View Full Version : Unexpected Downgrade from VIP to Premium

04-11-2011, 07:39 AM
I sent an email to the Account Management department on saturday regarding this issue and have not heard back yet so I am posting it here as well. I get billed for my account each month on the 8th, last month, I was late on the payment, but when I updated the information I then said I wanted a 3-month subscription. It then took out the amount for both the 1-month and the 3-month, which was fine with me because it meant I had no worries for 4 months. I checked my account at that point and it said that my billing date was now the 11th of each month. When I logged in on saturday, the 9th, I found I was a premium player, with no way of playing one of my favorite characters as he is a half-orc. I could not get to the bank because at that point it was too late. I check my account information frequently but never saw that it said I would be billed on the 8th or 9th and yet there I was having no way of continuing my subscription. Not to mention the fact that I was charged for 4 months! I went to Gamestop to buy a points card to continue my subscription, as I saw on here that it would work, but they told me it wouldn't work, so I didn't buy it. Now if I put the money in today my account will not go active again until tomorrow! That is 3 days that I can not play because of this issue! Here are the issues that I think need to be resolved:

First, obviously someone needs to let Gamestop know that the points cards do in fact work, clearly not your fault.

Second, If someone pays for 2 subscriptions, let them have both or at least send them an email that there was an issue and let them choose, I mean we do give our emails to play the game after all.

Third, Email someone the day before their account is being billed so they can be prepared. Even if it's an option that they choose whether they want to receive emails or not, I receive 20 emails a week from DDO that I don't always want, why can't one say "billing reminder, your account will be billed ..."?

Fourth, please figure out why I am being told my billing date is one day and being billed another entirely.

Also, have a way of contacting people on the weekends, and from the website have an email listed as "billing questions should be sent here" not just "here are 6 emails, pick one and good luck"

I would like to say, finally, that I have always been very happy with this game, and am always telling people how great it is, this issue ruined my weekend, not because I couldn't play but because it made me angry about the situation that I had no control over whatsoever. If these issues are not resolved, I will no longer be telling people such great things, I'm not going anywhere, but I will very soon stop being a vip, and I had always intended to stay one, but people do not get my money when they can't even do simple things to help.

04-11-2011, 06:38 PM
Please note that the Forums are not a place to receive official support as noted here (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=212326). For official support, please contact the appropriate department (I'm glad to see you already have). Among other things, we aren't able to provide official support on the forums because we have no access to account specific details, and therefore can't answer account specific questions or make changes.

However, I will try to answer some of your questions with general information.

1) Gamestop is a separate company. They are an authorized retailer of our Point Codes and Cards. We can only provide them with information.

2) Our system isn't set up to allow subscription time to be moved. However, I'll certainly pass along your feedback.

3) Our system doesn't email players prior to subscription fees being charged. It never has. However, I will pass along this feedback as well.

4) I'm sorry, but I can't see your billing date, so I'm somewhat limited in this case. However, the Account Management department will be happy to assist you with this question.

5) All web inquiries are answered as quickly as possible in the order they are received. Turn around right now is within 1-2 business days, and is often faster. I'm sorry that you are unhappy with this turn around, and will pass along your feedback.

04-12-2011, 05:45 PM
Thank you for the response, honestly, I am more relieved to have an answer, than it being the one I necessarily want. I appreciate that you will pass those things along and thank you for taking the time to write.