06-10-2011, 05:10 PM
This is a high-dps Frenzied Berserker. Along with it is some information (Thank you for this information and the help with the build, Shade) that will help you play this character.
Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.9.1
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WF DPS Barbarian
Level 20 True Neutral Warforged Male
(20 Barbarian)
Hit Points: 402
Spell Points: 0
BAB: 20\20\25\30\30
Fortitude: 16
Reflex: 8
Will: 5
Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Base Stats Modified Stats
(32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20)
Strength 18 23 25
Dexterity 14 14 14
Constitution 16 16 18
Intelligence 10 10 10
Wisdom 8 8 8
Charisma 6 6 6
Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20)
Balance 4 13.5 13.5
Bluff -2 -2 -2
Concentration 3 4 4
Diplomacy -2 -2 -2
Disable Device n/a n/a n/a
Haggle -1 9.5 9.5
Heal -1 -1 -1
Hide 2 2 2
Intimidate -2 -2 -2
Jump 8 24 24
Listen -1 -1 -1
Move Silently 2 2 2
Open Lock n/a n/a n/a
Perform n/a n/a n/a
Repair 0 2 2
Search 0 0 0
Spot 1 10.5 10.5
Swim 4 7 7
Tumble 3 3 3
Use Magic Device n/a n/a n/a
Level 1 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+2)
Skill: Haggle (+1)
Skill: Jump (+4)
Skill: Spot (+2)
Skill: Tumble (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Two Handed Fighting
Feat: (Automatic) Attack
Feat: (Automatic) Composite Plating
Feat: (Automatic) Defensive Fighting
Feat: (Automatic) Dismiss Rage
Feat: (Automatic) Fast Movement
Feat: (Automatic) Heroic Durability
Feat: (Automatic) Light Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Light Fortification
Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency (ALL)
Feat: (Automatic) Medium Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Rage
Feat: (Automatic) Shield Proficiency (General)
Feat: (Automatic) Simple Weapon Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Sneak
Feat: (Automatic) Sunder
Feat: (Automatic) Trip
Feat: (Automatic) Warforged Immunities
Enhancement: Barbarian Damage Boost I
Enhancement: Barbarian Sprint Boost I
Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend I
Level 2 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Feat: (Automatic) Damage Reduction
Feat: (Automatic) Uncanny Dodge
Enhancement: Barbarian Extend Rage I
Enhancement: Barbarian Extra Rage I
Enhancement: Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude I
Level 3 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
Feat: (Automatic) Trap Sense
Enhancement: Barbarian Improved Damage Reduction I
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Attack I
Enhancement: Barbarian Constitution I
Level 4 (Barbarian)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Enhancement: Barbarian Damage Boost II
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Rage I
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack I
Level 5 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Feat: (Automatic) Improved Uncanny Dodge
Level 6 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Feat: (Selected) Cleave
Enhancement: Barbarian Extend Rage II
Enhancement: Barbarian Frenzied Berserker I
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution I
Level 7 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Attack II
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Rage II
Level 8 (Barbarian)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Enhancement: Barbarian Extend Rage III
Level 9 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
Enhancement: Barbarian Damage Boost III
Enhancement: Barbarian Hardy Rage I
Level 10 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Enhancement: Barbarian Hardy Rage II
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack II
Level 11 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Feat: (Automatic) Greater Rage
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Rage III
Level 12 (Barbarian)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Handed Fighting
Enhancement: Barbarian Improved Damage Reduction II
Enhancement: Barbarian Frenzied Berserker II
Level 13 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Enhancement: Barbarian Extra Rage II
Enhancement: Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude II
Level 14 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Feat: (Automatic) Indomitable Will
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Rage IV
Level 15 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Handed Fighting
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Attack III
Level 16 (Barbarian)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Enhancement: Barbarian Damage Boost IV
Level 17 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Repair (+0.5)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack III
Level 18 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Repair (+0.5)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Enhancement: Barbarian Extend Rage IV
Enhancement: Barbarian Frenzied Berserker III
Level 19 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Repair (+0.5)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Barbarian Toughness I
Level 20 (Barbarian)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Repair (+0.5)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Enhancement: Barbarian Might
Enhancement: Barbarian Toughness II
This is taken from Shade's "Mod9 Max DPS THF Build (WF Frenzied Berserker)" post, which can be found here:
Stat Analysis:
Strength 18 +5 level ups, 23, +6 item, 29, +1 tome, 30. +12 rage, 42, +6 double Frenzy = 48 - Max potential for mod 9 is over 70 strength - very temporary but quite possible.
Dex 14- Reflex save is quite important and this build can get a good score.
Con 16 - This provides a max potential of 800+ Hit points, its plenty. You could go 18, but the small handful of extra hp is hardly worth it.
Int 10 - Good for new players, extra skill points are quite helpful, especially while leveling to 20.
Wis 8 - Will save can be important in a couple places, so putting a couple points doesn't hurt.
Cha - Dump stat. At some point you may get silver flame potions so you'd need this score to be over 10.. But that's still doable with a 6 start. If your doing a TR and have 34/36 points you may consider 8 or 10 though to make it easier to use silver flame potions later on.
Optimal Lvl20 Hit points:
End Game Hit points since this is important
240 - Pure Barb lvl20
20 - Heroic Durability
10 - Draconic Vitality (Gianthold Favor)
20 - Minos Legens (Toughness/Heavy Fort Hat)
30 - Greater False Life (Belt)
45 - Greensteel Item
20 - Yugoloth Potion Secret Effect
320 - 42 Con (+3 Tome - includes 140 points from rage + rage potion + Yugoloth pot as this is a perma rage build)
= 705 Normal
----- (If Toughness Feat Selected)
23 - Toughness Feat
40 - 4 Toughness Enhancements
= 768 Feated
----- (Maintainable situational Buffs)
40 - Madstone Single Con +4 (46)
= 808 Over 800 Fairly easy to maintain HP
----- (Unmaintainable situational Buffs)
40 - Madstone Double Con +4 (50)
= 848 Situational
----- (Ultimate maximum gear)
20 - +4 tome and +1 exception con, for 52 con
20 - +2 exceptional con put on a Tower of Despair Ring
= 888 Ultra Maximum Geared and Buffed
----- (Ever further??)
20 - DDO Store Bears Potion
60 - Triple Scourge Choker Proc
= 968 Over 900 HP Mark. Though realistically will never be hit.
----- (But I want over 1000)
50 - Reaver Charge
=1018 If you ever hit this, put up a screen shot please hehe.
Optimal Healing Amplification - This is your foremost defense:
As a Warforged - your suffer a large healing penalty - 50%. So any cures from a cleric, bard or favored soul will not be very efficient on your, and given you massive hit point pool and low AC.. You need to fix that ASAP. A WF with this build can have 102% healing, at lvl16. Here is how you obtain that:
Healers Friend Rank I - this brings your base to 65% , a good start, get it at low level.
Docent of Blood - This is the next item you strive for, as it also increase your BASE %, unlike most other items, this is a lvl2 docent too so low level player can get. It drops in the bloody crypt - a low drop rate but it give it a try, or try to trade for it. This brings you to 75% base healing
Finger Necklace - This is a hard to acquire high level item.. But a very good one, it provides another 10-12% healing, as it works in a strange way. for 85% base
Actual "Healing Amp" There are 3 ranks, 10%, 20% and 30%. All 3 stack with each other, but 2 of the same will not stack (example leviks bracers + DT Tempest rune will not stack)
I recommend running hound allot, for leviks - they are easiest to get and provide 20%
Alternatives are the DT runes - Eldritch provides 10%, and Tempest Provides 20%. The DT docent requires lvl16+ to use however.
30% generally won't be obtained until way past lvl20, and isn't really needed, just a nice benefit if you can get thoses gloves..
Healing amp actually only provides half the benefit to a Warforged, so leviks = 10%.. However the above items increase your base multiplier, so you get more then 50% from it, roughly 15% from leviks if you have blood docent, finger and healers friend.. Works strangely.. But in any case, wear this set for 102%:
Docent of Blood
Leviks Bracer
Finger Necklace
Max potential with ultimately epic gear will be about 135%
Epic gear: Add Epic Gloves of the Claw which have 30% healing amp: for 132% + ~3 due to finger necklace inherent stacking strangeness.
Equipment as you level:
Docent - Anything, higher + the better.
If you can get access to the blood docent, get it. But it's a rare drop and fairly expensive purchase.
Carnifex from Deleras tomb, If your lucky enough to get this, it will be your main weapon as it deals insane damage and critical often.
Greataxe (+5 ideally early on, you deal such insane damage and have such massive to hit that later on you won't even have much need for a +5 weapon)
Maul or Greatclub - For skeletons, being Deleras is an excellent spot to level, filled with skeletons, you will want a nice blunt weapon for them. Ideally get one that is flame touched iron or holy to get thru the ghostly DR also.
Docent - Blademarks Docent. This is a great lvl5 docent and a very common drop. Get it from the quest "Turning the Tide" part of the "Sentinels" Adventure pack. (Lifeshield Proc is great + minor DR which wont stack with your innate, but will surpass it at lvl5 (DR2-3 vs 5)
Light or Moderate fort item - You may pick up a belt from "The Kobolds new ringleader" or may find even find a mod fort ring if your quite lucky in a random chest.
Better Greataxes - Try to get a +5 at lvl8 or 10, so you can keep power attack enabled versus high AC enemies. Continue to use Carnifex vs low AC enemies.
Heavy Fortification Item - TOP PRIORITY. (Do black anvil mines, collect some ore, get your necklace is fastest and doable at lvl9.. However the Minos Legens helm is a far better item - to get that go to the Orchard in Necropolis and get 20 tapestries, it's also min lvl11)
Alternatively - as a Warforged, a moderate fort item will grant 100% fort as it stacks with your base. So you may obtain a loot-generated ring or belt, as early as level 7.
Reavers Ring (fear immunity, very important on a moderate will-save char)
Fragment of the silver flame (dominate immunity)
Blindness Ward item (I use the dragon goggles, but any old set will do, ones with +spot are really nice though)
Bursting Greataxes (these rule at mid level especially if you use them on monsters with vulnerabilities to those elements, you'll want to find at least +3 versions)
Greater Bane Greataxes (these are among the best DPS for mid level)
Shroud Weapon. Try your best to get at least a basic tier1 ASAP, preferably before you hit level20. They add allot of DPS. Alto the ultimate all rounder is a mineral II.. For your first weapon I recommend a simple tier2 holy + good burst.. This will provide excellent all around DPS, and give you the very important ability to raise dead! So many players forget this, don't be one, make it a high priority. And of course be fairly easy to craft, as small and mediums are easy to come by (try to trade for some to get it quick)
Bloodstone: Rare and expensive item, but a nice large boost to DPS.
Level20+ (Epic Gear Load out)
As a bare minimum what I'd recommend before stepping into epic, to truly contribute well to a quests fast and smooth completion (some can be done with less of course, but this is what I think makes the difference in the harder ones)
Greensteel - Preferably a tier3, Mineral2 (Holy, Acid burst, Acid blast Greataxe) should be your first one. You may get by with only a Tier2 though, if you have a strong group backing you up.
Weighted Maul - Get one. Whatever you can get, no matter how bad it is, have one before you step into epic. 3/4/5% whatever, but the higher 5% the better, don't go for a +5 1% over a +1 5%.. The weighted % matters the most. Also strongly recommend the Stunning blow route over toughness if you plan to run much epic at all. Toughness is more of a raid tank build then a heavy epic questing build.
Greensteel HP item - Not required, but recommended. Tier2 ASAP. T3 whenever you get a chance later on.
Full immunities items - Just because your a lvl20 WF already immune to allot, there's no excuse to not carry these. You MUST have a blindness immunity item on epic, allot of things blind and certain ones you will fail the quest automatically without one (VoN3 Marut comes to mind, you cant tank him without one)
Madstone Boots - Get them, love them. Must have for epic.
Rez Clicky - Everyone in an epic quest should always be able to raise dead. Barbarians are no exception. Do not step foot into an epic quest without a raise dead clicky. Craft one up in the shroud, it should be the very first weapon you make. (Positive + Positive Maul, doubles as a skeleton smasher)
Any other improved/greater resist cloaks/rings you can get. Otherwise ask the casters, you need those buffs to do well. You'll be taking tons of melee damage, so do what you can to avoid magic damage. (Though on epic, you generally want to fill your slots with almost exclusively things to increase DPS and your Hit points, so generally only wear 1 resist item at a time and ask for the rest. I recommend the cloak slot for resist gear.
Set of potions always: 100 rage, 100 lesser restore, 100 remove curse, 100 haste, couple remove fear, couple protection vs energy. Have these in a quick to access hot key as you'll want to extend your rage by drinking a rage potion before you rage (the +2 con means +6 to 12 seconds or rage)
Lesser restore is less important to a Warforged Immune to fatigue.. However always carry them any ways to restore things like ray of enfeeblement, and fleshy party members with stat damage. Being they are one of the very few potions you can use while raged - they are great to have!
Remove Curse cannot be used while raged as Turbine refuses to fix this years long bug.. So dismiss it first if necessary, or call upon your party members to help.
Haste potions can be expensive for new players.. Though I recommend carrying some any ways - for emergencies.. But try to get the casters to keep you hasted as it costs them like 2 copper, vs 900+ gold for you.
By end game .. Raid loot to work towards:
Reaver stuffs pretty easy to get currently - so run as many Reavers as you can and try to get the Madstone boots and shield.
Titan isn't ran much, but if you can run it do so, its nice XP and.. You can get the titanic docent - semi nice situational item.
Demon Queen has a few nice items: Pouch of Jerky for some HP regeneration. A stoneskin clicky ring, and the semi interesting demon bracers.
Hound is an important one to run - Try to get the Leviks Bracers, the healing amp is very important to a Warforged. The shields are also very nice.
VoD - Not much of interest, but the goggles are fairly nice in some situations.
Shroud - Run this all the time obviously, need to make those Greensteel Greataxes.
Reavers Refuge - Not a raid, but offers raid-level customizable docents. Ultimate docent to strive for: +5 resistance, Crushing wave guard, Destruction. Getting that destruction rune is very tough, but helps a ton as your to hit penalty can reach up to -11 with max power attack enhancement.
Tower of Despair - Ideal ring setup: Ravager set with +2 Str (+11 Str total) and Shintao set with +2 con. Alternatively the Berserker set is very nice for more hit points (+50 over the ravager set) and nearly the same DPS. Ideally get both and swap as the situation demands. (more hp for tanking, more DPS for when your hp is fine)
And of course work towards making a Mineral Greataxe. This will take a very long time but it is an incredible weapon and will continue to be.
I also highly recommend a Lightning Strike weapon (though only as 3rd+ weapon), for many of the new quests it is the highest DPS weapon you can make, as the majority of the enemies lack any lightning resist and it gets thru the DR for Orthons/Bearded Devils.
Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.9.1
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WF DPS Barbarian
Level 20 True Neutral Warforged Male
(20 Barbarian)
Hit Points: 402
Spell Points: 0
BAB: 20\20\25\30\30
Fortitude: 16
Reflex: 8
Will: 5
Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Base Stats Modified Stats
(32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20)
Strength 18 23 25
Dexterity 14 14 14
Constitution 16 16 18
Intelligence 10 10 10
Wisdom 8 8 8
Charisma 6 6 6
Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20)
Balance 4 13.5 13.5
Bluff -2 -2 -2
Concentration 3 4 4
Diplomacy -2 -2 -2
Disable Device n/a n/a n/a
Haggle -1 9.5 9.5
Heal -1 -1 -1
Hide 2 2 2
Intimidate -2 -2 -2
Jump 8 24 24
Listen -1 -1 -1
Move Silently 2 2 2
Open Lock n/a n/a n/a
Perform n/a n/a n/a
Repair 0 2 2
Search 0 0 0
Spot 1 10.5 10.5
Swim 4 7 7
Tumble 3 3 3
Use Magic Device n/a n/a n/a
Level 1 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+2)
Skill: Haggle (+1)
Skill: Jump (+4)
Skill: Spot (+2)
Skill: Tumble (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Two Handed Fighting
Feat: (Automatic) Attack
Feat: (Automatic) Composite Plating
Feat: (Automatic) Defensive Fighting
Feat: (Automatic) Dismiss Rage
Feat: (Automatic) Fast Movement
Feat: (Automatic) Heroic Durability
Feat: (Automatic) Light Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Light Fortification
Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency (ALL)
Feat: (Automatic) Medium Armor Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Rage
Feat: (Automatic) Shield Proficiency (General)
Feat: (Automatic) Simple Weapon Proficiency
Feat: (Automatic) Sneak
Feat: (Automatic) Sunder
Feat: (Automatic) Trip
Feat: (Automatic) Warforged Immunities
Enhancement: Barbarian Damage Boost I
Enhancement: Barbarian Sprint Boost I
Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend I
Level 2 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Feat: (Automatic) Damage Reduction
Feat: (Automatic) Uncanny Dodge
Enhancement: Barbarian Extend Rage I
Enhancement: Barbarian Extra Rage I
Enhancement: Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude I
Level 3 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
Feat: (Automatic) Trap Sense
Enhancement: Barbarian Improved Damage Reduction I
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Attack I
Enhancement: Barbarian Constitution I
Level 4 (Barbarian)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Enhancement: Barbarian Damage Boost II
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Rage I
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack I
Level 5 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Feat: (Automatic) Improved Uncanny Dodge
Level 6 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Feat: (Selected) Cleave
Enhancement: Barbarian Extend Rage II
Enhancement: Barbarian Frenzied Berserker I
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution I
Level 7 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Attack II
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Rage II
Level 8 (Barbarian)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Enhancement: Barbarian Extend Rage III
Level 9 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
Enhancement: Barbarian Damage Boost III
Enhancement: Barbarian Hardy Rage I
Level 10 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Enhancement: Barbarian Hardy Rage II
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack II
Level 11 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Feat: (Automatic) Greater Rage
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Rage III
Level 12 (Barbarian)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Handed Fighting
Enhancement: Barbarian Improved Damage Reduction II
Enhancement: Barbarian Frenzied Berserker II
Level 13 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Enhancement: Barbarian Extra Rage II
Enhancement: Warforged Great Weapon Aptitude II
Level 14 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Feat: (Automatic) Indomitable Will
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Rage IV
Level 15 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Handed Fighting
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Attack III
Level 16 (Barbarian)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+1)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Enhancement: Barbarian Damage Boost IV
Level 17 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Repair (+0.5)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack III
Level 18 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Repair (+0.5)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Enhancement: Barbarian Extend Rage IV
Enhancement: Barbarian Frenzied Berserker III
Level 19 (Barbarian)
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Repair (+0.5)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Barbarian Toughness I
Level 20 (Barbarian)
Ability Raise: STR
Skill: Balance (+0.5)
Skill: Haggle (+0.5)
Skill: Repair (+0.5)
Skill: Spot (+0.5)
Enhancement: Barbarian Might
Enhancement: Barbarian Toughness II
This is taken from Shade's "Mod9 Max DPS THF Build (WF Frenzied Berserker)" post, which can be found here:
Stat Analysis:
Strength 18 +5 level ups, 23, +6 item, 29, +1 tome, 30. +12 rage, 42, +6 double Frenzy = 48 - Max potential for mod 9 is over 70 strength - very temporary but quite possible.
Dex 14- Reflex save is quite important and this build can get a good score.
Con 16 - This provides a max potential of 800+ Hit points, its plenty. You could go 18, but the small handful of extra hp is hardly worth it.
Int 10 - Good for new players, extra skill points are quite helpful, especially while leveling to 20.
Wis 8 - Will save can be important in a couple places, so putting a couple points doesn't hurt.
Cha - Dump stat. At some point you may get silver flame potions so you'd need this score to be over 10.. But that's still doable with a 6 start. If your doing a TR and have 34/36 points you may consider 8 or 10 though to make it easier to use silver flame potions later on.
Optimal Lvl20 Hit points:
End Game Hit points since this is important
240 - Pure Barb lvl20
20 - Heroic Durability
10 - Draconic Vitality (Gianthold Favor)
20 - Minos Legens (Toughness/Heavy Fort Hat)
30 - Greater False Life (Belt)
45 - Greensteel Item
20 - Yugoloth Potion Secret Effect
320 - 42 Con (+3 Tome - includes 140 points from rage + rage potion + Yugoloth pot as this is a perma rage build)
= 705 Normal
----- (If Toughness Feat Selected)
23 - Toughness Feat
40 - 4 Toughness Enhancements
= 768 Feated
----- (Maintainable situational Buffs)
40 - Madstone Single Con +4 (46)
= 808 Over 800 Fairly easy to maintain HP
----- (Unmaintainable situational Buffs)
40 - Madstone Double Con +4 (50)
= 848 Situational
----- (Ultimate maximum gear)
20 - +4 tome and +1 exception con, for 52 con
20 - +2 exceptional con put on a Tower of Despair Ring
= 888 Ultra Maximum Geared and Buffed
----- (Ever further??)
20 - DDO Store Bears Potion
60 - Triple Scourge Choker Proc
= 968 Over 900 HP Mark. Though realistically will never be hit.
----- (But I want over 1000)
50 - Reaver Charge
=1018 If you ever hit this, put up a screen shot please hehe.
Optimal Healing Amplification - This is your foremost defense:
As a Warforged - your suffer a large healing penalty - 50%. So any cures from a cleric, bard or favored soul will not be very efficient on your, and given you massive hit point pool and low AC.. You need to fix that ASAP. A WF with this build can have 102% healing, at lvl16. Here is how you obtain that:
Healers Friend Rank I - this brings your base to 65% , a good start, get it at low level.
Docent of Blood - This is the next item you strive for, as it also increase your BASE %, unlike most other items, this is a lvl2 docent too so low level player can get. It drops in the bloody crypt - a low drop rate but it give it a try, or try to trade for it. This brings you to 75% base healing
Finger Necklace - This is a hard to acquire high level item.. But a very good one, it provides another 10-12% healing, as it works in a strange way. for 85% base
Actual "Healing Amp" There are 3 ranks, 10%, 20% and 30%. All 3 stack with each other, but 2 of the same will not stack (example leviks bracers + DT Tempest rune will not stack)
I recommend running hound allot, for leviks - they are easiest to get and provide 20%
Alternatives are the DT runes - Eldritch provides 10%, and Tempest Provides 20%. The DT docent requires lvl16+ to use however.
30% generally won't be obtained until way past lvl20, and isn't really needed, just a nice benefit if you can get thoses gloves..
Healing amp actually only provides half the benefit to a Warforged, so leviks = 10%.. However the above items increase your base multiplier, so you get more then 50% from it, roughly 15% from leviks if you have blood docent, finger and healers friend.. Works strangely.. But in any case, wear this set for 102%:
Docent of Blood
Leviks Bracer
Finger Necklace
Max potential with ultimately epic gear will be about 135%
Epic gear: Add Epic Gloves of the Claw which have 30% healing amp: for 132% + ~3 due to finger necklace inherent stacking strangeness.
Equipment as you level:
Docent - Anything, higher + the better.
If you can get access to the blood docent, get it. But it's a rare drop and fairly expensive purchase.
Carnifex from Deleras tomb, If your lucky enough to get this, it will be your main weapon as it deals insane damage and critical often.
Greataxe (+5 ideally early on, you deal such insane damage and have such massive to hit that later on you won't even have much need for a +5 weapon)
Maul or Greatclub - For skeletons, being Deleras is an excellent spot to level, filled with skeletons, you will want a nice blunt weapon for them. Ideally get one that is flame touched iron or holy to get thru the ghostly DR also.
Docent - Blademarks Docent. This is a great lvl5 docent and a very common drop. Get it from the quest "Turning the Tide" part of the "Sentinels" Adventure pack. (Lifeshield Proc is great + minor DR which wont stack with your innate, but will surpass it at lvl5 (DR2-3 vs 5)
Light or Moderate fort item - You may pick up a belt from "The Kobolds new ringleader" or may find even find a mod fort ring if your quite lucky in a random chest.
Better Greataxes - Try to get a +5 at lvl8 or 10, so you can keep power attack enabled versus high AC enemies. Continue to use Carnifex vs low AC enemies.
Heavy Fortification Item - TOP PRIORITY. (Do black anvil mines, collect some ore, get your necklace is fastest and doable at lvl9.. However the Minos Legens helm is a far better item - to get that go to the Orchard in Necropolis and get 20 tapestries, it's also min lvl11)
Alternatively - as a Warforged, a moderate fort item will grant 100% fort as it stacks with your base. So you may obtain a loot-generated ring or belt, as early as level 7.
Reavers Ring (fear immunity, very important on a moderate will-save char)
Fragment of the silver flame (dominate immunity)
Blindness Ward item (I use the dragon goggles, but any old set will do, ones with +spot are really nice though)
Bursting Greataxes (these rule at mid level especially if you use them on monsters with vulnerabilities to those elements, you'll want to find at least +3 versions)
Greater Bane Greataxes (these are among the best DPS for mid level)
Shroud Weapon. Try your best to get at least a basic tier1 ASAP, preferably before you hit level20. They add allot of DPS. Alto the ultimate all rounder is a mineral II.. For your first weapon I recommend a simple tier2 holy + good burst.. This will provide excellent all around DPS, and give you the very important ability to raise dead! So many players forget this, don't be one, make it a high priority. And of course be fairly easy to craft, as small and mediums are easy to come by (try to trade for some to get it quick)
Bloodstone: Rare and expensive item, but a nice large boost to DPS.
Level20+ (Epic Gear Load out)
As a bare minimum what I'd recommend before stepping into epic, to truly contribute well to a quests fast and smooth completion (some can be done with less of course, but this is what I think makes the difference in the harder ones)
Greensteel - Preferably a tier3, Mineral2 (Holy, Acid burst, Acid blast Greataxe) should be your first one. You may get by with only a Tier2 though, if you have a strong group backing you up.
Weighted Maul - Get one. Whatever you can get, no matter how bad it is, have one before you step into epic. 3/4/5% whatever, but the higher 5% the better, don't go for a +5 1% over a +1 5%.. The weighted % matters the most. Also strongly recommend the Stunning blow route over toughness if you plan to run much epic at all. Toughness is more of a raid tank build then a heavy epic questing build.
Greensteel HP item - Not required, but recommended. Tier2 ASAP. T3 whenever you get a chance later on.
Full immunities items - Just because your a lvl20 WF already immune to allot, there's no excuse to not carry these. You MUST have a blindness immunity item on epic, allot of things blind and certain ones you will fail the quest automatically without one (VoN3 Marut comes to mind, you cant tank him without one)
Madstone Boots - Get them, love them. Must have for epic.
Rez Clicky - Everyone in an epic quest should always be able to raise dead. Barbarians are no exception. Do not step foot into an epic quest without a raise dead clicky. Craft one up in the shroud, it should be the very first weapon you make. (Positive + Positive Maul, doubles as a skeleton smasher)
Any other improved/greater resist cloaks/rings you can get. Otherwise ask the casters, you need those buffs to do well. You'll be taking tons of melee damage, so do what you can to avoid magic damage. (Though on epic, you generally want to fill your slots with almost exclusively things to increase DPS and your Hit points, so generally only wear 1 resist item at a time and ask for the rest. I recommend the cloak slot for resist gear.
Set of potions always: 100 rage, 100 lesser restore, 100 remove curse, 100 haste, couple remove fear, couple protection vs energy. Have these in a quick to access hot key as you'll want to extend your rage by drinking a rage potion before you rage (the +2 con means +6 to 12 seconds or rage)
Lesser restore is less important to a Warforged Immune to fatigue.. However always carry them any ways to restore things like ray of enfeeblement, and fleshy party members with stat damage. Being they are one of the very few potions you can use while raged - they are great to have!
Remove Curse cannot be used while raged as Turbine refuses to fix this years long bug.. So dismiss it first if necessary, or call upon your party members to help.
Haste potions can be expensive for new players.. Though I recommend carrying some any ways - for emergencies.. But try to get the casters to keep you hasted as it costs them like 2 copper, vs 900+ gold for you.
By end game .. Raid loot to work towards:
Reaver stuffs pretty easy to get currently - so run as many Reavers as you can and try to get the Madstone boots and shield.
Titan isn't ran much, but if you can run it do so, its nice XP and.. You can get the titanic docent - semi nice situational item.
Demon Queen has a few nice items: Pouch of Jerky for some HP regeneration. A stoneskin clicky ring, and the semi interesting demon bracers.
Hound is an important one to run - Try to get the Leviks Bracers, the healing amp is very important to a Warforged. The shields are also very nice.
VoD - Not much of interest, but the goggles are fairly nice in some situations.
Shroud - Run this all the time obviously, need to make those Greensteel Greataxes.
Reavers Refuge - Not a raid, but offers raid-level customizable docents. Ultimate docent to strive for: +5 resistance, Crushing wave guard, Destruction. Getting that destruction rune is very tough, but helps a ton as your to hit penalty can reach up to -11 with max power attack enhancement.
Tower of Despair - Ideal ring setup: Ravager set with +2 Str (+11 Str total) and Shintao set with +2 con. Alternatively the Berserker set is very nice for more hit points (+50 over the ravager set) and nearly the same DPS. Ideally get both and swap as the situation demands. (more hp for tanking, more DPS for when your hp is fine)
And of course work towards making a Mineral Greataxe. This will take a very long time but it is an incredible weapon and will continue to be.
I also highly recommend a Lightning Strike weapon (though only as 3rd+ weapon), for many of the new quests it is the highest DPS weapon you can make, as the majority of the enemies lack any lightning resist and it gets thru the DR for Orthons/Bearded Devils.