View Full Version : Paladin TWF Human 34 point paladin

04-23-2011, 11:58 AM
So I need some help with this as I'm new to pallys. Been reading up but I want to make sure I dont mess up.
I'm thinking KotC is probably the best thing for me(I actually like amrath quests).
Is sorc atm so wont be wasting a slot for pastlife feat.

starting stats:

+2 inherent to all, possibly +3 to cha or str (have a couple of 20th raids close).

Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Khopesh, 1
Toughness, 1
Two Weapon Fighting, 3
Oversized Two Weapon Fighting, 6
Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons, 9
Power Attack, 12
Improved Two Weapon Fighting, 15
Greater Two Weapon Fighting, 18

Skills in order of priority:

Weapons of choice:
The event cutlasses with silver in the slot.
LitII+Earthgrab for leveling
(+smithers/vorpals/banishers/disruptors depending on situation)

Does this sound like a solid build?
Will I be better off putting lvlups in cha or str? (I think I read somewhere cha does more for dps, also it would get my umd to usefull levels)

What gearpart should i make her gs slot? I have sp goggles right now but I will ditch those if i find tharnes, planning to make a con opp hp item but dont know what slot to put it in(guessing cape is probably best).

04-23-2011, 12:00 PM
So I need some help with this as I'm new to pallys. Been reading up but I want to make sure I dont mess up.
I'm thinking KotC is probably the best thing for me(I actually like amrath quests).
Is sorc atm so wont be wasting a slot for pastlife feat.

starting stats:

+2 inherent to all, possibly +3 to cha or str (have a couple of 20th raids close).

Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Khopesh, 1
Toughness, 1
Two Weapon Fighting, 3
Oversized Two Weapon Fighting, 6
Power Attack, 9
Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons, 12
Improved Two Weapon Fighting, 15
Greater Two Weapon Fighting, 18

Skills in order of priority:

Weapons of choice:
The event cutlasses with silver in the slot.
LitII+Earthgrab for leveling
(+smithers/vorpals/banishers/disruptors depending on situation)

Does this sound like a solid build?
Will I be better off putting lvlups in cha or str? (I think I read somewhere cha does more for dps, also it would get my umd to usefull levels)

What gearpart should i make her gs slot? I have sp goggles right now but I will ditch those if i find tharnes, planning to make a con opp hp item but dont know what slot to put it in(guessing cape is probably best).

would switch otwf for extend.


04-23-2011, 12:07 PM
I've seen extend on a lot of builds, which spell is this particularly important for?
Will to hit still be enough endgame without OTWF? I'm thinking some high ac bosses might be a pain, Malicia in EBigTop for example.

04-23-2011, 01:22 PM
I've seen extend on a lot of builds, which spell is this particularly important for?

Looks solid enough. I would bump up ITWF & GTWF before PA; or move PA to lvl 6 and bump OTWF (or whatever you take) to lvl 18. If you pull a +3 CHA tome before TRing, I would put a lvl-up pt into CHA so you can get Divine Might IV: base 16 + 1 lvl-up + 3 tome = 20. Then STR would be, say, base 16 + 4 lvl-ups + 1 human enh + 3 tome = 24.

04-23-2011, 01:41 PM

also divine favor

04-25-2011, 08:09 AM
Ty for the input guys.
Would love to hear what people think of as decent gs slots..
I'm planning on using a seeker eventhat and the bold trinket for a total of +8 seeker (if this is fixed/will be fixed on the trinket). I suppose best gloves and bracers would be the claw set so that leaves goggles and cape. I already have a tripple pos sp item for goggles, thinking I might swich this for tharnes. So cape parhaps for con opp hp cape.
Does this sound as sound reasoning?