View Full Version : Paladin brain hurts. GS Falchion and Greatsword

06-18-2011, 04:49 PM
Falchions superior critical profile benefits paladins Divine Sacrifice and Exalted Smite likely more then any other class. It often feels that a Divine Sacrifice use that doesnt crit was a waste of a button hit, and falchions make crits happen a lot. I get it, I should want to use falchions.

Currently my paladin is outfitted with two Greensteel Great Axes (lit2 and min2) and a triple-positive maul. His last life was a barb. This toon already has a conco op, lit2 guard, earthgrab guard and a you-name-it grabbag of greensteel clothing items.

I have enough mats to make another greensteel tier three, since i STILL need the uber-rare esos shard to complete the esos (and im only level 16 yet so meh) I suspect I am best off by making a better critical profile weapon for this paladin.

But what to make? Do i really want another lit2 weapon? I've never been all that fond of my other one as it is. Should I try a steam weapon? ive never known anyone that uses it but it seems really good.

Do i go greatsword and take advantage of the lord of blade enhancment that I was forced to take (+1 attack bonus might matter for paladins? i dont know) or do i take the superior critical profile of falchions and just feel burned on that enhancement that does nothing for me?

Maybe i should just make a cheap-o Double-Positive Greatsword or Falchion to hold me over until ESOS and use my min2 axe on fiends?

What should I make? Steam Falchion? Greatsword? Cheap double positive ? another freggin lit2? should i just use my normal SOS unless im facing something crit-immune or that i need the min2 to bust the dr ? This this character is on it's 5th life and has done at least 40 esos runs each life, without pulling a shard. I can't count on ever getting it so i feel i need to make somthing...

06-18-2011, 05:02 PM
It sort of seems like you don't know what you want. What are your eventual plans for this character, aside from eSoS?

06-18-2011, 05:16 PM
ill say it right now: dont plan for an eSOS

not in the sense that you never want one, just dont wait on one. Its all and well to do eVoN every 3 days or so, but dont get caught up in trying to get it, because in all likelyhood, it will take you months.

if you want more dps vs. trash, take up a lit II.

06-18-2011, 05:23 PM
Your axes are fine til you get your shard really. Just keep at that grind til you get it :)

You could turn those larges into gear for another toon too if you wanted to. Or use them for trades.

If you absolutely have to make a new toy, lit2 Falchion. All the way.

06-18-2011, 05:53 PM
What's the damage difference between a Steam weapon (holy ice burst ice blast... or would Icey goodburst be better?) and a lit2 (holy shockburst shockblast) ? Lightning strike averages what? about 6 damage a hit? where as steam averages 4 or 5? 20% for 25 damage isnt it ? 4 or 5 damage that is untyped so it would even work on the demon queen, and the odds of it triggering on glancing blows are likely to happen far more often then lit2 no?

Thinking about it.... why is lit2 so much more popular then steam when it averages only 1 or 2 more damage and often enough a lightning strike (on trash at least) is total overkill.

06-18-2011, 06:02 PM
steam- ~20% 12-22 (aka 17.5), so ~ 3.5/hit

lit II- ~2% 600-650 (aka meh, 625), so ~ 12.5/hit

far ahead, and since both take essentially the same amount of effort, even if lit II was only 2 damage ahead, theres no reason not to make it

not to mention elec works on pit fiends

06-18-2011, 06:13 PM
I've come to the conclusion that Great Axes really do suck for paladins, the crit range is just too small to take proper advantage of Divine sacrifice and exalted smite.

And the steam numbers are lower then i thought they were, and i forgot ice wont work on fiends. if it really were just a 2 damage difference steam would be better doe to nothing being resistant/immune. but that's not the case so i guess ill make another lit2... booorrriinnnggg.

Greatsword of Falchion? (The toon is Warforged, so greatsword is effectively +1 attack bonus. is that of any value? i've heard paladins have trouble landing hits in epics)

06-18-2011, 06:15 PM
falchion, no doubt

btw, how is greatsword +1 to-hit??

06-18-2011, 06:17 PM
Lit2 Falchion. All day. Every day.

Even on barbarians.

06-18-2011, 06:19 PM
falchion, no doubt

btw, how is greatsword +1 to-hit??

Lord of the blades gives +1 attack bonus to Great Swords

06-18-2011, 06:32 PM
Lord of the blades gives +1 attack bonus to Great Swords

Thought lord of blades was a fvs thing? Or do pallys get it too?

06-18-2011, 06:49 PM
Thought lord of blades was a fvs thing? Or do pallys get it too?

Lord of Blades is for any divine classed Warforged. (Pally, Cleric, FVS)

06-18-2011, 07:06 PM
Its for all divines and is basically required for KOTC3 (well there are other faith options but i suppose this is the best choice for a WF Paladin.. and the Bladesworn Transformation is fun to play with from time to time even if it is tragically underpowered as a whole)

any other opinions on if +1 attack bonus (i have the enhancement regardless) and superior base damage is worth the critical range loss? I kinda feel like it sucks to have 2AP wasted on doing literally nothing (if i choose not to use a greatsword) but if falchions are outclassing greatswords with DS and Smite so dramatically how can I go otherwise.

06-18-2011, 10:55 PM
perhaps you don't need to focus on weapons so much. or perhaps you should consider ranged combat options instead.

but anyways, do you already have your HP, SP, ConOp, and MinII items?

perhaps a triple positive/raise dead clicky, and/or heal amp weapon (useful for equipping in between fights to potion your way back to health).

perhaps you should even consider special purpose options, like various energy absorb weapons (crazy idea: heal amp weapon + cold absorb weapon + solid fog clickies in abundance = ToD part 2 shadows tanking).

maybe a guard item or a freezing ice weapon or an earthgrab weapon?

06-19-2011, 04:38 AM
perhaps you don't need to focus on weapons so much. or perhaps you should consider ranged combat options instead.

but anyways, do you already have your HP, SP, ConOp, and MinII items?

perhaps a triple positive/raise dead clicky, and/or heal amp weapon (useful for equipping in between fights to potion your way back to health).

perhaps you should even consider special purpose options, like various energy absorb weapons (crazy idea: heal amp weapon + cold absorb weapon + solid fog clickies in abundance = ToD part 2 shadows tanking).

maybe a guard item or a freezing ice weapon or an earthgrab weapon?

Reread the thread please. Some of your questions were already answered in the OP.

06-19-2011, 09:40 AM
The best GS 2handed weapon is undoubtly a falchion for any class (I can't understand why You created gaxe) and better for a pally Divine Sacrifice and Exalted smites. ANd for what type of gs3 lit2 is better than anything (especially for a 2handed).
When you'll have esos your gs will be in bank ready for a future reincarnation, as mines. What to say about sos shard drop rate?

I've seen it in april 2010 (seen only) and then I had notice of a guy from another guild dropped in march 2011 (considering I do evon6 near 6 times a week if I can I calculated near 105 runs, (simply /quest compleions as never done von 6 in a different difficult). After that date in guild We dropped 1 shard of sos every 2 weeks so now all secondary alt too have epic sos (next in guild priority is another one for my pally to put cold iron inside...).

Take Your conclusion...

Hope this can help.

06-19-2011, 09:47 AM
It often feels that a Divine Sacrifice use that doesnt crit was a waste of a button hit

My first suggestion is to get rid of this line of thought.

06-19-2011, 10:09 AM
The best GS 2handed weapon is undoubtly a falchion for any class (I can't understand why You created gaxe)

For barbarians, with frenzy berserker bonus multiplier 3x effecting only 19-20 rolls the superior innate multi and base damage of great axes was a lot of fun. That , and these weapons were made when auto crits and stunning blow were amazing. That barb had a high enough SB dc to use his greensteel axes and still land SB for massive auto crit damage (undeniably drastically superior to that of a falchions). I suspect you understand now =D

06-19-2011, 06:21 PM
any other opinions on if +1 attack bonus (i have the enhancement regardless) and superior base damage is worth the critical range loss?It's not.

06-20-2011, 02:39 AM
Reread the thread please. Some of your questions were already answered in the OP.

right then.

my alternate suggestion: start another character. your current one clearly has more greensteel than he will likely ever need anyways.

06-20-2011, 04:51 AM
right then.

my alternate suggestion: start another character. your current one clearly has more greensteel than he will likely ever need anyways.

This I can agree to.

Then again, my main has vendored tier 3 items because of hoe obsolete they became :/

06-21-2011, 02:34 PM
For barbarians, with frenzy berserker bonus multiplier 3x effecting only 19-20 rolls the superior innate multi and base damage of great axes was a lot of fun. That , and these weapons were made when auto crits and stunning blow were amazing. That barb had a high enough SB dc to use his greensteel axes and still land SB for massive auto crit damage (undeniably drastically superior to that of a falchions). I suspect you understand now =D

Sorry, lost barbarian past life in the discussion.