06-22-2011, 06:01 PM
lvl30 guild estabilshed solo with 1.5 million guild xp attained to show my dedication for the guild , now recruiting vets ,noobs young and old ,solo ,group players with any to none mmo experiance are welcome and will be excepted . with this type of exceptance of wide range recruits should go with out need being said but will that maybe from time to time mite need to walk peeps through their first runs of quests/raids if they are new to quest or raid etc etc should be fun and empowering for all. and a big thanks and welcome to the new guildys that have started filling the ranks currently lvl41 as of 10/06/11 average 20 players continually online 24/7 atm as of 4/20/2012 lvl49 still growing.
1. send replly to wulfherz via mail with toons names and will send guild invite or post reply and will get to you via khyber-mail
rules - 1.stay active - 1 month no log = boot just ask for invite back when ready.
me the leader : log on 10am pacific - log off time 4am pacific us time - 4.5 years khyber & 23 years d&d pnp im here to quest to live a time that only lives in our imaginations . dungeons&dragons players we salute you ,hail the founders!
1. send replly to wulfherz via mail with toons names and will send guild invite or post reply and will get to you via khyber-mail
rules - 1.stay active - 1 month no log = boot just ask for invite back when ready.
me the leader : log on 10am pacific - log off time 4am pacific us time - 4.5 years khyber & 23 years d&d pnp im here to quest to live a time that only lives in our imaginations . dungeons&dragons players we salute you ,hail the founders!