View Full Version : Transfer a toon
05-07-2011, 03:30 PM
I want to transfer 1 toon from Cannith to Ghallandra.
Is this possible and how much will it cost me?
Also it is a TR and I have some items in the stored bank.
If I can transfer which banks go with me ? e.g Stored bank / all inventories / own personal bank?
05-07-2011, 04:09 PM
Should answer your questions
05-07-2011, 04:39 PM
DDO World Character Transfer FAQs
Please note that there have been some updates to the World Character Transfer process which require that we lock your subscription out of the game for about 5 minutes while we process the Character Transfer. This process will boot any characters that are logged in when we lock the subscription. You may receive a notice in game that your account has been suspended. Shortly afterward you should receive your email notification that your character has been transferred.
NOTE: A World Character Transfer will result in the loss of any items left in your Reincarnation Cache!
What is a Character Transfer?
A Character Transfer is when Turbine moves or relocates a character from one world (server/shard) to another. For example, if your character currently resides on Argonnessen and you would like to play with your friends on Khyber, we would perform a Character Transfer from Argonnessen to Khyber. (change server)
What should I expect from the Character Transfer Process?
The Character Transfer process WILL transfer your character with all of their experience, items, and quest progression intact. Your friends list, guild list / association, ignore list, auction house, and in-game mail WILL NOT be transferred. Your character's Favor will be transferred. NOTE: Favor rewards WILL NOT be transferred. Please be aware that items in Shared Storage will remain on the original server, and any storage items bound to the character being transferred will be removed.
You'll receive an email confirmation once you've submitted the request. You will not be charged until the transfer is successfully processed.
Please note: The Social Sites (My.DDO) are still in beta and you may experience anomalies on these sites as a result of the World Character Transfer process.
What is the Character Transfer Policy?
Characters can be transferred if:
The world that the player is requesting to transfer is currently accepting new characters.
The character has not been transferred in the past 45 days.
A review of the players account does not reveal any (current and/or previous) Terms of Service or DDO Code of Conduct violations.
The player account has a valid credit card on file.
In addition to Turbine’s Terms of Service, the following terms and conditions will apply to all fee based game services described on this website (the “Premium Services”). In the event of a conflict between Turbine’s Terms of Service and these terms and conditions, these terms and conditions will apply. Turbine reserves the right to modify and update these terms and conditions at any time with or without notification.
World Character Transfers are irreversible.
World Character Transfer fees are non-refundable.
Turbine will not transfer characters from one account to another.
Turbine reserves the right to deny a World Character Transfer request for any reason in its sole and absolute discretion.
World Character Transfers are not guaranteed.
Restoration will not be possible for items or quest process lost during a World Character Transfer.
If your character’s name is already in use on the destination world when the World Character Transfer is finalized, you will be prompted in-game to choose a new character name.
A World Character Transfer will result in the removal of any current guild affiliation. Guilds may be re-formed on the destination world (i.e., each character comprising the guild must be transferred to the new world pursuant to the terms hereof and the guild can be re-formed).
A World Character Transfer will result in the removal of any on-going auctions and any mail contained within mailbox.
A World Character Transfer will result in the loss of any items left in your Reincarnation Cache! Please be aware that items in Shared Storage will remain on the original server and any storage items bound to the character being transferred will be removed.
In the event that payment for a World Character Transfer is disputed or withdrawn, Turbine reserves the right to temporarily or permanently suspend the Turbine subscription(s) associated with that transaction.
Turbine is not responsible for any overdraft fees resulting from customers using cards with insufficient balances to cover the World Character Transfer fees. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to ensure funds are prepared to coverall all applicable fees.
How much is a World Character Transfer?
A DDO World Character Transfer is 24.95 USD.
Do I get to bring my items to the new server?
Yes, all equipped, inventory, and bank items will be ported to the new server. Please be aware that any items in Shared Storage will remain on the original server, and any storage items bound to the character being transferred will be removed.
Do I need to be logged into the game to get transferred to the new server?
No. You do not need to be logged into the game to get transferred to the new server. Please feel free to play any character on your account while you wait for any transfers to be completed. However, we do recommend that you avoid playing the character to be transferred as much as possible while waiting for the transfer, as the character to be transferred must be offline in order to be transferred. You will receive an email from Turbine Customer Service once the server transfer is complete.
Will all characters on my account be transferred to the new server, or just one?
One character = One fee. If you choose to do so, you may transfer additional characters for an additional fee for each character.
Does transferring a character affect my VIP status?
Transferring a character does not affect anything on your account other than the character being transferred.
What if someone else already has my name on the destination server?
If your character name is already in use on the destination server you will be automatically be assigned a free rename credit. The rename credit will allow you to type /changename newname (replacing "newname" with the name you would like your character to have) in the chat window command line.
Please note: You will only have access to use the /changename command until a valid new name is obtained successfully. Please use the /changename command wisely as this credit has a one-time use. If you make a typo or choose a name you are not satisfied with we will be unable to credit a refund.
NOTE: If your character has been assigned a rename credit, the credit must be used within 30 days of the character being transferred.
What happens if the character with the same name belongs to the player doing the transfer? Does the character get transferred with an automatic re-name, OR, does the transferred character replace the existing character?
The character who is on the server first always gets to keep the name. The character being moved onto the server always gets the name change. We won't delete one of the characters, and we don't check to see what account the current character is associated with.
As the possibility that a rename is required is built into the transfer process, there is no penalty for forcing this by creating a character to hold the name and force the change.
So, feel free to create characters on your destination server with the current names of the characters you want to move and rename.
“The recipient of this letter does not exist."
If you are receiving this message, please make sure that you are typing the mail recipient’s name correctly (including a -1 at the end of the character’s name if applicable.
Do all my belongings come with my character?
Yes all of your inventory, equipped, and bank items will transfer with your character.
What about Favor. Will my character's Favor be transferred over to the new server?
Yes. All of the character's Favor will be transferred over to the new server. NOTE: Favor rewards WILL NOT be transferred.
I have VIP status. Do I have to pay the 24.95 for a world character transfer?
A world character transfer is 24.95, regardless of your account's status (Free, Premium, VIP).
Do I get to bring my items to the new server?
Yes. All equipped, inventory, and bank items will be ported to the new server.
Can I transfer a character from one account to another?
It is not possible to transfer any character from one account to another. This is a service which we hope to offer in the future.
Can I transfer a character from one subscription to another?
It is not possible to transfer a character from one subscription to another.
How do I purchase a Character Transfer?
A Character Transfer can be purchased by filling out a request form HERE.
NOTE: Character Transfers cannot be submitted from the in-game browser. Please visit to submit a transfer.
05-07-2011, 04:41 PM
The above is just a copy/paste of their character transfer faq.
Your shared bank does NOT transfer.
05-23-2011, 12:31 AM
I'm looking into a transfer, however since companies can be a bit...iffy with wording, I'd preferably like to hear from someone who's done a transfer on this question..
in one part of the FAQ, it states that NO favor rewards will be transferred,
in another, it says that all items and inventory WILL be transferred,
okay. my question is this.
The Coin lord bags, and the extra bank space you get as a result of FAVOR ..? do they ..and the items in them transfer with you.??
or would you have to limit yourself to the 3 inventory bags and 1 bank slot any character starts with when transferring?
(ie.. it be the best use of 1 transfer to put anything you want to take that isn't BtC (bound to character) either in that character's bank or in the inventory so it goes with you...correct?.)
Apologies if this has been asked elsewhere, I really just wanted a clarification.
Thank you for the assistance.
also, true or false.. a character that has transferred cannot transfer back to the home server?
True- meaning yes they can return..
False- no they are 'stuck' on the new server..
08-14-2011, 07:20 PM
Is it possible to purchase a name change? My EU toons transferred and I didnt know there was a name change option and its been a LONG time...
I notice only one toon managed to keep its name :(
08-15-2011, 08:56 AM
Yes. Go to
Click Paid Services
Click Character Renames
Click DDO Character Rename FAQ's
Scroll to bottom of page and click HERE
Fill out form and submit
Note - You might have to right-click your browser icon and click Ran As Administrator when you open your browser to get the form to submit.
10-19-2011, 06:44 AM
Does crafting experience get transfered as well?
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