View Full Version : Hypnotism and Glitterdust Bugged, or is it me?

05-09-2011, 03:49 AM
Hi Dungeonmasters! Greatest game in the multiverse you have here!

Just wanted to ask if anyone has noticed a change with the spells Hypnotism or Glitterdust. I'm playing a 6th level Sorcerer with a 21 modified Charisma and the kobolds I'm hypnotizing in 3 Barrel Cove aren't staying hypnotized for more than an instant. This is just since Update 9, so I wondered if something is happening that isn't supposed to. I'm playing this character for the challenge, but dang, I like to think she can hypnotize a kobold for more than half a second!

Also, I've noticed that the Glitterdust spell isn't revealing hidden or invisible creatures like it used to before the Update.

All of this could be in my head of course, but it seems to have happened enough for me to ask.

Thanks. The Game Rocks. Keep on with 3.5 (because it's going to come back to that) and keep making the game as much like D&D as possible, and you can't go wrong!


05-09-2011, 12:37 PM
There were a lot of changes made to spells with U9. If the changes you're mentioning aren't part of the Spells section of the Patch Notes (http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Release_Notes_Update_9_Official), then I recommend submitting a bug report for any spells that you believe have changed.