View Full Version : Possible Temp Fix for Handwrap Problems

05-17-2011, 02:45 PM
Started a monk today (with vet status). I had heard of the handwrap problems but discovered something new: equipping order matters.

Each time I started naked, the handwraps are the vet starting wraps of +1 flaming, necklace is the necklace of contemplation with a +1 comp. bonus to attack.

Try 1
Beginning attack of +7
Equip necklace -> +8
Equip handwraps -> +7
Worse than I thought! (not that it really matters at level 4, but it seems to be wiping out all bonuses)

But wait:
Try 2
Beginning attack of +7
Equip handwraps -> +7
Equip necklace -> +9
The full attack I should have!

Both numbers were confirmed in combat log as the actual numbers.

I posted this in another thread, but I thought it could possibly be helpful enough to people to get its own thread. I havent noticed it mentioned yet as a possible temp fix. This is my only monk character, could someone else could test with higher level gear?

05-17-2011, 06:19 PM
Validation of observation:

Non-crafted handwraps are not properly applying their enhancement bonuses to-hit and damage. To temporarily correct this issue, players can activate an ability, equip an item, or cast a spell/spell-like ability that adjusts their attack bonus.

While not a comprehensive list, here are some things that can adjust attack bonus:

Greater Heroism
Monk Fire-Light-Fire Finisher
Greater Nimble Trinket
Goggles of Insight
Spectral Gloves

Please note that set bonuses which grant an attack bonus are not resolving this problem. Additionally, if a monk equips another set of handwraps, the attack bonus adjustment item/ability/spell/spell-like ability will need to be reapplied.

Equipping a set of handwraps, logging out, then logging back in will also resolve this issue.

These work-arounds can help your to-hit and damage bonuses with non-crafted handwraps until we’re able to correct the issue. We apologize for the inconvenience.

05-29-2011, 04:29 PM
Note: though the above works for the attack bonus they do not fix damage and it is far less than just handwrap enhancment damage

EXAMPLE: with +5 handwraps on + power attack my 20th level monk had 2d10 + 16 (str 11, pa 5) no handwrap bonus. Fully buffed with bard song and guild buffs I should get to 2d10 + 32

to get your damage bonus recoverd you need an effect that directly effects your damge i.e. - bard song, good hope, halflings hero's companion, maybe (not tested) - damage boost, prayer

05-29-2011, 05:11 PM
items work, switch out to hit item. try insight goggles