View Full Version : UMD and Fireshield scrolls

06-20-2011, 03:11 PM
A couple of questions about UMD in general, and Fireshield scrolls specifically.

Either I am not understanding how UMD works, or there might be something wrong with Fireshield scrolls. My 17 Fghtr/1 Rogue can currently hit a UMD score of 34 or 35 with clickies and buffs. The UMD on Fireshield scrolls is listed as 32, yet when he tries to use them, he sometimes fails. And it seems like he fails often! Plus it doesn't look like the dice show a "normal" roll - where it shows your modifier and the total roll. But instead a total percentage score.

Isn't UMD to supposed to work that if you are higher than (or equal to) the number listed, you don't fail unless you roll a "1"? Or does it work some other way? Are Fireshield scrolls "normal" in the way they work, or is there some other way I don't know about?

Thanks in advance for the responses!

06-20-2011, 03:16 PM
Isn't UMD to supposed to work that if you are higher than (or equal to) the number listed, you don't fail unless you roll a "1"?

Unlike attack rolls and save rolls, in DDO rolling 1 on skill checks is not an automatic fail.

My 17 Fghtr/1 Rogue can currently hit a UMD score of 34 or 35 with clickies and buffs. The UMD on Fireshield scrolls is listed as 32, yet when he tries to use them, he sometimes fails. And it seems like he fails often! Plus it doesn't look like the dice show a "normal" roll - where it shows your modifier and the total roll. But instead a total percentage score.

Uhm, Fire Shield is an arcane spell; you are probably experiencing Arcane Spell Failure, due to armor and/or shield.

06-20-2011, 03:16 PM
Are you wearing a Fullplate ? Because you get a 35% Arcane Spell Failure.

06-20-2011, 03:22 PM
As mentioned. Fire Shield is one of the spells with a Somatic component, so it's affected by Arcane Spell Failure.

Shields and armour can cause such spells to fail, and that would be the first percentage roll. So, for the average Full Plate, to go by junior_w's example, you need to roll a percentile die higher than 35 before it ever gets to your UMD roll.

Spells you can scroll-cast without a chance of Arcane Spell Failure include Master's Touch, Blur, Displacement, Teleport, Greater Teleport, Dimensional Door, and Knock. Just about anything else you would want to scroll is affected by it.

06-20-2011, 04:47 PM
See the guide in my signature to reduce arcane spell failure.

06-20-2011, 07:31 PM
Thanks for the replies!

DOH! I can't believe I forgot about ASF and my armor. After playing mostly casters without armor, I didn't even think about that. Couldn't see the forest for the trees ...

Thanks again!