View Full Version : 3 Q's (monk + madstone, ToD + PLIS and spellcasting and spell threat)

05-12-2011, 03:10 AM
Question 1: Can you use monk moves while madstoned? Are boots a good place for a greensteel item?

Question 2: With Pale Lavender Ioun Stone and Mantle of the Worldshaper am I fine to do normal ToD's without boots? What about hard/elite?

Question 3: Do items reduce threat generated from spells? I noticed that bow of sinew specifies that it reduces threat from spells. What about Treason? ToD sets?

05-12-2011, 03:16 AM
Question 1: Can you use monk moves while madstoned? Are boots a good place for a greensteel item?
Some yes, some no. and no.

Question 2: With Pale Lavender Ioun Stone and Mantle of the Worldshaper am I fine to do normal ToD's without boots? What about hard/elite?
Get boots.

Question 3: Do items reduce threat generated from spells? I noticed that bow of sinew specifies that it reduces threat from spells. What about Treason? ToD sets?
If it doesn't specify, it doesn't do it.

05-12-2011, 05:21 AM
Some yes, some no. and no.

Get boots.

If it doesn't specify, it doesn't do it.

Some yes, some no, can you elaborate please? The reason I was considering GS HP item on boots is because there seem to be precious few slots considering the gear that I want;
Head: cover seeker +6/balance hat
Necklace: ToD necky (probably nyokos)
Trinket: pale lavender ioun stone
Goggles: epic time sensing goggles
Gloves: T3 epic brawling gloves
Bracers: epic jidz tet-ka/tharaak bracers
Cloak: Epic Cape of the Roc/epic cloak of endless night
Belt: Frenzied berserker belt
Ring1: frenzied berserker ring (holy burst)
Ring2: nyokos ring (shocking burst)
Boots: MinII GS +45 HP boots

The usual spots I choose for GS items (cloak and goggles) aren't good for monk because they are the locations for exc wis +2 and exc str +2. Other options are necklace (bad if ninja-spy III cones out with a good set bonus), belt (if I wear the ninja spy set want the +2 damage there), gloves (brawling gloves give amazing dps considering easy accessibility), bracers (good option but useful things go here like jidz and others, good source of AC). So boots seem a good choice.

MoW + ioun stone give 12 absorbs on banish minus whatever else is thrown, is this really not enough? Would you prefer to suggest a better gear setup?

Do you have evidence regarding hate and different sources of reduction? I know often that hate manipulation is specified specified as melee only but some aren't. For example, treason states that hate is set to 80% of normal (which isn't the same as -20%) while assassin set and ninja spy set just state -20% to all threat. Or has these been tested for spells?

05-12-2011, 05:46 AM
*When madstoned on a Monk, you can use your regular Ki strikes, but not your finishers.

*Not sure about how the stone and cloak would stack together, so it'd be just as good to get the boots. If you TR, you'll already have them, so it won't hurt.

*No clue on this one. Would be nice to have a Dev (or someone who's tested it) chime in, but I'm going to say "no" based on the assumption that threat from spells is treated differently than threat from weapons. The effects I'm basing this off of are the Wizard's Subtle Spellcasting and Rogue's Subtle Backstabbing enhancement lines, both of which specify either "Melee" or "Spell."

The Bow of Sinew (http://ddowiki.com/page/Bow_of_Sinew) may reduce threat from spells, in addition to ranged threat, to make it more appealing to Arcane Archers.

On my Monk, I put my Min2 HP item on my Helm to replace Minos. If the Seeker is more important than the Balance on the pirate hat you made, try for a Bloodstone (or epic one, since you seem to have no problem getting epic gear. I'm not fond of it myself.) and just swap to your Ioun Stone as needed.

My current gear layout is:
Head: Min2 (+45 HP) Helm
Necklace: Shintao Cord
Trinket: Tier 3 Epic Treasure Hunter's Spyglass (Toughness slotted)
Goggles: Blindness Ward Goggles of Solid Fog
Gloves: Spectral Gloves (Only a Shard away from being epic)
Bracers: Jidz-Tet'ka
Cloak: Epic Cloak of Endless Night
Belt: Belt of the Defenders of Siberys (Con +6 and Greater False Life)
Ring1: Morgana's Ring (WIS +6, Ex. STR +1) (Uncrafted)
Ring2: Draconic Ring (STR +6, Ex. CON +1) (Uncrafted)
Boots: 30% Striding Boots/Boots of Anchoring
Armor: Dragontouched Vestments (Resistance +5, Magma Surge Guard, Radiance Guard)

Most certainly not the best gear I could have, but it's decent enough to where I'm not a hindrance in epic quests/raids. ^^;

05-12-2011, 05:47 AM
Light Finishers don't work while Madstoned. If you're Dark Path, which it sounds like you are, you probably won't notice it's effects.

Take off the Cove hat. Get a Bloodstone (or Arrowhead). Make a Min II Helm. Problem solved, crisis averted, and you lose out on Balance.. which is already going to be high. If you're that worried, get some Balance +15 Boots to hot-swap to.

As for the spell threat... if you really want more than what I gave you, the forum has a search function. Enjoy.

05-12-2011, 06:04 AM
Question 1: Can you use monk moves while madstoned? Are boots a good place for a greensteel item?

Question 2: With Pale Lavender Ioun Stone and Mantle of the Worldshaper am I fine to do normal ToD's without boots? What about hard/elite?

Question 3: Do items reduce threat generated from spells? I noticed that bow of sinew specifies that it reduces threat from spells. What about Treason? ToD sets?


You can't use monk buffs like GRASP and such but you can use most dmg moves. Madstone boots works great
for monks and any non blue bar character, well with a few exceptions. I have two monks myself and both have madstone boots, love it and I recomend it.

B. No don't use boots as GS hp item on a meele toon. If you have a caster I'd recomend it on boots slot though. 45 hp is a good boost + clicky. I wouldn't skip it but if it means you have to dump dps for it and you also have madstone boots it's cool w/ out it depending on your con.


Yes I'm almost 100% sure you'll be fine with a pale stone and mantle but that takes up two slots and isn't 100% on the harder difficuties. Now, I'm not an expert at pale stones at all, never bother to get my hands on one. Go get the boots please, as everyone els.


No idea :)

Also this; Ring1: Morgana's Ring (WIS +6, Ex. STR +1) (Uncrafted)
Ring2: Draconic Ring (STR +6, Ex. CON +1) (Uncrafted)

bad call... baaad.. First off all NO. not those two rings. Sure keep the necky for GH clicky but that's about it.
Go for Shintao monk set and add holy burst on it no freakin excp stat. PERIOD.
Secondly go for Frenzied berserker set and shocking burst. PERIOD.

We you can't obtian those two sets which are rare, indeed. add holy burst and shocking burst on your current sets. Thank god they are uncrafted, good for you. :P

Also all those event epic stuff are ok but some of them arent that good, not have time to give you the perfect setup on your monk but reconsider your gear.

Trinket: Tier 3 Epic Treasure Hunter's Spyglass (Toughness slotted) /switch out for Bloodstone.
Goggles: Blindness Ward Goggles of Solid Fog /switch out for Tharnes googles. /dps boost.
Head: get minos for toughness and heavy fort.
Cloak: switch out for HP boost. that's what I would've done. Although may different opinions on that, huh ?

Gl m8

EDIT: I misread, though u added excp stats on them. my bad :)

05-12-2011, 09:47 AM
Light Finishers don't work while Madstoned. If you're Dark Path, which it sounds like you are, you probably won't notice it's effects.

Take off the Cove hat. Get a Bloodstone (or Arrowhead). Make a Min II Helm. Problem solved, crisis averted, and you lose out on Balance.. which is already going to be high. If you're that worried, get some Balance +15 Boots to hot-swap to.

As for the spell threat... if you really want more than what I gave you, the forum has a search function. Enjoy.

It seems some compromises will be made one way or another. GS HP on the boots slot leaves the option for seeker +6 on the hat and LotD in the trinket slot (pale lavender ioun stone or cove trinket until I get that).

So, the choice is seeker +6 or madstone. DPS wise ... madstone gives +1 or +2 damage (single or double proc), seeker gives +24 damage over 20 hits or +36 damage in earth stance III, halved for 50% fort ...

The max DPS option is madstone + seeker 6 + LotD which leaves no slots for GS HP item. However, for the rest of the time I think I'll go for the seeker 6 + LotD (or ioun stone) and put the GS HP item on the boots which means I can use wands and scrolls. For trash (which usually has 0% fortification) the seeker will be comparable DPS to madstone but without the drawback of no scrolls/wands (which I use a lot).

The question for me with pale lavender ioun stone vs anchoring boots is on account of having the stone and the mantle and not having the boots yet, if I don't have to farm them for this character I'd prefer not to.

05-12-2011, 10:24 AM
It may be common sense but definitely don't want to go into ToD Horoth/Sulu fight madstoned if a Light Monk and the party is relying on grasp of earth dragon to prevent stuns. This is an extreme example but I personally have been in one ToD group where someone had not shrined before last part and went into last fight madstoned. Wasnt a big deal in that group as the person was not a healer or on grasp duty.

That being said...

GS gear will change as you aquire other gear and is not in some cases your endgame gear.
Epic Mabar Cloak fullfilled the utility of 3 pieces of gear, 2 GS and Spectral Gloves (I farmed the hell out of)

My Munk---> Xhiron Rhex of Khyber TRd 20 Shintao 3/ Void 4 (Dark Path in last life)

1st GS 3x Neg Goggles (with all Immunities) Poison/Disease redundant for Monk, DB got redundant with Mabar Cloak
Blindness can be potion or self cured by lite monk, fear is easily manageable under most circumstances. Slay living guard still nice with nightmare guard on cloak for now.
2nd Smoke 2 Cloak replaced 4 days later with Epic Mabar Cloak (but still good at lvl 11-19)
3rd GS Tier 2 Min 2 belt for Stoneskin to later be upgraded to T3 after I make another DT robe (sigh) wearing DoS Amrath belt atm.
4th 3x Earth HP Boots with Earthgrab Guard

Everything changes, plan to roll with it and you'll be fine..

Minos, Various ToD rings w/e but..

Planning on Replacing Goggles with Conc Op Hp Goggles when I get madstone or some other epic boots idk which but thats LONGGGGG term.

05-12-2011, 10:19 PM
It may be common sense but definitely don't want to go into ToD Horoth/Sulu fight madstoned if a Light Monk and the party is relying on grasp of earth dragon to prevent stuns. This is an extreme example but I personally have been in one ToD group where someone had not shrined before last part and went into last fight madstoned. Wasnt a big deal in that group as the person was not a healer or on grasp duty.

That being said...

GS gear will change as you aquire other gear and is not in some cases your endgame gear.
Epic Mabar Cloak fullfilled the utility of 3 pieces of gear, 2 GS and Spectral Gloves (I farmed the hell out of)

My Munk---> Xhiron Rhex of Khyber TRd 20 Shintao 3/ Void 4 (Dark Path in last life)

1st GS 3x Neg Goggles (with all Immunities) Poison/Disease redundant for Monk, DB got redundant with Mabar Cloak
Blindness can be potion or self cured by lite monk, fear is easily manageable under most circumstances. Slay living guard still nice with nightmare guard on cloak for now.
2nd Smoke 2 Cloak replaced 4 days later with Epic Mabar Cloak (but still good at lvl 11-19)
3rd GS Tier 2 Min 2 belt for Stoneskin to later be upgraded to T3 after I make another DT robe (sigh) wearing DoS Amrath belt atm.
4th 3x Earth HP Boots with Earthgrab Guard

Everything changes, plan to roll with it and you'll be fine..

Minos, Various ToD rings w/e but..

Planning on Replacing Goggles with Conc Op Hp Goggles when I get madstone or some other epic boots idk which but thats LONGGGGG term.

I've thought about a GS HP item in 1 slot that isn't used right now and then later when I get a particular item (like epic time sensing goggles) making a new GS HP item. However, that isn't how I like to operate. I want to just make it once and be done with it. The gear layout that I described above is pretty close to optimal, imo, fitting in +2 exceptional strength and +2 exceptional wisdom which is quite difficult to do on a monk. I've really appreciated the help here but I haven't seen any compelling arguments to change the gear layout yet.

05-13-2011, 08:45 AM
Wasn't recommending a gear change for yah mate...just illustrating my experience...

One piece of Epic Gear wiped out the GS Id made....

Another piece of Epic Gear from a raid would probable cause more gear shuffle and STILL end up being swapped out and situationally...or sitting in bank till I could upgrade...

There are too many options out there to max your character out and what you think you need now or what you read works for someone else will inevitably change in your characters life time. "Ultimate" gear ultimately changes...

Back to your OP tho...

If you are going to put forth the effort for the massive grind to farm the epic gear you want then you owe it to yourself to get Boots of Anchoring as well. Why half-ass it?

Charges of Ioun Stones, Mantle, Scarab Etc "can" get used up. They are helpfull keeping healers/reconstructors unstunned during banish if no light monk in party but not a replacement for Boots. Also, IF you are unstunned because of your ioun stone and everyone else is...AND you are not main tank...AND keep beating on Horoth through the banish/stun with your ToD and FoD etc ...(see where I m heading?)