View Full Version : Jump...a few tips about it.

06-15-2011, 04:01 PM
We all know that Jumping is a very important part of this game, because it allows our characters the ability to move in 3 dimensions, as well as help us dodge various effects and maneuver around obstacles. But the question is, would jump really be worth investing in? Well, let's find out.

Let me list some of the non-base-skill bonuses that affect jump first:

+30 Enhancement from the Jump spell(+20 if arcane spellcaster is level 5, +11-+15 if using a high level item, +10 if using the < Level 5 spell, a vendor potion or scroll, +1-+9 if using a item.)
+4 Greater Heroism(Or +2 Heroism or Good hope)
+1 (Or +2) good luck
+1-+3 or higher STR mod(A base 8 character with a +2 tome and a +6 str item gets +3, halflings or those without a +2 STR tome +2 and +1 for halflings with no +2 STR tome. Those who are melee based should have much higher STR than that.)
+1-+6 from a Greensteel item that boosts all STR skills.
+2-+5 action boost: skills.
-1_-9 from armor and shield check penalties. Check your armor or shield to see if penalties apply to you.

Mind you, these are not all of the bonuses listed, but rather, some of the more common(Or uncommon) ones available for people. Class bonuses, rare items and more are not listed. While you can invest your skill points into jump, unless you have a REALLY hard time getting points into jump, or you have nothing better to invest in, I would either invest only very few points into jump or none at all. Why?

While it might be a bit difficult to get close to 40 jump without some way of getting the jump spell, it is by no means a bad thing. 40 Jump is the highest you can get until more skill points would give you nothing. In addition, you will not want a high jump all the time; sometimes you can mess up your jumps because you jump up too high in the air with your high jump, hit a wall or two then bounce all around, possibly falling off the previous location you were all. Being able to have a adjustable jump skill can allow you to make your jumps just a bit easier by raising or lowering it a certain value, to help avoid the 'bouncing'.

If you tend to solo a lot or party with those who don't carry it, you can also get jump from the House Phiarlan vendor when you have reached 75+ House Phiarlan favor, as well as Icy Potions of Jumping from the Risia Ice Games, which are probably the best way to get +30 jump. A lesser version of jump that gives only +10 can be found in scroll and potion form in the marketplace, and at high levels, you can get a +15 enhancement bonus to jump that does not stack with the same spell name.

You might not be able to have 40 jump all the time, especially without the greater form of jump and a few buffs. But is it always needed? No. And is it possible to carry the greater version with you for when you really need it? Yes. Before you go into a dungeon and slay monsters, its important to carry a few items to boost your jump skill no doubt. But its even more important to master how it feels before using buffs. If your making a tricky jump, and you have massive penalties due to your armor and shield, take that off before you make the jump. And if possible, find a feather fall item(Preferably) clicky or potion with more than one use. It can help with long jumps, missing a jump and saving your HP as well as from death. You don't need to have it on all of the time, but you better be able to use it when you need to.

Hopefully these tips may have helped you when deciding how to invest in jump. Anything else to add or suggest?

06-15-2011, 06:13 PM
I find it very beneficial to be able to jump out of a mob of monsters....without the spell. Not sure the exact number needed for this, but 10-13 seems ok most of the time.

Also speed greatly increases thew distance you can jump. (as does Feather Fall)
Haste pots make a big difference.

And sprint boost can be a poor-man's Aboundant Step when needed.