View Full Version : I'm so sorry.

05-01-2011, 12:12 PM
40 runs now..

For whatever reason I'm being punished by the Turbine Gods. I've never had such a dry spell... In over 300 Shroud runs on All my toons combined... I'm currently at 39 runs in a row with NO LARGE SCALES. Please...... Make the streak stop!!!

05-01-2011, 01:02 PM
Ouch.. sucks to be you :)

Keep going, you'll probably find that you'll get 3 or 4 runs in a row with at least 1 scale each.

05-01-2011, 01:34 PM
I see your sinister plot! You're trying to get people to send you sympathy Large Scales, aren't you?!

(Let me know if it works, k? ;) )

05-02-2011, 10:34 AM
40 runs now on various toons..

In Asherons Call Turbine swore up and down that everyone was wrong but finally admitted that there was a "loot" bug that had something to do with the first letter of your toon name... I think it was "A", don't remember. So, if your toons name was Able, then u could NOT pull certain types of loot out of chests... It was just all around wrong.... I'm starting ro feel like I'm in a bad loop... Either that or Cordovan is getting even with me for some of my posts..... J/k..

05-02-2011, 10:42 AM
Ways to hurt your Large loot pulls: Trade away Larges.

What do I mean? If you *need* that Scroll of [Awesome], then you trade away all your Stones for it.
You will then pull no more Stones from Shroud. Bummer. So, you trade someone Scale for Stones at a 1:1 Ratio - good deal for them, but hey, you need Stones, yeah?
You will then pull no more Stones, or Scales, from Shroud.

I've seriously gotten low on freakin shrapnel from this. So I made a rule : GS Larges come in, but do not go out, in trades, barring special exception.

My very first Large Scale was after 15 Shroud Completions, and about 30 Part 1-4 Farming runs. It was in the last chest of the 16th Completion, so... what's that, 47th time's the charm? :D And that was only *after* I'd broken down and bought one off the AH.

Also : I hear that Sins of Attrition on Casual is lucky XD I pulled LDS out of the treasure room chest, and MsE (posted up some) pulled a Devil's Keepsake from the end chest. Funny, we just wanted first time on Casual +25% bonus XP!

05-02-2011, 10:54 AM
23 edragons without a red or shard, I know how ya feel

05-02-2011, 11:05 AM
I went 46 completions between scales if it makes ya feel better. Then got 3 in the next 2 runs after that. It has now been 5 runs since my last scale.

05-02-2011, 11:13 AM
It has now been 5 runs since my last scale.

Hello, My name is Der_Incubo, and I am a DDOholic...

Sorry, it was there and needed to happen...

05-02-2011, 01:36 PM
I'm currently at 39 runs in a row with NO LARGE SCALES. Please...... Make the streak stop!!!

If it makes you feel better I hardly play anymore and think I have only ran 3 shrouds in the last month, pulling only 4 scales. If ya want I could send you some sympathy scales, so long as you are not on my squelch list for being a cry baby, bad player, loudmouth, obnoxious, rude, bad leader, backseat leader, rit, anti taco fan, Flower sniffer, bard hater, in one of 17 selected guilds that i think have some of the worst players on the server, don't believe playing DDO without pants increases DPS, think Chester is a nice well minded person, can say anyone from Sabbat is a nice guy (with the exception of Harg), having a hot mic as you mouth breath into it or eat your Captain Crunch All Crunch-berries, picked a run that i was xp zerging and forced me to reset the quest after reforming due to you not leaving the quest, ever took me seriously, or never played Munchkin.

05-02-2011, 01:39 PM
40 runs now on various toons..

In Asherons Call Turbine swore up and down that everyone was wrong but finally admitted that there was a "loot" bug that had something to do with the first letter of your toon name... I think it was "A", don't remember. So, if your toons name was Able, then u could NOT pull certain types of loot out of chests... It was just all around wrong.... I'm starting ro feel like I'm in a bad loop... Either that or Cordovan is getting even with me for some of my posts..... J/k..

Actually, the bug was the "Wi Flag" - so named, because a player named "Wi" first postulated the existence of said bug. The bug had nothing to do with loot - but Aggro, and wasn't based upon the first letter of the name - but the length of the name. "Wi" had huge personal aggro issues ...

05-02-2011, 04:13 PM
I feel it's karma. When I pug with noobs, work my butt off and do everything I can to help, LDS. When I pike with uber TRs, bones. I once got 2 LDS in a row doing 1-4. Not on purpose, we were trying to complete... You get the idea.

So, ask the Turbine Gods why they are mad at you. I think you know the answer.

(This is mostly a joke post, I'm not saying anything about you all personally)

05-04-2011, 08:02 AM
bad luck?

what u say about 93 times velah and still no boots on Yvo ...
and 85+ were before the change and so done all the 1-4 train every time :(

(at least i got some SoS in my clerics bank for every 20th reward...)

05-04-2011, 08:13 AM
I ran Tempest SPine today for a lark (I usually avoid it due to bad PuGs), got the robe of Arcane Puissance in the end chest.

No big deal, right, but then I got a +5 Mithral Chain Shirt as an end reward.

Still nothing super-special. It happens, sometimes, right?

So I run it again with mostly the same group (one of the better Free PuGs I have been with), and this time get a Collapsed Portable Hole in the end rewards.

Figuring my luck was just about up, I log that toon out and go run a Shroud on my lvl 20 Sorc.

Large Scale in part 4, Large Stone in part 5.


05-04-2011, 08:17 AM
run something else: hard/elite towers (suulo chest is generous), elite/epic devil assaults, amrath quests.

I get far more larges from these things these days than the actual shroud.

05-04-2011, 08:20 AM
srry to hear that my bard pulls almost nothing but large scales its like the mino's curse and i am afraid if i trade any of them the ddo gods will punish me :(

05-04-2011, 08:23 AM
I've been of the mind to believe that Turbine is empathetic to excess. I went the longest time with no stones or shrapnel... imagine that, right? I transferred all my larges to another toon for crafting, and left 1 large stone in my bag.....next thing you know, I had 3 stones in 4 shrouds, and acquired a shrapnel- transferred the stones out (leaving the shrapnel) and pulled 2 more shrapnel in my next shroud. I'm not saying it's mathematically probable, but it's a system I use quite often to outfit my various characters. If it doesn't work for you, then yes, the DDO Gods hate you and you need to reroll. If it does, chalk it up to good old superstition. :p

05-04-2011, 08:28 AM
I have Eight characters that I take into the shroud to farm ingredients with. That many characters I can farm with completions. I am getting more plus three tomes than lds. Sigh.

The Wife and I run the Sands to get The Blood Stone. We have slayer capped over 20 characters out there between us and She has pulled two. I have not pulled even one. I just happened to be on her good side that one day and she gave me one. I guard my password as I am sure to put her in the mood to want it back.

waaa moments aside, we are still having fun.