06-19-2011, 02:46 PM
Just some odds and ends I need to sell :
+2 Con Tome
+2 Dex Tome
+2 Int Tome
+2 Chr Tome
+2 Chr Tome
4 Large Twisted Shrapnel (175k each) (//////Sold)
3 Large Sulfurous Stones (250k each)
2 Large Arrowheads (75k each)
2 Large Devil Scales (400k each) (///////Sold)
Pearl of Power X (Make an offer)
Flawless Siberys Dragonshard (250k ish) (////////Sold)
Lightning Split Soarwood (Make an offer)
Spectral Gloves (Make an offer) (////////Sold)
+3 Spiked Flametouched Iron Khopesh of Bashing (Awesome way to bypass DR on most mobs) (Make an offer) (/////////Sold)
+2 (+2 Natural Armor) Mithril Chain Shirt of Stability (Possible 15ac armor @ lvl9) (Make an Offer)
+2 (+2 Natural Armor) Mithril Breastplate of Greater Nimbleness (Possible 16 AC armor @ lvl11) (Make an offer)
Put base prices out to the side im looking for, will barter with ya. Always after Flawless Reds and Large
Devil Scales, be up for swapping those with anything on this list. Otherwise will consider PP sale outright,
The Bloodstone, Ioun Stones also.
Can reach me in game on :
Carfula //// Patchwerk //// Expectacorps
+2 Con Tome
+2 Dex Tome
+2 Int Tome
+2 Chr Tome
+2 Chr Tome
4 Large Twisted Shrapnel (175k each) (//////Sold)
3 Large Sulfurous Stones (250k each)
2 Large Arrowheads (75k each)
2 Large Devil Scales (400k each) (///////Sold)
Pearl of Power X (Make an offer)
Flawless Siberys Dragonshard (250k ish) (////////Sold)
Lightning Split Soarwood (Make an offer)
Spectral Gloves (Make an offer) (////////Sold)
+3 Spiked Flametouched Iron Khopesh of Bashing (Awesome way to bypass DR on most mobs) (Make an offer) (/////////Sold)
+2 (+2 Natural Armor) Mithril Chain Shirt of Stability (Possible 15ac armor @ lvl9) (Make an Offer)
+2 (+2 Natural Armor) Mithril Breastplate of Greater Nimbleness (Possible 16 AC armor @ lvl11) (Make an offer)
Put base prices out to the side im looking for, will barter with ya. Always after Flawless Reds and Large
Devil Scales, be up for swapping those with anything on this list. Otherwise will consider PP sale outright,
The Bloodstone, Ioun Stones also.
Can reach me in game on :
Carfula //// Patchwerk //// Expectacorps