View Full Version : What is the best low level twink gear you use?
04-11-2011, 10:33 PM
Its my first time to TR a toon. I'm just wondering, what do you consider to be your best low-level twink gear to help out your toon. It can be random or named, anything you deem to make your TR life easier in the early levels.
For me, I think the best one is the Greater Stalwart Trinket ( from the Crystal Cove Event. When It procs, which it does often enough, you will be un-killable at low levels. Stoneskin at level 4. Wow!
04-11-2011, 10:36 PM
carnafix, till green steel
04-11-2011, 10:39 PM
low low level
+1 holy falchion
+1 shock falchion of pure good
+1 holy scimitar of pg x2
+1 holy burst scimitar of righteousness x 2
thats the "low" (>10) stuff
04-11-2011, 10:40 PM
Oh the list is pretty extensive really. The lvl 4 tier 3 CC event items are all definatly useful. But none of them compare with the air elemental summon gems from the event. I hope my 400+ I made last me through a few toons being capped, cus you cant and I mean cant even begin to compare any weapon or item to the might of a lvl 8 summon spell reserved for lvl 15 and above casters normally. Just call my monk the air bender baby;)
Oh I also own a lovely Holy staff of pure good elf RR lvl 4, I play alot of elfkin so its very handy with the festival icy burst upgrade on it.
Oh some other handy things. the totem staff from the tange root series end reward list. lvl 4 3 summon monster 3 spells a rest is a very legit way to enjoy a winter wolf companion while wandering the wilds of korthos as a young ranger.
04-11-2011, 10:47 PM
the entire chronoscope abashi set. awesome sauce man, especially those charged guantlet procs. 50ish elec damage is pretty much instakill in the harbor. u can get ureself an ML7(or possibly 9) set from the red fens that 1st lives have to grind out, since thats BTC being a TR, and ull be able to use GS at 12, which is also sick, . if your DPS, get a set of tharnes goggles , its excellent at 13
Lvl 10= two holy burst pg rapiers with icy burst added, 2 wop rapiers with icy burst
low low lvl 2= acid scimi with icy burst, acid wraps with icy burst
lvl 4= TWO adamantine holy khopeshes with icy bursting goodness
necklace of contemplation is omg nice so is korthos to hit stuff
if ur a two hander maelstrom is epic and carnifex
04-11-2011, 11:07 PM
Must-haves on any of my characters:
Necklace of Contemplation (
Entire Abishai set
Goggles of Time Sensing ( and/or Trapblast Goggles (
Visor of the Flesh Render Guards (
Useful items on anyone:
Totemic Staff of Splinterskull ( (when solo'ing)
Phiarlan Pendant of Time (earliest possible opportunity to get this)
Robe of Invulnerability
Random specialized named loot (Mace of Smiting, Muckbane/Mucks Doom) and no/low ML BTA items from chain rewards.
No Carnifex yet, Delera's has not been kind.
04-11-2011, 11:24 PM
The Sharn Syndicate series has some of the best low level twink end rewards, specifically Stand Your Ground and The Bookbinder Rescue. These quests give (BTA) no-minimum level equipment with effects found on level 5 random loot, including +2 stat items, +5 skill gear, Feather Falling items, Proof Against Poison, Blindness Ward. This type of gear can also be found as the Waterworks end reward (for free to players) and STK end reward...but it is *much* quicker to run the Binder rescue in 1-2 minutes if farming for these items. I'm also fond of the sneak attack Short Sword as an end reward from Come Out and Slay, as Soundburst + sneak attack is often just as quick as a party with 6 Carnifexes
Waterworks: Goggles of Grabbing, one charge of Hold Person, really handy on a melee vs Orange named low will save humanoids up to level 8 or so. Also a Web trinket that's good for using prior to opening a door with lots of enemies on the other side.
STK: Trapblast Goggles, no min level +4 Reflex save.
Deleras: The Carnifex has already been mentioned, and it is pretty sweet. The Devotion handwraps are perhaps my favourite twink weapon - no minimum level Holy handwraps.
Hiding in Plain Sight (free to play): The Bottle of Air (unbound) is a trinket that provides Underwater Action, no minimum level. It can be found (sometimes) below some spinny blade traps in an underwater part. Also sometimes an end reward from random Harbor quests.
Caverns of Korromar (free to play): Necklace of Contemplation, no min level Necklace with False Life, +1 Competence Attack bonus (same as the Korthos goggles), and +5 Concentration.
Catacombs: The Robe of Duality provides False Life, and also increases 1st level Arcane spells by 2 levels. This particularly shines on favour/loot farming toons that splash a caster level for Expeditious Retreat, but the Catacombs takes a bit of time to run. The Eternal Wand of Cure Minor Wounds is a low UMD-requirement wand that is perfect for topping off or reviving incapacitated characters.
Tangleroot: Various +3 stat items with a minimum level of 5, as well as the Visor of the Flesh Render Guards
Random loot:
Robe of Invulnerability (min level 4), combined with a Shield spell/clickie and AC-boosting potions, can make any character sail through lower level content without taking damage up to level 8-10 or so, when enemies start using more magical weapons. Note that if you use appropriate resists, the Invulnerability item will still be useful.
Robe of Invisibility (min level 2)
Robe of Haste (min level 4)
Adamantine Full Plate...inferior, IMO, to a Robe of Invulnerability, but it often looks better ;)
Shield clickies, Detect Secret Doors clickies, Command clickies (used vs Ogres), Ring of Rage, Feather Falling clickies, Aid clickies (so you don't have to spend 5 minutes doing the Crystal quest on Korthos on every character)
From collectibles:
Arrows/Bolts of Goblinoid Bane, from Shamanic Totems: useful in Tear of Dhakaan (particularly the rooms with large amounts of archers), STK, Tangleroot, Irestone Inlet and the Crystal Cove
Wands of Cure Moderate Wounds, from Wavecrasher Cargo Manifests
Wands of +4 stats, from Research Diaries
Deathblock robes, from turning in 50 antique bronze tokens
04-11-2011, 11:25 PM
Good suggestions. Not that I have plenty of those, haha. I TRed from a wiz into favored soul, got to have some of the items posted here.
Anyways, anyone knows a good low-level belt, aside from fortification belts
04-11-2011, 11:32 PM
Anyways, anyone knows a good low-level belt, aside from fortification belts
It's a light fort belt with a bonus, Gatewarden's Girdle ( While not the best, it's still a ML:0 BTA item.
Aside from that, try to get lucky with a BTA +4 con belt from Red Fens, or maybe an Improved False Life belt from Fens or the Lordsmarch chain.
04-11-2011, 11:36 PM
Good suggestions. Not that I have plenty of those, haha. I TRed from a wiz into favored soul, got to have some of the items posted here.
Anyways, anyone knows a good low-level belt, aside from fortification belts
If you're not a Warforged, then a Proof Against Poison belt from Stand Your Ground or the Bookbinder Rescue
If Warforged, perhaps a Mod Fort belt from the Red Fens, or a +5 Balance belt from the Sharn quests
04-11-2011, 11:37 PM
Un-suppressed Pale Lavendar Ioun Stone. At low levels, the only thing that ever really seems to cause a death is holds. Plus it prevents damage spells too, and at 50 charges, I can't recall ever having issues with it running out mid-quest.
04-11-2011, 11:37 PM
Muckbane. I know there are items which duplicate the effect of not being affected by oozes....but I still love my Muckbane!
04-11-2011, 11:38 PM
Sword of the Thirty ( If you are a WF fvs
04-11-2011, 11:40 PM
The tide turns offers some nice bound to account gear that is randomly generated. +2 stats items...I even received +3 Mithril Full Plate min level 2.
04-11-2011, 11:44 PM
Since holds were mentioned, yes, the Ioun Stone is best. Also coming in handy to help resist holds are Infested Armour ( or Phiarlan Mirror Cloak (
04-11-2011, 11:45 PM
+2 stat no ML items as rewards from some of the chains like STK, Waterworks, Sharn Syndicate
Adamantine Fullplate (no ML) is great for lower level armor wearers.
I make sure each of my lowbies has some sort of DR.
Crystal Cove trinkets (I favor Stalwart and Bold) are also quite useful when you get them.
Weapon-wise, I'm also a fan of the Nightblade (keen falchion ML2) and Maelstrom (frost/anarchic greataxe ML 2) both from Tempest Spine.
As others have mentioned, 5th is a big breakpoint for +3 stat items and a number of key gear bits (including the Voice).
No-ML or low-ML bluff items are handy for the last bit of Delera's (BTA bluff +5 items can drop as end reward in WW)
04-11-2011, 11:46 PM
The tide turns offers some nice bound to account gear that is randomly generated. +2 stats items...I even received +3 Mithril Full Plate min level 2.
Sharn Syndicate also offer +5 skill item and +2 status Item with no ML.
Namely stand ground and bookbinder rescue, I always farm these quest when I starts playing on new server.
I heard attack of stormreach end reward sometimes offers +5 status item with no ML.
But I'm too lazy to farm these quest as it takes time.
04-11-2011, 11:52 PM
Charged Gauntlets ftw
04-12-2011, 12:05 AM
right now?
Maelstorm or carnifex+ charged gauntlets
envomend cloak
and last but not least
+ 5 mfp rr horc lol
04-12-2011, 12:16 AM
+3 ML5 stat gear you can get from tangleroot and red fens
Goggles of insight
Spear Bane Bracers
Furors Hide (cloak that gives 3 DR against slash)
Trinket from CC (they are all very good)
Angers Wrath Set
Charged Gauntlets
If I am playing a someone who can use Heavy armor then I will use Adamantine Full Plate instead of the Bracers and Cloak
04-12-2011, 12:19 AM
Stuff that I really dig:
+4 Stat rings from the End Reward List of Attack on Stormreach. They may only have a 10 Hardness but dammit they’re ML:1 and effectively indestructable due to being BtA! (And it looks like the U9 chain reward can give ML:1 +5 stat rings (
the Nicked Greatsword at level 2 and Carnifex at level 4.
Any of the Crystal Cove Trinkets
04-12-2011, 12:53 AM
Outfit of Invulnerability and Blademark's Docent are my favorites.
04-12-2011, 01:08 AM
Outfit of Invulnerability and Blademark's Docent
This. The blademark's docent is amazing at low levels.
04-12-2011, 01:32 AM
Gravnok's Band from the Captives quest, for a sweet ML2 ring:'s_Band
04-12-2011, 03:41 AM
04-12-2011, 03:47 AM
for a barb i luv armor of amok
04-12-2011, 03:59 AM
Depending on the character, mostly some nice named gear:
Abiashi set & the goggles of insight from chronoscope
phiarlan mirror cloak (the spell resistance helps on elite difficulty vs. Hold spells)
Silver longbow
antique greataxe
greater bold/stalwart trinket & air elly gems from crystal cove
gravnoks band
necklace of contemplation
blademarks docent
Jidz'teka (or whatever its called)
for non-named stuff:
+4 adamantine falchion, with icy burst added (ML 6)
+1 flaming burst of PG longbow with icy burst added (ML 6, my alternative to Silver longbow vs. crit-immune enemies or stuff with DR like ellies)
+1 STR of moderate fortification ring (no ML, from the lordsmarch plaza chain.. awesome on warforged especially, crit immune from 1st level if i ever decide to use non-veteran toons again is very nice)
outfit/robe of invulnerability (ML 4)
+1 everbright maul (i tend towards 2handers & its a handy ooze beater. ML 4)
04-12-2011, 04:21 AM
Already mentioned, but devotion from Deleras is great, especially considering many builds have a monk splash. No ML Holy weapon is hard to beat. You can even add a ritual to increase the damage output. Not sure if it is a bug or working as intended, but rust monsters and oozes do not tear up wraps. Even at lvl 20, when you hit a rust monster/ooze ambush, you can put your GS away and whip the snot out of 'em without fear of breaking your weapons (i.e. Delirium, Von 5, etc.).
Stock up on Deneith Arrows before you TR, while you still have the favor. And grab a quiver(s) while your at it. I think Yugo and Silver Flame pots are usable as well. Not sure if you can save the blessing of the silver flame, but that's kind of weak anyway. Pendent of Time is a must keep item. Great running around the harbor at light speed.
Voice of the Master helps get you past the low levels with extra XP. Combine it with the Mantle, and you'll never have to click the DSD clickie again.
At higher levels, great having GS weapons and GS gear ready to go at min lvls (even if they are only tier 2). I know as a cleric, it was really cool jumping 350 SP in a single level, when I could put on my GS cloak. Icys at 14 if you are an A/C build. 7-fingered gloves if you are doing traps. Tharne's set is really nice, etheral, TS, +15 search, +6 DEX, +6 armor bonus (not bad for lvl 13).
04-12-2011, 04:33 AM
I loved my Carnifex from lvl 4 all the way up to 12, and was still using it situationally even at lvl 15.
Roderic's wand is very handy up to lvl 5 or so and still cute even at lvl 8ish.
Robe of Invulnerability until lvl 10 when you can switch to fullplate of giants for some DR 5 goodness.
However the most gamechaning items for a toon with a blue bar come at lvl 11 when you get to equip your con-op 45hp item and the torc. My cleric became nearly indestructible for a while, and the bad days of worrying about running out of sp were left behind for good.
Lvl 12 GS weapons probably offer a similar upgrade for melees I suppose.
And don't forget your VoM for the 5% xp boost before completing a quest.
04-12-2011, 04:38 AM
Phiarlain Pendant of Time
Voice of the Master (permanently equipped except for the time it takes to use the Time pendant)
5-piece Abashai set
Half a million Haste potions
Carnifex if you have it; Hellstroke Greataxe and Maelstrom are OK alternatives
Greensteel Haste clickie
Greensteel Displacement clickie
04-12-2011, 04:58 AM
Jidz-teka/Blackwidow bracers
Full chrono set
100 cure/repair serious wounds
Greater Bold trinket
Pale Lavender ioun stone
Haste/barkskin pots.
+1 acid icy burst handwraps of pure good, ML4
04-12-2011, 05:04 AM
ML2 BTA Invuln robes from Fens
ML5 BTA mod fort ring from Fens
ML5 mini-vorpal gloves (aka Charged Gauntlets) from Chrono
04-12-2011, 05:13 AM
Half a million Haste potionsPure truth, though perhaps a little conservative on the quantities.
Level 1-5: Unless you dumped Str you don't need gear. Anger's Wrath Korthos set for +2 to-hit and 2 Expeditious Retreat clickies, Protector's Gloves for DR 1/-, Goggles of Insight for +1 to-hit and a Starter Greataxe will get you to level 5 just fine. A feather falling ring is nice such as Ring of Feathers.
Level 5-10: Some like Tangleroot +3 items, I prefer the full Abishai set. Necklace of Contemplation, Goggles of Time-Sensing/Trapblast Goggles/Visor clickie. Trinket is for Voice or Ioun stones (having an unsuppressed Vibrant Purple on any caster at level 5 is instant win). Invulnerability armor will get you very far. Best fort you can find in your belt. At level 7 consider swapping in some Fens gear. The Vulkoor's Cunning and Vulkoor's Might sets are a nice combo, still leaving you with 3 piece Abishai set bonus and you can put on a Greater Bold Trinket for Lightning Strike.
Level 10-15: You start growing into your Raid gear and Greensteel. The Wrath of Sora Kell set isn't too bad for a few levels until you can use greensteel. Minos Legens hooray!
Level 15-19: It's over aside from twinking your weapon selection.
04-12-2011, 05:27 AM
Pure truth, though perhaps a little conservative on the quantities.
Level 1-5: Unless you dumped Str you don't need gear. Anger's Wrath Korthos set for +2 to-hit and 2 Expeditious Retreat clickies, Protector's Gloves for DR 1/-, Goggles of Insight for +1 to-hit and a Starter Greataxe will get you to level 5 just fine. A feather falling ring is nice such as Ring of Feathers.
Level 5-10: Some like Tangleroot +3 items, I prefer the full Abishai set. Necklace of Contemplation, Goggles of Time-Sensing/Trapblast Goggles/Visor clickie. Trinket is for Voice or Ioun stones (having an unsuppressed Vibrant Purple on any caster at level 5 is instant win). Invulnerability armor will get you very far. Best fort you can find in your belt. At level 7 consider swapping in some Fens gear. The Vulkoor's Cunning and Vulkoor's Might sets are a nice combo, still leaving you with 3 piece Abishai set bonus and you can put on a Greater Bold Trinket for Lightning Strike.
Level 10-15: You start growing into your Raid gear and Greensteel. The Wrath of Sora Kell set isn't too bad for a few levels until you can use greensteel. Minos Legens hooray!
Level 15-19: It's over aside from twinking your weapon selection.
If you have the SP Ioun Stone, you'll need to go with the Threnal cloak, which must remain equipped all of the time so you don't lose XP from optionals.
04-12-2011, 05:42 AM
My Mains favourite twink weapon while TRin...
+1 Holy, Icy Burst, Rapier of Pure Good ML4 RR Drow/Elf...
04-12-2011, 05:45 AM
Yep, the greater stalwart, hands down. I was using it at 10 on my barb, and it rocked. At level 4, absolutely godlike. Course, level 4 is cake anyway, esp if you're veteran with Carni, or of course TR. But a bit of twink is so much fun:)
04-12-2011, 05:51 AM
-Abishai Set, awesome at Lvl 5....
-Few things outa Attack on Stormreach, Jidz, Blademarks etc.
-Some real nice low level wraps including Devotion, +1 reptile banes, others I have collected on monks
-Min Lvl 8 Paralyzing Greatsword RR WF, this thing is awesome and has seen use on at least 4 toons. (Really should Icy Burst it) Bowl through tear of Dhakan 10 times paralyzing everything on your way through.
-Crystal cove stuff, trinkets, gems etc, awesome stuff there.
-Other assorted end quest BTA items, no min lvl stuff etc.
Edit and ohh yeah Carnifex, hmmmm carniiiiiii.........
04-12-2011, 05:57 AM
best low level gear come when you are 5 level above :)
04-12-2011, 06:30 AM
Grim's Bracelet ML3 isn't too bad.
04-12-2011, 07:53 AM
Not sure if you can save the blessing of the silver flame, but that's kind of weak anyway.
Yes, that's keepable, just request a new one from the agent. It's even useful at low levels if you forget your feather fall in the harbour.
04-12-2011, 08:54 AM
Well, I'm WF Favored Soul, my current gear is
Head: Mod Fort Admiral's Tricone from CC event ML:5
Necklace: Anger's Wrath Necklace
Trinket: Greater Stalwart
Cloak: Envenomed Cloak
Belt: none so far, perhaps spell resistance??
Wrist: Spearbane from Korthos
Gloves: Charged Gauntlets
Boots: Anger's Wrath Boots
Goggles: Goggles of Insight
Docent: Blademark's Docent
For weapons, I can only use Greatsword, and im still looking for one off the AH or brokers
Nothing specific for my ring slots.
For some unknown reason i dont have the wrist component of the abishai set. I think I'd go look for some. :D
04-12-2011, 09:00 AM
Muckbane. I know there are items which duplicate the effect of not being affected by oozes....but I still love my Muckbane!
Dude! I have run that quest at least 30 times and have never pulled it from Muck's chest! :( All of my friends have several of them LOL!
04-12-2011, 09:20 AM
Made a brand new WF Wiz/Rogue a little while ago.
fresh off the boat, level 4, 0 xp:
+4 Str Ring (Lordmarch)
+10 DD ring (Lordmarch)
+7 OL/+3 haggle ring (Lordmarch)
Moderate Fort/Disease Immunity ring. (Lordmarch)
Bold/Cunning trinkets (Crystal Cove)
FF boots (???)
Superior Glaciation I hat (Risia)
Eternal wand of frost lv5 (Risia)
Icy burst/Shocking burst/Pure Good great axe (Lordmarch/Risia)
+2 Con Belt (???)
+2 Dex Gloves (???)
Necklace of Contemplation (Korromar)
+2 Int Goggles (???)
+2 Resistance Cloak (???)
Blackwidow Bracers (WW)
Docent of looking cool (forgot what it was but the House D invulnerability one when I got to 5)
(most of the ??? are sharn I imagine - cant recall)
Nothing like having enough AC to get missed a lot.
Being able to 1 shot most everything with one Niac's.
Being able to melee everything well.
Being immune to crits.
Being able to hit all traps/locks WAY over level.
Making most saves.
Being immune to just about everything.
Having +5 tools/haste pots/Cure pots/Greater Air Ellies etc but not needing to use them.
All without ever having killed so much as a kobold.
The twink situation is getting crazy. O.o
Oh, and one level later the Abashi set makes it just sick.
04-12-2011, 09:42 AM
Oh, lots of uber twink gear these days.
Chrono stuff: Cloak, gauntlets, scorched bracers, frost helm, and boots
Time sensing goggles, and Nat Gann's staff is totally hax for any dexy toon (+4 Dex ML4!)
gem of many facets with a couple of korthos set items is nice too.
cove trinkets for sure, and air gems
Festivult Cookies
The attack spell versions of these are ridiculous, meteor swarm, ice storm, all kinds of goodies, ML0 with CL15 attack spells. Great for laying waste to bosses.
House D Pirate Quests:
Blademark Docent (ML5 upgraded is awesome)
Jidz-tekta some of best monk gear in game
Eternal Rest: Silver Undead bane HW's, yes please
Sword of the INquistion/Dagger: Ghost Touch Silver, Lesser undead bane, great for wraiths/vamps, etc.
Gerard Dryden's mace: +2 undead bane heavy mace
Guidance: +2 holy ML2 xbow
Pillar of LIght: +1 PG staff Radiance II, and 1 charge of searing light. Great skelly beater.
Crimson Gemstone (WizII ML5)
Kruggs spiked boots, 10% striding and +2 reflex
Black Wolfskin Belt/Blademaster bracers/gaunlets: +3 ML5 stuff
Cloven JaW Warbeads: ML0 +2 con BTA
Puzzle Cap: +2 itn ML0 BTA
Shadow Star: your standard issue monk barrel breaker. shurken
Ring of Feathers
Gatewarden's Girdle
Sharn Syndicate:
I like most of the weaps in here. Especially longbow, greatsword, Mace and shortsowrds
Deleras (a bit less shiny since chrono junk dropped)
Devotion HW's
Golden Cartouche
Docent of the Tomb (nice for Roguey WF)
Iron Manacles for Chaotic AC toons
Tear of Dakhann:
Sword of the Thirty is great leveling sword.
Dueling Schlaghers, D8 base dmg rapiers
ironweavet tunic: D3 vs slash/pierce
that's about it for super lowbie stuff, Of course there is Silver Bow from church and cult, Choas gaurd and planar gird (a really nice lowbie item for melees)
That's all the lowbie stuff I like to hoard/hand me down/farm for.
Chrono loot and Cove Trinkets/gems and cookies are the most twink though:)
04-12-2011, 09:58 AM
2 x Star of Irian (the old ML: 2 version) (for skellies)
+1 Shock Long Sword of Pure good w/ Festival Icy Burst
+1 Acid Short Sword of Pure good w/ Festival Icy Burst
+1 Holy Greatsword of Pure Good w/ Festival Icy Burst
05-09-2011, 01:48 PM
Ml2 or 4 Robe of Invulnerability is IMHO the best damage mitigation item for lowbies. Used the BTA ml 2 one on my TRd monk till lvl 8 and swapped to Lightening Guard of Inv till I could wear Garments of Equil at 10 or 12 or whatever it is.
Fernian Handwraps from Threnal NO ML +2 Flaming Burst Handwraps, +3 Reflex Save, Fire spells and Fire Finisher get Bonus (30% iirc)
All the previously mentioned gear by other posters is GAHDLIKE in low levels. Great stuff!
Also use the Stalwart Trinket to get the Stoneskin then swap to Nimble Trinket (the blur indirectly helps the stoneskin last longer with the 20% miss chance)
At level 4 with Invulnerabilty, Stalwart/Nimble combo and Charged Gauntlets you could tank a baby Horoth lol
05-09-2011, 02:06 PM
I've made players cry when they see my Triple Pos. GS LB ML8 :D
05-09-2011, 02:12 PM
Gear is gear, make sure you focus on consumables as well.
Don't forget your your haggle and favor is much higher than it will be before you TR, and you'll have access to items that will take you a while to get again after you TR.
So.... make sure you buy lots of consumables that you think you will use with a nicely moderated price due to favor and haggle. not to mention, Silver flame and yugo pots, your phiarlan trinket.
Also a personal pet peeve of mine. If you have even a small chance of getting it off, get knock scrolls! they are good until at least level 7 for opening locks.
05-09-2011, 02:13 PM
I haven't gotten one yet but I've been looking around for a +1 or +2 ghost touch quarterstaff of righteousness. Would love to get one of those, toss icy burst and force on it, and use it to kick butt in Delera's each life. Honestly, that single weapon makes me tempted to take the time to take up crafting. Avoiding weapon swaps in delera's for ghosts, skeletons, and the ghostly skeletons without being Good aligned would be outstanding.
05-09-2011, 02:15 PM
- Full Abishai set
- Carnifex
- Keen Falchion of PG (waiting to icy burst it, 30% crit chance!)
- Great Axe of Righteousness (Delera is a piece of cake)
But most of all:
- Tons Of Potions: "infinite" supply of heroism, haste, barkskin and heals
05-09-2011, 02:38 PM
Its my first time to TR a toon. I'm just wondering, what do you consider to be your best low-level twink gear to help out your toon. It can be random or named, anything you deem to make your TR life easier in the early levels.
At low levels, DR is awesome and AC is actually useful. I used Adamantine Fullplate (DR 3) until level 10. Then I switched to Stonemeld Plate (DR 5) for levels 10-15. (Fullplate of Giants is also DR 5 & min-level 10.) By level 16, AC was useless to me, and DR 5 not as big a deal, so I switched to my end-game Dragon-touched armor.
05-09-2011, 03:33 PM
This. The blademark's docent is amazing at low levels.
I'm about half through L19, and I still wear it a lot on a 15 brd/2 fgt/2 rog. With a vampiric cleaver + IC:slash, greater stalwart trinket from CC, blademark's docent, and ironskin chant + are really hard to kill in melee. At least in quests on normal for xp grining purposes. Did Sins of Attrition solo on normal yesterday pretty easily with that setup, didn't need any in combat healing, just patched up with a few reconstruct scrolls between fights. Wasn't nearly as fast as I could do it on a FvS or arcane, but it was still effective, and not too bad for a first life character with no green steel or anything.
I made a pretty nice dragontouched docent, but I find I still wear the blademark more for now at least.
05-09-2011, 03:47 PM
I LOVE a bodyfeeder item at low levels (Morningstar of the Heretic from Catacombs min level 2)
I've gone through quests without losing a single hp since you have the bodyfeeder kicking in all the time when you're swinging away. The one I picked up with my main is on my new level 3 cleric right now.
Especially in combat heavy quests, when you are critting a lot (hence getting temp hp's a lot). At low levels, 15 hp is a lot since you're not taking as much damage.
05-09-2011, 03:51 PM
05-09-2011, 04:11 PM
What you wear from levels 1 to 4 is largely irrelevant. As long as it literally isn't **** you scraped together with your paltry funds, you're going to be effective - assuming you're a competent player, and you didn't gimp your build.
That said, my 6th level monk has the full Chrono set, Grim's Bracelet, and Brawn's Spirit, trapblast goggles and a +1 flaming burst handwrap.
He also wears a ring of moderate fort. and a no ML ring of feather falling (which I got from WW).
I need to actually give him some decent funds, because I'd like to score something like flaming handwraps of PG and he'll be a force to be reckoned with.
My belt is just a lame +5 lesser false life, so that's like of weak.
Yea, Sharn is great for +2 no min level stat items. The weapons are also pretty good.
05-09-2011, 04:13 PM
Ashamedly, I have an Icy Burst'd +2 Greataxe of Monstrous Humanoid Bane, ML 0, dubbed the "Korthos Cleaver". Usable straight from level 1 and makes sahuagin a snap to beat, even with non-proficient toons. ;)
Before the Korthos item sets, a Necklace of Contemplation is nice. I take it off for the set then put it back on once I reach level 5 and can wear the Gem.
05-09-2011, 04:31 PM
with the new crafting you cant make anything very useful at low lvl but you can take any medium or large guild equip and make it lvl0 by making it craftable.
a large guild slot is pretty powerful at lvl1, normally dont bother with guild items as im to lazy to refill their boost but at low lvl their boost is much greater proportional.
medium fort at lvl5 this is great bta or char or RR
rr lvl7 improved resist fire/lightning/acid rings/cloaks are very useful
prefer maelstrom over carnifex if i can 1shot enemies or max 2-3 shot them why would i care about critical rate?
love paralysers at lvl8 very powerful here
05-09-2011, 05:31 PM
Maelstrom remains my most beloved item. ML2!
05-09-2011, 05:46 PM
In no particular order-
Crimson Gemstone (Wizardry III- 50sp at level 5)
Abishai Set
Visor of the Flesh Render Guards (I don't know how I got this many, but I have 8)
Linen Handwraps
Golden Cartouche
Necklace of Contemplation
All the Event trinkets- I swap depending on the situation
Kaelth's Touch (Not BtA/swappable, but I farm scarabs and every character gets one)
Black Widow Bracers
Quicksilver Cassok (Earliest 20% Striding for my robe-wearing Clerics)
Mystic Belt (Earliest +4 WIS I have for my Clerics)
Girdle of Faith (+2 Turn Undead, with Radiant Servant, saves low level Clerics some SP)
Variety of Icy Bursted weapons
Variety of Ghost Touch/PG weapons, ML:4
Variety of no to low ML Robes of Invulnerability, Light/Mod Fort items, etc.
EDIT: Oh, I missed the part where you said you were TR'ing. Make at least one (if not more) Greensteel Haste Clickies. One Displacement Clicky is a good thing as well. If you have a whole bunch of signet stones/vale mats lying around, another good option is a 5/10 Exc. Fire Resist item- Depending on what class you are going with, Greater Fire Resist on the first tier if you can't cast it yourself.
05-09-2011, 06:06 PM
Don't underestimate the Phiarlan Mirror Cloak. That much spell resistance, available from lvl 3, is one of the best protection against casters you'll have at low lvls.
05-09-2011, 09:24 PM
Not a weapon, but I would vote for "Voice of the Master" or "Mantle of the Worldshaper" for the 5% XP bonus they give, along with their other benefits..Earning an extra 5% XP in every quest I think is very useful for TR/Multiple TRs.
05-09-2011, 09:50 PM
A ML 4 +2 shock longsword of pg, with festival frost
+1 frost rapier of pg
nicked short sword
That takes care of most low level THF or TWF needs.
Items (mostly nice-to-haves):
A badly beat up necklace of contemplation
Phiarlan mirror cloak
+10% striders no ML
+15% striders ML 5
+2 resist ring no ML
+2 stat items all with no ML, all BTA, and a few +3 stat items with ML 5
A ring whose name I forget with +3 dex and +1 deflection
A few pairs of flesh render goggles.
Crimson gemstone for anyone with a blue bar
05-09-2011, 11:24 PM
+1 icy burst holy khopesh of pure good
+1 icy burst holy handaxe of pure good
+1 holy maul of pure good
Full abishai set
Goggles of time sensing
Brawn's spirits
Necklace of contemplation
About 10 mauls for ooze beating, because boo muckbane
1 Bloodstone(need moar)
And a bunch of +2 tomes.
05-09-2011, 11:40 PM
Oh the list is pretty extensive really. ... But none of them compare with the air elemental summon gems from the event. I hope my 400+ I made last me through a few toons being capped, cus you cant and I mean cant even begin to compare any weapon or item to the might of a lvl 8 summon spell reserved for lvl 15 and above casters normally.
I have to agree with this. There are only two reasons not to pop an Air Elemental in every quest:
1) you don't have enough gems
2) you feel bad because the elemental contributes more than your character
If neither of those applies, pop the gem, cue up Let the Bodies Hit the Floor, and start winning. You don't need AC or hp or resists, because tripped mobs don't hit back. You don't need a high DPS weapon because they're down for the count. Just pop a gem and start piking. Even if you're soloing the quest.
05-10-2011, 04:55 AM
stuff I use
+2 no ml stat gear
no ml UA items
+1 holy's of all types, blunt for deleras
linen handwraps etc.
Expeditious Retreat clickies etc.
Visor of Fleshrender Guards, etc. etc.
meh, I'm sure you all have your own twink stuff for low, low levels.
10-25-2012, 04:31 PM
Given the changes of MoTU, has anyone changed up their twink gear? I have old, pre u14 stuff, but I was wondering if I should be farming for something a little different.
10-25-2012, 04:43 PM
Trinket of melee alacrity 10% (LM1 with craft-smith I)
permahaste at lv one is awesome!!
U will have to ask some one to craft one for u, or buy one shard on the AH
also need to buy a trinket from the store (bound to account) so i recommended
or get a shard of power from shroud (cheap)
but is definitely worth it..
I start using it and if for some random reason i take it looks like i am in some sort of slow motion :D
10-25-2012, 04:52 PM
Trinket of melee alacrity 10% (LM1 with craft-smith I)
permahaste at lv one is awesome!!
U will have to ask some one to craft one for u, or buy one shard on the AH
also need to buy a trinket from the store (bound to account) so i recommended
or get a shard of power from shroud (cheap)
but is definitely worth it..
I start using it and if for some random reason i take it looks like i am in some sort of slow motion :D
Yeah 10% is a big difference. I may make a few as I level up crafting.
10-25-2012, 05:19 PM
Most usefull for me:
# Crafting Skills of around 40 (wish i was better) gets you
For All
+4 holy guild slotted Maul of undead bane (slotted Fire)
always Maul cause it safes space and you wont crit/sneak undead while leveling
+4 Acid guild slotted Falchion of bleed (slotted tohit at low later Acid)
good crit profile and till higher level 2hf is better on almost all builds
Some Slotted Gear for crafting clean stats on it and getting the hp/sp boni.
I re-craft these Items while leveling, safes more Bankspace.
Lifeshield xxx of Axeblock with Korthos Spearblock Bracer later Ring of the Mire
For Caster
Large Mithral Shield with highest +x and Ring of Casting Arcane Dexterity of xxx Fortification
# Challenge stuff
Wind Bracers for Perma Blur on non Arcane
Elemental Greataxe from lvl12 on as it is a nice all around beater
Water Kopesh if 2wf
# Trinkets
Purple and Violet Ioun stones, Voice of the Master.
# Cloak
Phiarlan Mirror Cloak
# Pots
I consider them as the biggest difference between Newb and TR, no newb can afford so much pots. And they make a huge difference till about level 9.
Sure there is way more nice stuff but for most i dont see the need and dont have the Space. This Stuff gets my to level 11+ with ease and from there on most run with Greensteel overpowerdness.
Alot of great ones here, but a few that are not items.
The air ele gems from crystal cove are awesome when leveling.
The Blade Barrier cake from the holiday turn in is another good one while at low levels. I am sure I use a few more of them, but I stock up on these in particular whenever the events are running.
10-25-2012, 05:37 PM
Someone already mentioned it, but the Sharn Syndicate (Especially Stand your Ground) has some phenomenal +2 stat items and +5 skill items that are BTA that are no min-level.
I pretty much have a full complement of +2 stat gear that I start playing with right away after I TR.
Waterworks and STK can also drop some really good stuff, too.
10-25-2012, 05:48 PM
Can't believe nobody mentioned master craftsmanship and screaming/bleeding crafted weapons.
I have a 9 (holding 10) ranger TR that started with +0 screaming khopesh of bleeding with large guild slot, no ML +5 str ring, no ML +5 con/light fort ring, crafted ML1 invulnerability armor of lesser acid guard w/small guild slot (fort), ML1 shield of 10% melee alacrity, etc, feather falling cloak ML1, ML1 SR belt with large guild slot (HP).... you get the idea.
Someone eventually mentioned vibrant purple Ioun stone for casters (makes that 50sp crimson trinket look silly).
Someone also finally mentioned wind bracers for level4.
Of course all the cove trinkets (and summons), Delera's items, and Chrono gear.
10-25-2012, 06:31 PM
I've been getting pretty lazy with gear swaps; here's my tr twinkle list:
Head - usually nothing till helm of frost->Minos->cc seeker +6 balance +15
Armour - crafted invulnerability -> bladesmark->gorgon->various dt
Bracers -depends on class, jitz->nightforge->Levicks->thaarak
Boots - crafted ff w/guild slot -> crafted ff & resistance w/guild slot -> tod boots :)
Gloves - nimble ->charged -> spectrals -> fabricators
Belt -> health guild slot -> mod fort crafted-> mnoran? -> knosts
Cloak - mirror -> mantle-> hp/conopp gs
Trinket - cunning/voice/ioun stones hotswap
Googles - trapblast-> time sensing->flesh renders as required-> 3x air & sp gs
10-25-2012, 06:34 PM
I always look forward to being able to use my raid loot. Usually use belt of the mroranon til I put on minos at 11, then swap the belt to belt of brute strength.
I love the ioun stones to make casters useless.
And haste clickies. I have several as low as ml5 w/ 1 charge per rest, and they only go up from there. My 15 fighter currently has 3 haste items, all bracers, all with 5 charges per rest. Only 30 seconds a pop, but that's enough for a fight most of the time.
I'll be looking into crafting a melee alacrity trinket. Good tip.
10-25-2012, 06:38 PM
Stalwart trinket, Carnifex, Abishi set, Fens sets (mire, claw and venom), then GS and Minos, then dragontouched.
Those are the twink items I have in order for my trs.
10-25-2012, 06:59 PM
carnafix, till green steel
And an Acid Maul of Pure Good/Righteousness for Skellies/Undead/other mobs that Carnifex isnt Best-in-slot for.
10-25-2012, 07:24 PM
I cant believe no one mentioned my favorite: Quiver of Alacrity!!!!!!!!
10-25-2012, 08:01 PM
Its my first time to TR a toon. I'm just wondering, what do you consider to be your best low-level twink gear to help out your toon.
I have a +1 Festival Icy Burst Keen Falchion of Pure Good, ML 2.
Does it rawk?
It rawks.
10-25-2012, 08:20 PM
The pale Lave upgraded
Voice & Worldshaper
mace of smiting level 6
bunch of level 6 everbright weapons
Now at level 8&9 I have 2 paralyzers and one disruptor.
The Paralyzers level 8 dwarf only rapier the other is a level 9 greatsword halfelf/elf/human.
The disruptor is level 9 no race restrictions is a great axe.
+4 dex ring no min level and +4 con ring no min level
In the last few months I have gotten 2 sets of 30% strider boots that are level 11
Have a couple sets of heavyfort outfits and one plate armor level 8-10
one set of 25% striding boots level 8 and two level 9
10-25-2012, 08:43 PM
If you have the SP Ioun Stone, you'll need to go with the Threnal cloak, which must remain equipped all of the time so you don't lose XP from optionals.
The only thing here is that the 200 SP to 400 SP this stone provides, depending on the caster should be used to cover buffing costs that so many complain about and then once that 200 to 400 SP is used switched for VoM until time to shrine. The Spell Pen IX that is also on the Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone is only situationaly needed at lower levels. Higher levels is a different story - but again it will depend on the Caster if they even need a boost to Spell Pen.
The problem is that so many have not learned that the SP item is only useful up until you've spent the SP. At which point an item that helps more than Zero SP should be switched in. The Pale Lavender Ioun stone has greater potential of forcing the use of the Cloak of the Worldshapper than the Vibrant Purple.
10-25-2012, 09:04 PM
my favs
+1 holy pure good festival icy great axe (lvl6)
+1 holy burst pure good festival icy great axe (lvl10)
large guild slot armour with invulnerability and lifesheild at the right levels
Belt mod fort (with the guild slot that's 95% fortification @ level 5)
+2 & +5 items crafted with masterfuls
Ioun stones (spellpoints & absorption)
Then other random stuff
blur scrolls
hero pots
health pots
GH pots
... then my personal favorites
shroud haste clickies .... lots and lots of them :) you can never have enough haste :D
10-25-2012, 11:07 PM
Bracers of wind and carnifex are easily some of the most powerful level 4 items in the game, they are my favs, also a crafted outfit/armor of invuln
10-26-2012, 12:06 AM
For me, meleeing:
Antique Greataxe or the Hellstroke Greataxe, and either...
chrono abishai set, or "ship buffs".
Easy win:)
02-22-2013, 01:11 PM
Curious as to what people will do for twink gear with the new augments post u17.
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