View Full Version : epic queen lag?

05-13-2011, 03:47 PM
wanted to ask if this is also a problem of other groups/guilds that queen has become impossible to complete on epic at certain times of the day because of massive lags (10 pm-3am german time.. so maybe 6pm-11pm for americans)

someone brought to our attention that it might be a "euro" lag problem because we always have at least 10 europeans in our group and we thought we ask in the forums if this is occuring in "american" groups aswell?

so: is this just a euro problem or a server problem? anyone else encountering this?

05-13-2011, 03:56 PM
I did ADQ around 4:30pm PST yesterday with atrocious lag.. I'm talking mod8 in the shroud lag. I was constantly flipping between 1 and 3 seconds behind.

I did two of these, was going to so

Turned around and did a DQ2 normal, lag was prevalent there as well.

I don't think this is just an epicDQ thing.

was really upsetting me, I hadn't seen it that bad in years.

05-13-2011, 04:15 PM
I've seen occasional spikes on epic, maybe every 5 or so runs. Normally happens right after war.

05-13-2011, 04:20 PM
Yep, eADQ is nasty on Cannith as well. We started calling it "Epic Against the Demon Lag."

05-13-2011, 04:31 PM
We've been seeing alot since u9--But we usually have 4-8 casters/divines all spamming spells--I did one run where there was only one arcane and 2 divines and there did not seem to be any lag on my end.

05-16-2011, 11:15 AM
We've been seeing alot since u9--But we usually have 4-8 casters/divines all spamming spells--I did one run where there was only one arcane and 2 divines and there did not seem to be any lag on my end.

im not sure if its a matter of caster amount - since bluebarers clicked and their heals up and down in expectation of this "lag" with no heal effenct and not a loss of a single manapoint ...

05-16-2011, 11:35 AM
Last wednesday in a guild run, we failed twice because i was getting bad lag (as a healer) it was about 3am GMT.