View Full Version : azurite and carnelian gems do not go in the small gem bag

05-26-2011, 12:51 AM
is this normal?

this is happening on thelanis on a character that is a few days old.


05-26-2011, 12:53 AM
You've probably already checked, but is the bag full of other gems?

Edit: Now that I think of it, are they locked? I don't think they go into the bag if they are.

05-26-2011, 01:20 AM
You've probably already checked, but is the bag full of other gems?

Edit: Now that I think of it, are they locked? I don't think they go into the bag if they are.

the gems are not locked.

the bag has about 150 gems in it. there is no indication that it is full.


05-26-2011, 02:01 AM
the gems are not locked.

the bag has about 150 gems in it. there is no indication that it is full.


150 - How many of how many types? 6 stacks of 25 different gems makes 150 and if none of those stacks are carnelian or azurite, they don't have a stack to go to because it holds 6 different types max.

05-26-2011, 02:24 AM
150 - How many of how many types? 6 stacks of 25 different gems makes 150 and if none of those stacks are carnelian or azurite, they don't have a stack to go to because it holds 6 different types max.

it has 6 different types of gems.

that explains the behaviour

any way to get a second bag?


05-26-2011, 02:27 AM
I think you can buy a 30 slot/type of stack one in Houses P and J. Shops Erstwhile Emporium and Empty Handed.

Those are the shops that have the ingredients and collectibles bags, so I am assuming they have gem bags too. I've never actually bought one since I hit the Sell Gems button even before checking the repair tab after a quest. I did, however, find a Large one as randomly placed DDOStore loot in the clamshell chest in Summerfield

05-26-2011, 07:53 AM
You can buy 12-slot bags in Erstwhile Emporium in House Phiarlan.

The 30-slot Large Gem Bags are standard but rare drops in chests from about level 8 on. They're not store loot, as they existed in treasure long before that was added in. They're not too expensive on the AH, but unless you're a collector, not really needed. There are currently 48 types of gems, so if you are a collector, you will need two Large Gem Bags, or one Large, one Small from House P, and your starter Tiny.

Finally, you can turn in 150 Planar Shards, which are treasure bag collectible drops in the Subterrane high level raid wilderness area. You can also rarely get Planar Shards from the portal rare in the Vale of Twilight, and in the portal area of Ritual Sacrifice. It's usually not worth the cost in shards to get a Gem Bag, since they're so cheap compared to Collectible Bags on the AH. A free unbound Large Ingredient Bag is also available from hitting 100 favour with The Twelve.

05-27-2011, 06:37 PM
i see that the small bag is working as expected.

and there are other bags and places to get them.
