View Full Version : Barbarian Barb 2h weap questions

04-11-2011, 09:48 PM
I already have Min2 and Lit2. I have an epic ratkiller and just got all the goodies to make epic Antique Greataxe I only have 30 raid tokens. So which will I use more. Antique with good or Ratkiller with good. Antique I guess I would only use on some raid bosses that are immune to acid. Whatcha think?

04-11-2011, 09:54 PM
I already have Min2 and Lit2. I have an epic ratkiller and just got all the goodies to make epic Antique Greataxe I only have 30 raid tokens. So which will I use more. Antique with good or Ratkiller with good. Antique I guess I would only use on some raid bosses that are immune to acid. Whatcha think?

As far as i know, ratkiller is neither silver nor cold iron so making it deal good dmg does nothing to break the DR of raid bosses.

I think.

^ opinion of someone who doesn't even have a lvl 20, much less any epic equipment.

04-11-2011, 10:13 PM
I know that. Ratkiller would really just be a devil beater. I have a min2 for boss beater. Just would get a lil extra damage with antique ga against some bosses. My question was where the 30 tokens would be more useful.