silver Longbow:
+4 Holy of Bleed <=== Lower ML, better against low-level trash
+4 Wounding of Pure Good <=== Higher ML, better against high-level trash
My crafting levels are in the upper 30s but you only need mid 30s to craft these. Except Wounding, which requires a crafting level of 40 even. Note that neutral characters can wield crafted True Law of Pure Good weapons without a UMD check. (That weapon is for any True Neutral target: elementals, mephits, vermin, etc... but you may prefer your regular trash beater against them.)
06-28-2011, 12:55 PM
Question: Why is a Bludgeoning-type weapon preferred as a Construct beater? Do the Shroud Portals or other constructs like golems have a DR against slashing?
06-28-2011, 01:04 PM
Question: Why is a Bludgeoning-type weapon preferred as a Construct beater? Do the Shroud Portals or other constructs like golems have a DR against slashing?
clay golems have dr/bludgeon.
eClay Golems are the most dangerous construct
06-28-2011, 01:29 PM
clay golems have dr/bludgeon.
eClay Golems are the most dangerous construct
Ah, thanks. Guess I better find some Adamantine warhammers instead of dwarven axes. :)
06-29-2011, 07:13 AM
Wouldn't it be easier to make a Holy whatever of Evil Outsider Bane to use against devils, demons, and the Dreaming Dark in IQ 1-2, than crafting a Lawful Outsider, Evil Chaotic, and Evil Outsider Bane weapon for each one? Unless I'm mistaken (which happens often <.<;;), seems like the Evil Outsider Bane weapon would pretty much cover all three groups.
06-29-2011, 07:33 AM
Wouldn't it be easier to make a Holy whatever of Evil Outsider Bane to use against devils, demons, and the Dreaming Dark in IQ 1-2, than crafting a Lawful Outsider, Evil Chaotic, and Evil Outsider Bane weapon for each one? Unless I'm mistaken (which happens often <.<;;), seems like the Evil Outsider Bane weapon would pretty much cover all three groups.
Because you want cold iron base weapon for demon, silver base weapon for devil, so no matter what, you need at least 2 weapon after all. It's not like you must use lawful / chaotic outsider bane instead of evil outsider bane; it's more about how many resource / crafting level you have.
06-29-2011, 07:42 AM
Because you want cold iron base weapon for demon, silver base weapon for devil, so no matter what, you need at least 2 weapon after all. It's not like you must use lawful / chaotic outsider bane instead of evil outsider bane; it's more about how many resource / crafting level you have.
Okay, that makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up for me. :)
the greater version of the EOB is much higher level crafting? so going Greater in these two is lower level me thinks and more achievable
06-29-2011, 06:43 PM
I do Lawful/Chaotic not for the crafting levels -- though that's a nontrivial secondary reason -- but because I need a truckload of good essences for all the very expensive Holy shards plus a ton of other stuff. (Undead bane, Blindness Immunity, Life Shield, Ardor clickies for my cleric, etc...) It's a huge help not having to craft a total of eight (!) Outsider Bane shards out of good essences. (My thf main needs one of each, twf needs two of each, and s&b needs one of each.)
Note that this means I also need eight Holy shards, so the initial outlay in good essences was very steep. (120 greaters and 640 lessers for the holy shards alone.) Now that we know we can upgrade shards it's not as big of a deal, since I don't need to remake any of them, but that was my original reasoning.
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