View Full Version : Why blacklisting entire guild before contacting leader?

04-24-2011, 05:49 PM
This is Vixonna, the guild leader of Afterdark.
It has come to my attention by some of my members that Afterdark is being blacklisted by various guilds for unknown reasons. I find this practice childish, ignorant, rude and pure and utter bigotry. To date I have not received one single in-game mail or posting in this forum in my thread. It seems that the pure laziness of these guilds to bother to so much as at least to contact me or any of my officers to resolve this is truly sad because any group that thinks they are so perfect should at least have the ability to figure out how to use in-game mail before going to such radical extend of blacklisting an entire guild because of a problem in a run or a disagreement with a member. To add insult to injury, now DDO has its new guild mafia consisting of a group of high level guilds. They say they have all gotten together for the sake of better grouping and raids. Nice idea, but it seems as it's been a little derailed with that silly idea of blacklisting guilds as well. It also seems now they have decided that because one guild within their network or a member has had a problem with one or two members of my guild or any other guild and before as so much as making an attempt whatsoever to contact a guild leader or any officers they simply blacklist you.

Afterdark is a 65th level guild that consists of a 145 accounts and, yes, it appears as if we have 400 members. But as Afterdark is comprised mainly of ALT-aholics, me myself alone I have 20 tunes and 2 accounts, one Premium and one VIP. And this is just a small example of how this guild is set up. I rarely run in PUG groups but many of my members do, thous the reason I have not responded sooner to this insane practice by the wannabe DDO gods but felt that this was more than a fluke after getting several complaints from my members. Many of these have even asked why they are being blacklisted when refused from a group with responses like "We don't know, you're just on the blacklist"

Now the simple answer to that whole problem is communication for those who aren't illiterate. If you're having a problem with one of my members, simply post in my thread here or contact Vixonna, the guild leader, ME and let me know what exactly the problem is. I will be more than happy to try to get to the bottom of the problem and I will speak to the member about whatever it is to resolve the problem and if their behavior is out of line I will be glad to remove them from my guild. Already as of three weeks ago Afterdark discontinued all recruitment of new members do to this blacklisting BS, hoping to help appease the DDO Mafiosi and try to root out the offending members. But since no one has been willing or able to send me a mail about the issue, it seems to be escalating. I find this totally unacceptable from groups that truly believe they are so good they can judge others.

So, here are my thoughts: You can continue on blacklisting and we can respond with blacklisting in return. Sounds pretty stupid, right? Or, we can act like civilized, intelligent people and try to resolve this issue rather than to escalate this into some sort of guild war. As I have a real life, I really don't want to concern myself with such childish actions since I am approaching 50 years old I find that attitude beneath me as do I find people that act like that beneath me as well.

Blacklisters please respond!!
Thank you

Vixonna, guild leader of Afterdark

04-24-2011, 05:51 PM
Ghallanda brings the popcorn., Khyber you bring the beverages!

04-24-2011, 05:55 PM
Ghallanda brings the popcorn., Khyber you bring the beverages!

as long as by beverage you mean Beer, khyber is in.....................

04-24-2011, 06:09 PM
Ghallanda brings the popcorn., Khyber you bring the beverages!

Kinda boring actually. Just one guild blacklisting another guild for someone being a jerkoff


04-24-2011, 06:21 PM
I'm not one to blacklist--nor have I heard anything bad about your guild.

But after reading that, I'm not left with a good impression.

Some strong language there.

"childish, ignorant, rude and pure and utter bigotry"; "pure laziness of these guilds"

Really? But you say you don't know what the underlying issues are.

Perhaps some of your guildmates have done some bad things or created some undue drama. Maybe not. But perhaps. After reading your response here, I don't think I'd be inclined to contact you to resolve problems--it seems like that would be an invitation to further drama.

Members of Afterdark have been and will continue to be welcome in any of my groups. But now my drama radar is up a bit. It seems that the goal of your post has had the opposite result than you intended--at least with respect to me. I tend to be considered a fairly mature and level-headed fellow. Yet I can't help wonder if this post sets me a level or two beneath you. ;)