View Full Version : What about server-wide channels?

04-24-2011, 01:03 AM
Something like an uber-chat, not only limited to general conversations but some edits to trade/advice aswell, so we don't need to run around the world to pick advices, sell thingies and kind... just an idea I had, depends on you guys.

"/joinchannel ghallanda"-> Worldwide General Chat
"/joinchannel ghallandatrade"-> Worldwide Trade Chat
"/joinchannel ghallandaadvice"-> Worldwide Advice Chat

that's it ;)

04-24-2011, 07:02 AM
forums are there for worldwide trade...

EDIT: and euhm... we have a limit of 4 private channels too and most of us want to keep these rooms on this purpose.

04-24-2011, 07:06 AM
Don't we already have general chat?

04-24-2011, 07:48 AM
methinks this might have been posted by someone who cannot get into one of those private channels.... but alas there are the forums and the actual trade/advice/general channels although most(those who wish to keep their sanity or dont like to indulge messing with ppl asking stupid questions) have disabled those to some extent...

04-24-2011, 11:57 AM
Yeah great idea, lets move all the dross from general chat to another server wide chat channel..... ERRRM wait,what, NO! that will mean there are two channels for all the numpties to talk rubbish, insult, inuendo, and create squelch wars....

If your not able to get into a channel then its probably becasue your not meant to be in it.

As we already have General, Trade and Advice channels, this really serves no purpose, but hay if you wanna go create a new one for yourself then who is stopping you.


04-25-2011, 12:35 AM
He mentions "so we don't need to run around the world" so is not just about the userchannel or using the existing channels.

So far the bulk of the global chat is split between the harbor, the market and maybe meridia.
But naturally, i won't like the seeing the harbor trades all the time, let alone the advice.
They trades tend to be low lv and have more junk than in the market, and the general chat is full of babbling.

A better idea would be to let us choose a specific area channel in the incoming choices.