View Full Version : Fighter TWF Human Fighter LR Advice

06-20-2011, 12:57 AM

I have a level 20 ranged speced ranger I want to TR into a 32 point TWF human fighter. Never built a fighter before and would like some advice on what base stats to take and the feats. The ranger has a +2 tome on all his stats. I am assuming I would take the TWF chain of feats but not sure at what level for each. I will be using scimitars and rapiers as I already have a nice selection of those from my ranger. What other feats will I need. Any suggestions for Enhancements?

Maybe someone knows a good build model I can follow?

06-20-2011, 01:17 AM
You do mean TR right?

06-20-2011, 01:28 AM
Ah yes, should have said TR. Fixed up the origianl post.

06-20-2011, 01:49 AM
Question is, what do you want from fighter class?
Fighter level brings a lot of versatility. Some build can work out for both DPS/Tank ability to one character, though require lot of gear to work as desired.

Also you might want to know that your pre-TR tome usage will be forever lost after TRing.
That means you have to acquire new tomes for your new life.

06-20-2011, 01:59 AM
Also, you should know the best DPS at the moment is always going to be khopesh's, not scimitars and rapiers.

Something to think about crafting before you TR would be a couple GS weapons and a GS item if you haven't already.

Tank equipment is alot more intense than just a regular old DPS fighter. Look into what you want from the build and decide which way to go. Plenty of people here to help you with either type of Fighter you want to play.

06-20-2011, 11:26 AM
Scimitars are slashing weapons; rapiers are piercing. You kinda need to decide which you want to specialize in, unless you burn extra feats on both the Slash & Pierce chains.

06-21-2011, 01:37 AM
Unlike rangers, fighters have to make the base Dex requirements for TWF, ITWF, and GTWF. This means you need at least 17 Dex, which you as a player with resources can obtain with 15 base and +2 tome. Other than that, you can't go wrong with Str and Con.

Because fighters get bonus feats at level 1 and every even-level feat, you have an almost ridiculous level of flexibility with feats (very much unlike rangers). You can get Improved TWF starting at level 6, Improved Critical starting at level 8, Greater TWF starting at level 12. You probably also want to be Kensei, and if you want to get those enhancements at level you need Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization by level 6, and Greater Weapon Spec by level 12. You have 5 regular feats and 7 fighter feats by level 12, so there's really no reason not to have all this stuff by then.

Other feats that are good for all melees are Power Attack and Toughness. You're a fighter, so you can get another Toughness if you want, and then another Toughness, and how about yet another Toughness? HP is good, just keep in mind that Toughness can't be selected as a fighter feat. As a fighter you have useful Action Boosts, so the Quickdraw feat will contribute to your DPS.

You could also look into bulking up your Reflex save. You don't have evasion, but you can still have a good Reflex save against spells - 50% damage beats all heck out of 100%.

Fighters also get bonuses when using their favorite weapon, both from Kensei and other fighter enhancements, so you should pick one. You will do better DPS with khopeshes than scimitars or rapiers - whether that's worth making new weapons or not is up to you.

06-21-2011, 07:15 PM
Thanks for the replies everyone. Clearly have a lot to look at feat wise and and think about. Probably will make a straight forward DPS for now as I learn more about the class, can always LR later when I know more. The Kensai enhancement looks great, shame rangers get nothing like it they would be awesome killers if they did.

06-22-2011, 12:36 AM
Max str, 15 dex(eat +2 tome) rest con, go Horc, khopeshs and your set ;)