View Full Version : Char transfer ticket lost?

04-11-2011, 04:11 PM
At the end of January I filed ticket #24001-19866 to transfer one of my chars on my secondary account from Ghallanda to Thelanis (together with 12 more tickets for my primary account which cost me the better part of a month's allowance..)
I was notified by a GM that this secondary account has no credit card associated. I added one, and replied to the notification mail as requested. Since that time - silence.

Sent a mail to account support mid-February - no reply.
Sent a mail to account support end-February - no reply.
Sent a mail to the "problems with GM support" contact mid-March - no reply.
(I made sure the ticket number is in the subject so that it's not easily discarded..)

Can someone at Turbine PLEASE find out what happened to that ticket, and get my last godforsaken character transferred? Preferably for free now.. just as a compensation for the annoyance your support caused me.

04-11-2011, 06:20 PM
Hey wooshell,

I'm very sorry to hear you experienced this problem. I would actually recommend that you submit a new Transfer request. Right now turn around for Premium/Paid Services is within a few days.

I'll pass along the feedback about the original ticket as well. If you have additional questions, please feel free to PM me and I'll provide additional steps.
