View Full Version : DDO turbine points missing.

05-02-2011, 07:21 AM
Yesterday and today i have been buying some turbine points using the cell phone methode "paymo", so far so good, money was taken out of my cell and i received points but then it stopped giving me the points while taking money from my cell, in the ddo stroe would only give an error as the systems was unavailable or, most times, after i click continue on the ddo store after paying with a text message, i hit continue to proceed to receivign the points and instead of updating the page and showing a message "Thank you for your purchase. XX points have been credited to your account" it would the reload and show the main store page with my points, but already a few times has happened that it shows the message mentioned before only to then reload to an empty page with the message "Order is in process and awaiting payment confirmation." no points received what so ever and i still got charged a few times.
yes i have rellogged a few times.
thank you

05-02-2011, 07:36 AM
There is a few comments about it not working for a month here (with comments from Vicotrie, who is no longer with Turbine) :

Even though Victorie is no longer with Turbine, the Account Support links in her signature should still work, and that is the method she recommends a few times.

05-02-2011, 07:50 AM
Yes i have seen that topic but its of no help because the paymo is available for me to use, i use it, i spend money but no points. But thank you, i did used the contact info to submit a ticket, both on ddo and paymo.

Grrr im 100 points away to have a monk :( cant play untill there. lol

05-02-2011, 08:30 AM
Even though Victorie is no longer with Turbine...

Well, that's news.... I wish someone had told me before I came to work today. :p

I'm sorry, but we can't assist with account specific inquiries via the forums. Please contact Account Support for help with or questions about points and the store.