View Full Version : Premium to f2p?

06-04-2011, 02:59 PM
I bought a guild charter, a hat, and monk a while back and became Premium. I haven't played too much since, only about once a month or so for the past year and 4 months or so. However, I recently came back and found that my accoun is now free again! I had to pick which two characters to keep! I had to delete two of them just to make room to make my most recent character in Thelanis!

Also, I have since bought about 4 Grogs, 1 free mass aid May item, 1 1point Negative Levels potions May item, and the Sorrowdusk Adventure pack, and I'm still free! I need some help.

06-04-2011, 03:01 PM
did pay cash to put points on to start with? if u did then i can't help you from there if didn't then you account should have never been premium to start with

06-04-2011, 03:06 PM
Actually, according to the FAQ, just buying something in the DDO store makes you f2p. I didn't buy any points, I had earned 'em from favor, but I did spend plenty in it and I was premium for just over a year and a half. It only recently reset itself to free for some reason.

06-04-2011, 03:29 PM
You gotta pay cashy money to become Premium.
It's worth it though because it gives you 2 more character slots, and a heap of other benefits.
Buying something in the store doesnt mean anything, or we would all be Premium after buying that drink in Korthos that we swap for a resurrection cake.

If you haven't spent any real money, don't expect technical support from Turbine.
I wonder why ??

06-04-2011, 04:02 PM
The can you explain how I was premium for a year and a half and just now became free again?

06-04-2011, 05:54 PM
I cant explain that. Perhaps Turbine did something during a server update and checked all accounts for errors and whatnot, but if you never payed real money then you wernt Premium, just F2P who had spent favour earned TP's.

Just pay a small amount of money, I think its less that $10US, and then you will get those 2 slots back. Also, to get any hope of customer support, there is a time limit after you buy TP's, I think it's 40 days, where you can submit a ticket and get assistance.

06-05-2011, 10:53 AM
We can't assist with account specific questions on the forums. Please contact Account Management for assistance. Contact options are in my signature.

Please note that the 45 day limit on support is only for In-Game tickets. Account (and Tech) support are available for all players, regardless of status.