View Full Version : Everything is too small!

05-01-2011, 03:10 AM
Hello Forumites and tech support!

Today, for my birthday (Happy birthday to me ^_^) i got a new 23 inch LCD monitor. It is black, and shiny, and awesome, and i love it.

However, there is a problem: It really likes the resolution 1920x1080 and nothing BUT 1920x1080. So I figure, why not give it a whirl in DDO? I was excited at first, with all this new *Space*. Unfortunately, this new space came from the fact that every element of the UI shrunk so badly that i can barely see it (And i actually started getting a headache about 3 minutes after the resolution change). I managed to get the chat text larger, but after that i hit a wall.

I fiddled with other resolution sizes. 1600x900 seems to be the smallest reolution that keeps the right Ratio size with my monitor, but makes everything look blurry, grainy, AND the Ui is still too small. Other resolutions have major ratio issues which squish everything.

So my question - Is there any way to scale the UI inside of DDO? Is tehre any way, otehr than lowering resolution, to make DDO elements seem larger? Can i play in window mode with a third party application to magnify the game? If i wear special goggles and stand on my head will it fix things?

I'm concerned that i will no longer be able to play due to my eyesight, and inability to cope with such tiny, tiny UI interface. Any help would be appreciated!

05-01-2011, 03:14 AM
I bet

05-01-2011, 03:24 AM
That's what she sai-
Oh, nm...

05-01-2011, 03:26 AM
Completely sincere suggestion here:

Go to the drugstore and buy magnification glasses. Try a couple different strengths on your computer until you find the right one for you. Trust me. Just go do it.

If you already wear glasses, get contacts, and wear the magnification glasses over them.

05-01-2011, 03:37 AM
There is no way to scale the text currently.

I run at 1080p, but on a slightly larger monitor (24") and find its ok. Oddly allmost all new 1080p monitors are 23" and not 24".

Re: 1600x900 being blury. That may be fixable... If you rigthclick your desktop and check your nvidia/ati control panel, there should be some options for screen scaling..
For nvidia its called "adjust desktop size and position"
You can pick nvidia scaling, built in, or no scaling.. Try each option and see if any help.
ATI has similar options, not sure on the exact name tho since i have no ati card atm to reference.

Else perhaps try 1280x720p.. Its a pretty standard rez that should work.

05-01-2011, 03:37 AM
How about bringing the monitor closer? The instinct is to push a larger monitor further back, but the pixel size is usually about the same.

05-01-2011, 06:45 AM
just for S+G I loaded up DDO on my media machine attached to my 42" LCD TV turned everything up to high and loaded up DDO....

**** IT WAS PRETTY@!!!


UI Scaling is a great IDEA!!!

05-01-2011, 04:27 PM
That's what she sai-
Oh, nm...

Thanks Memnir >_>

Completely sincere suggestion here:

Go to the drugstore and buy magnification glasses. Try a couple different strengths on your computer until you find the right one for you. Trust me. Just go do it.

If you already wear glasses, get contacts, and wear the magnification glasses over them.

I wear glasses. I'm not sure I could hande the vertigo of wearing magnifying glasses on my face, or if that would actually help me, but I appreciate the suggestion.

There is no way to scale the text currently.

I run at 1080p, but on a slightly larger monitor (24") and find its ok. Oddly allmost all new 1080p monitors are 23" and not 24".

Re: 1600x900 being blury. That may be fixable... If you rigthclick your desktop and check your nvidia/ati control panel, there should be some options for screen scaling..
For nvidia its called "adjust desktop size and position"
You can pick nvidia scaling, built in, or no scaling.. Try each option and see if any help.
ATI has similar options, not sure on the exact name tho since i have no ati card atm to reference.

Else perhaps try 1280x720p.. Its a pretty standard rez that should work.

Gawds, i spent half an hour going over every inch of the nVidia control panel trying to find *something* that would help. The only option under "adjust desktop and size" is to shrink my display to less than that of the monitor, which unfortunately doesn't help me in any way. Documentation and web-searches have me believing there should be some other options in there, such as the scaling options, but I just don't seem to *have* them. Bah!

How about bringing the monitor closer? The instinct is to push a larger monitor further back, but the pixel size is usually about the same.

Any closer and I'd be leaving nose prints. Seriously, this thing is an unhealthy distance from my face at the moment, until i figure out how to make everything (In DDO and out) not so ridiculously tiny.

just for S+G I loaded up DDO on my media machine attached to my 42" LCD TV turned everything up to high and loaded up DDO....

**** IT WAS PRETTY@!!!


UI Scaling is a great IDEA!!!

You feel my pain! Icons that are literally about the size of a dime on my screen are just *too* small to be functional! A raid group grouping-window shows all 12 names in less than the size of a post-it note. I can lay one finger across the screen and completely cover up a hotbar. Everything is SO pretty and SO useless!

I'll keep googling, adjusting settings, and fiddling with it til i find something comfortable. Thank you all (Okay, well MOST of you) for the help!

05-01-2011, 04:37 PM
It might help to know more about your system. Such as, perhaps, Video card you're using with the monitor? A too-big monitor with a not-powerful video card often results in less choice in resolution.

Personally, I *love* the UI being as tiny as possible. 24" Widescreen running @ 1920x1200? Yes please! I have as much screen real estate to play with as I want.

This video's (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPxHn-6eZV4&feature=related) a bit old (stunning no longer autocrits mobs), but it shows how with some playing around you can manage to have this resolution provide massive amounts of gaming space - unlike other screenshots and videos I've seen on the forums, that are nothing but hotbars and this poor little toon in the middle of it all. Even on my caster & bard, with many more hotbars, I don't feel as scrunched up.

05-01-2011, 05:43 PM
I'm running with a 23" LCD screen from LG, Flatron 2350 (Which sounds like a 2D transformer to me, but whatever >_>) connected via DVI cable to my nVidia geforce 9500 GT card.

Nothing fancy, but that *should* be good enough to get the job done, right?

I do love the space. It makes that whole "CSPAN business-newn ticker syndrome" go away (Y'know, the one where you have so much extra info crowding the sides of your screen that you have just a tiny space to actually see whats going on?). However, i would gladly sacrfice some, if not all, of this extra space just to be able to see icons, party list, tooltips, hotbars etc. at a size where i can actually tell what is what.

05-01-2011, 09:47 PM
Is it possible to resize elements re-skinning the thing? If I take a very quick look at the UI XML files, there seem to be some width and height parameters, but i don't know if they do anything, nor do I have any experience skinning DDO (I like the default UI :))

03-22-2012, 07:39 PM
Hello Forumites and tech support!

Today, for my birthday (Happy birthday to me ^_^) i got a new 23 inch LCD monitor. It is black, and shiny, and awesome, and i love it.

However, there is a problem: It really likes the resolution 1920x1080 and nothing BUT 1920x1080. So I figure, why not give it a whirl in DDO? I was excited at first, with all this new *Space*. Unfortunately, this new space came from the fact that every element of the UI shrunk so badly that i can barely see it (And i actually started getting a headache about 3 minutes after the resolution change). I managed to get the chat text larger, but after that i hit a wall.

I fiddled with other resolution sizes. 1600x900 seems to be the smallest reolution that keeps the right Ratio size with my monitor, but makes everything look blurry, grainy, AND the Ui is still too small. Other resolutions have major ratio issues which squish everything.

So my question - Is there any way to scale the UI inside of DDO? Is tehre any way, otehr than lowering resolution, to make DDO elements seem larger? Can i play in window mode with a third party application to magnify the game? If i wear special goggles and stand on my head will it fix things?

I'm concerned that i will no longer be able to play due to my eyesight, and inability to cope with such tiny, tiny UI interface. Any help would be appreciated!

I am having this EXACT problem ONE DAY after getting my super laptop that lets me play ultra high, I find my eyes hurt terribly. My PC too wants 1920 x1080 for DDO and if i try anything less it just goes grainy and unreadable. I have looked too but can find no settings to change. In TOD i cast ice storm insead of cone of cold- nearly agroign shaddows. I also cast D Door instead of a dot.... can barely mange my icons now. And its not my eyes as i have played ddo since launch and never had eyestrain. basically everything is SO tiny - shops, auction house - all of it! any suggestions? play on my crappy old pc?! help!

03-22-2012, 07:57 PM
I had hte same problem in reverse when I started playing DDO. My monitor would only go to 1280*10whateveritwas. Everything was so large, I couldnt see to play. I ended up buying a new monitor because there is inexplicably NO WAY to UI scale in DDO.

Which is very odd considering how awesome sauceome the LOTRO interface is when it comes to scaling.

I mention it every time they do a 'what improvements would you like to see' thread, or whenever there's a UI discussion. I even started a suggestion thread once. I shouldn't have needed to spend a hundred quid on a monitor just to play a game when I'd been happily playing WoW (which had scaling) and FPS that were newer than DDO. And you shouldnt' have to play at a lower res than your monitor will go.

But I've never seen a hint that they're even considering it, or that they've tried and there's an engine limitation, or anything. Sorry. :(