View Full Version : Scream for heals?

04-09-2011, 03:00 PM
I see alot of people start yelling "heal! heal!"

Im not the cleric or anything but if you cant find a potion or wand vendor or otherwise CYOA then please at least yell "heal PLEASE!" Also might be a be good idea to check the classes in your party before yelling.

04-09-2011, 03:02 PM
Sounds like a one-way ticket to the Soul (Stone) Train to me.

04-09-2011, 03:03 PM
I have been a healer, and for me, you don't need to scream heal. If you life bar drops, I heal you. Its that simple. Now if you're one of those that thinks they're the main tank as a battlesorc...well heal your own **** self.

04-09-2011, 03:08 PM
well...when im the cleric people dont scream unless they are out of range/blocked/zerged off...Then I blame them anyway.

When Im not the cleric I certainly dont rely on the cleric to keep me alive if I am blocked/outta range/zerged off I have some self healing solution. Its also helpful when the cleric has no idea what they are doing...Seems they also have problems finding the wand vendor sometimes.

Main point I have I guess is be self sufficient.

04-09-2011, 03:13 PM
I love it when people start screaming for heals, as I can't always tell who it is yelling. Then they're almost invariably out of range or having ducked behind a pillar in order to avoid getting heals. Then when they die due to being halfway across the map, behind walls, and taking far too much aggro than they could have ever handled, they then scream and curse at me for "being a gimp healer" and "not healing anybody". Meanwhile, the others remain alive, healthy, and near me.

04-09-2011, 03:14 PM
i have been a cleric too. If your red bar drops i will heal you.

but (there's always a but isnt there)

if your red bar dropped 50% more than everyone elses on every hit, i had a nice safe spot in my backpack reserved just for their soul stone ;)

04-09-2011, 03:15 PM
"How low can ya go" is a fun game to play on your healer.

Its also instructive for cleric puggers like me. Separates the idiot who's going to rush rush rush solo into the next mob with a sliver of health VS the smart player who backs out of the scrum to drink a pot.

Once I identify the smart players, they get all the TLC from me they can handle.

The screamers? I have a mean streak.

04-09-2011, 03:20 PM
i have been a cleric too. If your red bar drops i will heal you.

but (there's always a but isnt there)

if your red bar dropped 50% more than everyone elses on every hit, i had a nice safe spot in my backpack reserved just for their soul stone ;)

LOL, yeah, those people also tend to not get buffs after the beginning of an instance. If you're a glass cannon dps, at least wait a couple seconds for the Tank to draw aggro before you go running into the fray.

04-09-2011, 03:20 PM
Its also instructive for cleric puggers like me. Separates the idiot who's going to rush rush rush solo into the next mob with a sliver of health VS the smart player who backs out of the scrum to drink a pot.


04-09-2011, 03:23 PM
"How low can ya go" is a fun game to play on your healer.

Its also instructive for cleric puggers like me. Separates the idiot who's going to rush rush rush solo into the next mob with a sliver of health VS the smart player who backs out of the scrum to drink a pot.

Once I identify the smart players, they get all the TLC from me they can handle.

The screamers? I have a mean streak.

I like to see how long I can heal the party with nothing but an eternal cure minor wand. Incidentally, this also lets me guesstimate everyone's hp pretty easily.

04-09-2011, 03:56 PM

Thanks but not my idea. Stole it from someone who's always singing "how low... can ya go" on comms while she not-heals. :D

04-09-2011, 04:02 PM
I'm sure I'm not the only cleric that forgets to heal anyone who screams at me...

04-09-2011, 04:18 PM
Meh..I like it when they scream..it appeases my ears to hear the suffering of the inept, and unprepared. :D

04-09-2011, 04:48 PM
I'm sure I'm not the only cleric that forgets to heal anyone who screams at me...

LOL, so true

04-09-2011, 04:56 PM
I am glad to hear that I am not the only one having this problem. I thought is was first time jitters playing a healer. Now I understand that most think that my blue bar supports their red bar. Well now I feel sorry for the screamers in that they will loose their voice.

04-09-2011, 05:06 PM
Thankfully, most of this goes away at higher levels.

I don't tend to pug much before level 10 anymore, but I did pug quite a lot on my FvS. It was good practice for healing parties full of people who couldn't take care of themselves. That made healing higher level parties full of people who actually can take care of themselves a breeze.

04-09-2011, 05:10 PM
Thankfully, most of this goes away at higher levels.

I don't tend to pug much before level 10 anymore, but I did pug quite a lot on my FvS. It was good practice for healing parties full of people who couldn't take care of themselves. That made healing higher level parties full of people who actually can take care of themselves a breeze.

I dunno I saw sim. disc. today regarding rem cur.

04-09-2011, 05:16 PM
As a cleric I always appreciate a reminder.

Granted screaming or ALL CAPS isn't ever warranted but I can appreciate someone at 25% and dropping fast letting me know.

04-09-2011, 05:28 PM
Do not underestimate the power of the caps lock.

04-09-2011, 05:30 PM
I can appreciate someone at 25% and dropping fast letting me know.

at that point I think It is a better plan to drop out of combat/diplo/start kiting/drinking pots or whatever rather than yell for help and hope the cleric can getcha in time.

04-09-2011, 06:00 PM
No one ever screams for heals when I play my cleric.

Funny how people don't get upset when you do your absolute best to keep them on their feet.

04-09-2011, 06:12 PM
This reminds me of my new little cleric been running on Argo.

No Plat and was just over 250 mana, couldnt afford wands (200 plat dont buy squat)

Waterworks Elite pt 1:

Leader tells you, ' Hey mind healing XXXXXXX thats my kid and theyre new to the game.'

'Oh, you mean the one that just stood in the acid trap?'

fast forward to 3rd encounter:

Leader: 'HEAL MR PLXZX!!'

I look at my empty mana bar and *sigh*

*in leaders defense he did offer me a wand of Niacs and a scroll of owls wisdom lol

04-09-2011, 06:17 PM
I have been a healer, and for me, you don't need to scream heal. If you life bar drops, I heal you. Its that simple. Now if you're one of those that thinks they're the main tank as a battlesorc...well heal your own **** self.

Yep:) Also unless you run off somewhere, unless that was the plan. Otherwise, stay in healing range, i'm not herding cats:) Also, if you're a rog or other kind of squishy doing damage, DO NOT get aggro. Wait before hitting stuff. A decent healer can start their own lfm, or just run with guildies. Bad pugs make clerics type /anon, which makes the Baby Panda sad:(

04-09-2011, 06:26 PM
this is why i solo up to necro

04-09-2011, 06:34 PM
"How low can ya go" is a fun game to play on your healer.

Its also instructive for cleric puggers like me. Separates the idiot who's going to rush rush rush solo into the next mob with a sliver of health VS the smart player who backs out of the scrum to drink a pot.

Once I identify the smart players, they get all the TLC from me they can handle.

The screamers? I have a mean streak.

Then end is nigh!

I have agreed with Fen!



04-09-2011, 06:36 PM
No one ever screams for heals when I play my cleric.

Funny how people don't get upset when you do your absolute best to keep them on their feet.

You tune will change with time young one.

Just remember;

You can heal Feeblemind but you can't heal stupid.

04-09-2011, 08:11 PM
No one ever screams for heals when I play my cleric.

Funny how people don't get upset when you do your absolute best to keep them on their feet.

the reason I posted this is because I was in party of 3 arcane wf ,1 arcane fleshy and a fleshy barb. Fleshy barb starts screaming for heals. There was no cleric. No ranger. No pally. No umd rogue. Who was the barb even screaming at? Anyone. Anyone who would carry his rear through the quest.

04-09-2011, 08:23 PM
Omfg Hjeal Meh!

04-09-2011, 08:37 PM
I see alot of people start yelling "heal! heal!"

If they are not getting healed in my grp..there Is a Reason

04-09-2011, 08:45 PM
If they are not getting healed in my grp..there Is a Reason

Not going to name any names here but...

Probably because they ran out of tools? :p

04-09-2011, 08:52 PM
I most frequently hear screaming for heals when the healer, who was recruited to the group specifically for that purpose, pikes. I've heard it from the low end to end game, and it happens with astonishing regularity. Sadly, a huge number of people still arrogantly and self-righteously think that because they want to do whatever they want, that the group should bend to them and not the other way around. It's a team sport kids, just like hockey. There are goalies and forwards. You don't play one like the other just because you feel like it.

Play your roles, or go find some other game. Really, I don't care if you think that the fighters could drink pots or that the bard could scroll heal. Possibilities that have nothing to do with the core design are irrelevant, as are your geeky little ego tantrums about what you want to do. If I play a monk, I beat the living crud out of everything that gets close enough, stun it if I can, and if I do, leave it to the barb with the greataxe to finish off and go stun something else. That's called playing my role. When I play a rogue, I will go so far as to buy tools from the DDO store just to pick one chest of junk, because it was MY stupid fault that I didn't bring them as my role demands of me.

Again, the vast majority of the time someone is yelling for a heal, it is because the healer is piking or battle-clericing, especially at end game. I don't fault people for lagging and DC interruption, but when people go afk without saying anything right when the group all says they're ready to go into the next room, or decides to ignore their duties and change channels on the TV, or just sits there motionless to one side not healing, that's someone who is putting themselves ahead of everyone else and wasting everyone else's time.

04-09-2011, 09:21 PM
Really, I don't care if you think that the fighters could drink pots or that the bard could scroll heal. Possibilities that have nothing to do with the core design are irrelevant

No dude. I dont just think that fighters can drink pots. Ive actually tried it on my fighter and found it works ;^) verified.

I would not recommend scrolls for healing by bards. Wands work better. Raise dead scrolls are sure handy tho.

So pots and scrolls are not core rules to dungeons and dragons huh? Man I better write the 70's and let them know.

Also, I do not recruit clerics. If one dont join for something that absolutely requires one then I come back later and do it when one is availible. But I usually just take the first 4 guys(girls too, ok) who join and roll like that. If 2 more join before all at quest entrance then all the better. I warn folks that we are short manning and they can bring hires or pots or wands or whatever and cover their butts. If they dont wanna come thats cool too. I give them the out.

and if the cleric is a piker then Im glad I brought my own stuff.

04-09-2011, 09:25 PM
I've heard it from the low end to end game, and it happens with astonishing regularity. Sadly, a huge number of people still arrogantly and self-righteously think that because they want to do whatever they want, that the group should bend to them and not the other way around. Play your roles, or go find some other game.

I think I grouped with you on WW Elite. You said something along the lines of "you know your role right? Its to keep the tanks up". I laughed and said "uh-huh". We proceeded to zoom thru without a scratch, thanks to my max-spec'd soundbursts and haste (on noes! a 4th lvl cleric with 10 clicks of haste per shrine must have made your head spin, because its not my "role" to keep everyone hasted...)

But I want to thank you for all the laughs.

Again, the vast majority of the time someone is yelling for a heal, it is because the healer is piking or battle-clericing, especially at end game.

We must be playing different games. The vast majority of the time someone is yelling for a heal in my groups is because they've done something really stupid, like zerged off on their own into a mob they can't handle.

My fav though is a group I had just joined - the barb who yelled at me for not healing him. He ranted and raved about my lack of situational awareness. I calmly waited for him to finish his meltdown and then responded: "dude, I haven't even entered the quest yet". Situational awareness?

Thats the vast majority of those yelling for heals - they have no idea where the cleric is. Sometimes they even yell and yell and yell for the cleric to HEALZ ME NOW NOOB! until someone reminds them there's no cleric in the group. :D

04-09-2011, 11:18 PM
You scream, I scream, we all scream for heal-flavoured ice cream.

04-09-2011, 11:22 PM
I like to type "HJEAL MEH" in all caps. Then I put death aura on and just laugh. :D

04-09-2011, 11:34 PM
Okay its been a long time since I played past lvl 12. however, it seems like these days there are no clerics being rolled. Seriously, I've seen about 1 cleric per level, and they weren't in my party.

*EDIT* sorry for off-topic-ing an already derailing thread

04-09-2011, 11:43 PM
Okay its been a long time since I played past lvl 12. however, it seems like these days there are no clerics being rolled. Seriously, I've seen about 1 cleric per level, and they weren't in my party.

*EDIT* sorry for off-topic-ing an already derailing thread

Dont worry about that so much, doesnt bother me, what server are you seeing that on? I was playing on Can. the other week and was knee deep in them.

Seem to be in short supply on Ori. tho, been there the last 5 days.

04-09-2011, 11:57 PM
I'm on Gal currently, there are basically no healers. And sometimes I play 24 hours straight...seen not 1 below lvl 10. except for a lvl 2 a couple days ago.

*EDIT* might be because half of the meleers are warforged though.

04-10-2011, 12:04 AM
I most frequently hear screaming for heals when the healer, who was recruited to the group specifically for that purpose, pikes. I've heard it from the low end to end game, and it happens with astonishing regularity. Sadly, a huge number of people still arrogantly and self-righteously think that because they want to do whatever they want, that the group should bend to them and not the other way around. It's a team sport kids, just like hockey. There are goalies and forwards. You don't play one like the other just because you feel like it.

Play your roles, or go find some other game. Really, I don't care if you think that the fighters could drink pots or that the bard could scroll heal. Possibilities that have nothing to do with the core design are irrelevant, as are your geeky little ego tantrums about what you want to do. If I play a monk, I beat the living crud out of everything that gets close enough, stun it if I can, and if I do, leave it to the barb with the greataxe to finish off and go stun something else. That's called playing my role. When I play a rogue, I will go so far as to buy tools from the DDO store just to pick one chest of junk, because it was MY stupid fault that I didn't bring them as my role demands of me.

Again, the vast majority of the time someone is yelling for a heal, it is because the healer is piking or battle-clericing, especially at end game. I don't fault people for lagging and DC interruption, but when people go afk without saying anything right when the group all says they're ready to go into the next room, or decides to ignore their duties and change channels on the TV, or just sits there motionless to one side not healing, that's someone who is putting themselves ahead of everyone else and wasting everyone else's time.

If you want a heal-slave that will jump when you say jump try a hireling or build a character that can be self sufficient.

Funny how your comments are about your rogue and your monk. How about your cleric and your fvs?

04-10-2011, 12:21 AM
actually I would leave quest and buy tools before I bought them from the ddo store. xp<turbine points

04-10-2011, 12:26 AM
I never ask (beg) for heals. Even if I have no self-healing and only 1hp left.
That red bar under my name should be all the clue anyone else needs, so why become a begger?

04-10-2011, 12:28 AM
I never ask (beg) for heals. Even if I have no self-healing and only 1hp left.
That red bar under my name should be all the clue anyone else needs, so why become a begger?

Thank you sir, for not being a N00B, I should note the difference between a newb (someone new to the game) and a N00B (someone who just doesn't learn the game) to be clear.

04-10-2011, 12:38 AM
i have been a cleric too. If your red bar drops i will heal you.

but (there's always a but isnt there)

if your red bar dropped 50% more than everyone elses on every hit, i had a nice safe spot in my backpack reserved just for their soul stone ;)

If by backpack you mean lava pit, then I will assume you strategy is sound.

04-10-2011, 12:44 AM
If by backpack you mean lava pit, then I will assume you strategy is sound.

That is just cold blooded, I bet you generate a lot of Threat like that.

04-10-2011, 02:57 AM
at that point I think It is a better plan to drop out of combat/diplo/start kiting/drinking pots or whatever rather than yell for help and hope the cleric can getcha in time.

With a mic you can do it all at the same time. Granted you're probably not going to be typing for heals in that situation.

04-10-2011, 03:21 AM
Do you guys also realise that while your yelling for heals that your healer may need protection, as most healers aren't that loaded in the muscel area it would be nice if you stayed back with us and supported us as much as we support you. It's a quest we both need to finish so do it together....

04-10-2011, 03:22 AM
I dont bother with a mic. I guess Im kinda shy like that.

04-10-2011, 03:45 AM
I know, the topic is "screaming heal when there is no healer in the group", but I just wanted to tell how I do it: I tell at the beginning "You are F2, you F3...and so on". When they need heal and I am not aware, they just say "F3", so I can act some seconds faster.
Then, quote of the day: "If you think that heal is funny, heal yourself and save your money" :D

04-10-2011, 03:57 AM
Well, i have to say, i very rarely see or hear those screams at all.

When i am on my cleric, i do as most : look for red bars and heal those that seem to need it. I really can only remember one situation where someone screamed for heals and in that situation i had some problem with LoS, my really bad jump skill and a more complex multy-layer-dungeon where those in need couldn't notice with the map dots where the cleric was. Totally justified as i was really trying to heal that person at that moment.

When playing anything else, i still can't help noticing the red bars of other players due to my cleric experience. Occasionally there are screams for heals. Most of them are imho justified. Which means people that i would have healed seconds ago complaining. Most often such things occur, if the only healer is a hireling played by a non cleric, who is not used to watching red bars/has other duties. On rare occations it is because of an unattentive really tired cleric, a not noticed (or not announced !) afk.

The only screams, that are unneccessary are those, where some zerger far away from the rest of the group suddenly notices that he is not healed. But above low-level most healers ignore such things as they know they can't get there in time.

On the other hand, as i play at more international times where people tend to use less voice chat because they are shy of own accent/dialect or do know that they might be not understood by half of the party without typing, the heal-screams are quite rare. If you need a heal really really bad, you don't have the time for typing. You are busy jumping, running and diploing desperatly.

So yes, i read about "HJEAL" a lot in the forum. I just don't find it in the game in a significant number.

04-10-2011, 03:58 AM
there is nothing set in stone saying that clerics and FVS's are anyone's personal heal slave. You must earn heals when you are in a party ( stay with the party, play smart meat heads and zergers get left for dead that's just me, and heal pots are cheap use some before you scream for heals).

04-10-2011, 04:21 AM
I understand completely. Absolutely. I have had similar experiences. I bring my fighter into quests and everyone assumes that just because I carry a pair of swords that I should be swinging at mobs. HOW DARE THEY! They start screaming at me to fight something. To pull my weight and actually swing at a mob, but you know what, my red bar is not their party protection cache.

Cripes, next thing you know people will expect water savants to throw ice spells. Ridiculous.

I say stay strong brother! I am with you all the way!

04-10-2011, 04:30 AM
Buff them up massive like, burn the SP & then when they get too big for that HP break-point,,, no need to scream heal - it's get that cleric to a shrine D**m IT!

04-10-2011, 04:47 AM
I understand completely. Absolutely. I have had similar experiences. I bring my fighter into quests and everyone assumes that just because I carry a pair of swords that I should be swinging at mobs. HOW DARE THEY! They start screaming at me to fight something. To pull my weight and actually swing at a mob, but you know what, my red bar is not their party protection cache.

Cripes, next thing you know people will expect water savants to throw ice spells. Ridiculous.

I say stay strong brother! I am with you all the way!

Arlith, you miss the point. The OP is not the typical cleric post "I dont heal you". It is the post of someone that is not a cleric, in a situation where there was no cleric , bard or something in the party, and somebody cries "heal me".

04-10-2011, 05:25 AM
I run a Barb and carry tons of cure pots...when my red bar drops too low...I kite and drink, kite and drink in circles around the party until I get out of danger level or get healed by a benefactor. Even a busy battleCleric or Offense spell cleric will notice the move and lend a hand if you at least put forth an effort.

BUT, I had a funny experience yesterday that I have to share.

Running with a full raid party...I dropped to about 120 HP and was still swinging in full Rage (no worries above 100 right?). However...the red bar at that point is down to about 20%...and I hear someone shout, "Heal Curahoo! The Barbarian is about to die!!!" The experienced, skilled, Cleric and FVS both responded..."Curahoo has more HP left than you, Shut up and fight"

I have found that most Healer Clerics like to know before a quest what your total HP is when fighting and almost every Cleric I meet likes a gift of a Mnem pot or two and a Cure Serious Wand before you start the run....funny...I never have had to shout for a Heal....I wonder why?

04-10-2011, 06:40 AM
here's how the pro's do it!


comic from www.ddo1liners.co.uk, sadly no longer updating, but well worth a read through!

04-10-2011, 07:13 AM
i've been in a group with only clerics and am a melee... guess what? they didnt heal me at all and ignored me trough the whole dungeon xD. and they were TR'ed elitists as you call them now a days...

04-10-2011, 07:15 AM
There are goalies and forwards. You don't play one like the other just because you feel like it.

If you're a forward without decent AC, etc, then you deserve to be pulled from the game. I'm AMAZED at how much more durable my cleric is than all of the "combat troops", and that's not factoring in heals.

There was one game I was playing wherea rogue insisted on running WAY ahead of everyone with only half his HP available. He died regularly. Not my fault, he's an idiot.

I primarily heal through my raidiant bursts. If you think I should be wasting my mana to cast a nice cure tot he other side of the room, then that's a bad assumption. I tell people to stay close. They're the ones not being a team player.

Again, the vast majority of the time someone is yelling for a heal, it is because the healer is piking or battle-clericing, especially at end game.

People assume that because I have a level of fighter that I'm a "battle cleric" that can't/won't heal. Not true. I've got a huge wisdom score, and my Str, Dex, and Con, are mediocre-to-low... the fighter level lets me kill things at a decent rate when I'm soloing. :) I just don't like reducing my Spell Pool unless absolutely needed (unlike a couple of clerics i've pugged with... overHeal-overHeal-overHeal... OOM. And then acting like I'm not doing my part :) The spell pool represents versatile spells... my bursts are dedicated to healing. The spell pool can give you protection from an element, can raise you from the dead, can give you more AC, or lay the holy smack down on a beholder if we need to. Don't expect me to waste that resource if it's not neccessary just because you want to play stupidly.

So far in this game I haven't refused to heal anyone. In another game long ago I once dropped out of a quest when some A** was constantly berating me and they pulled a bait-and-switch on quest objectives.

04-10-2011, 07:47 AM
If you're a forward without decent AC, etc, then you deserve to be pulled from the game. I'm AMAZED at how much more durable my cleric is than all of the "combat troops", and that's not factoring in heals.

The thing is that the effectiveness of ac drops right off as you level unless you reach benchmarks that require you to give up alot of feats and slots for the most part, although some classes have decent synergy towards aquiring ac of course. And ultimately it might not even help if what your fighting takes much longer to kill then it would have otherwise.

Everybody should do what they can sure, but for most builds avoiding damage is far superior to mitigating it.

If people are taking too much damage, change tactics.

And relying primarily on burst is situational. Sometimes people should absolutely be close for heals but in many cases burst just isnt going to cut it when casters are raining hell down on your party because you've terrified them into sticking to your hip, or when the big bad ogre is tearing people apart because the trip/stun that would have taken it down hit another mob as nobody ran ahead to take care of it and the mobs bunched up on your "frontline". We have ranged heals for a reason. And crowd control spells.

You should take the initiative to develop a more flexible playstyle before the mobs you are going to encounter as you level beat it into you at the expense of everybody's repair bill.

Until of course you run with people that dont actually need you to heal them, but dont expect that to be the norm in pugs.

04-10-2011, 08:07 AM
i've been in a group with only clerics and am a melee... guess what? they didnt heal me at all and ignored me trough the whole dungeon xD. and they were TR'ed elitists as you call them now a days...

I don't know what your particular LFM looked like, but "BYOH, in progress" pretty much means that you're expected to keep up and be able to take care of yourself.

If you can't keep up and you can't take care of yourself, then you might want to apply for a different LFM.

If that group was moving at a different pace than you were able to move, then you will need to change your priority from "contribute to the quest as much as possible" to "keep up and don't die and don't worry about the kill count".

Would it have been nice if they tossed you a heal or two through the quest? Sure!
Is that going to be their priority if they can easily take care of everything in the quest without your help and they perceive that you can't/aren't contributing much? Probably not.

I don't know the circumstances that led to you not receiving as much hjealing hjelp as you would have liked, but please do know that not everyone runs quests the same way as you and that's okay.

04-10-2011, 08:15 AM
If you're a forward without decent AC, etc, then you deserve to be pulled from the game. I'm AMAZED at how much more durable my Wizard is than all of the "combat troops", and that's not factoring in heals.

With the word switch from Cleric to Wizard, I've sometimes had the same problem. :)

I have been in a couple of PUGs where people gave me a hard time about not throwing enough Hjastes. I then explained that the squishy melee types had been taking too much damage and the FvS was almost out of spell points, so I was going to go through the rest of the quest grabbing up as much aggro for myself as possible in order to keep the squishy melee folks from taking so much damage.

Part of that meant no Haste so that I could run ahead and get monsters' attention and we could then kill the critters in relative safety.

Haven't needed to do that more than a couple of times, but it has happened.

04-10-2011, 08:35 AM
I don't tend to pug much before level 10 anymore, but I did pug quite a lot on my FvS. It was good practice for healing parties full of people who couldn't take care of themselves. That made healing higher level parties full of people who actually can take care of themselves a breeze.

Another good way to train yourself as a healer is to run with wanna-be Zerg groups. It will be a PITA, but after a few months of such hell you'll find your ability to multitask and take advantage of small windows of time (3-5 secs) to be much improved.

04-10-2011, 08:43 AM

The interesting part is that most classes are on a pretty even keel until about level 12 or so, when PrC's create the dps gap between melee and other classes. An experienced player can easily kill things just as much or more than the melee toons regardless of the toon they are on.

People are referring to low levels mostly in this thread it seems. More often than not these are the ones where 'healers' are expected to carry mem pots and cure wands to emulate the powergaming playstyle present at endgame. Simple fact is that most builds don't have the sp for that. No seemingly infinite haste or heals. People don't even have the heal spell yet; comically though the expectation exists in pugland for that cure light or cure moderate wounds to do the same thing. These are the same people that run blindly into every mob they see. Not to mention not having any type of status removal pots or cure pots of any kind. Even the ones that fall out of crates for free.

I do what I can. Yet as was mentioned before, the screamers somehow don't make it past my filter. I'm more than happy however to kill the offending mob myself.

04-10-2011, 10:03 AM
Healing can be very stressful especially if everyone runs ahead or off into different directions. Also if I am using all my spell points into a person who isn't our main tank I will tell them to please stay back a bit because they are taking too much damage.

04-10-2011, 12:16 PM
If by backpack you mean lava pit, then I will assume you strategy is sound.

There isn't a lava pit in every quest. How then do you deal with the zergers in here who think that I should be able to teleport to their location and heal their gimp sponges and do nothing but heal their gimp sponges? Or that spells go through walls, around corners and pillars, up several stories, and across the entire map? That I should have abandoned the actual contributing members of the party and followed them like a little love-slave?

Anyone in this thread complaining that "healers don't heal" are that kind of player. It's been proven out 100% when I pug, when they complain of "battle clerics" and "non-healing noobs", they're always out of range, blocked, and deliberately split off from the party to try and pad their kill count. They then grab more aggro than they can handle, don't know how to use a potion to deal with minor issues like curses or poison, and start screaming.

There isn't a Healer class in DDO. There are Clerics and Favored Souls. They can be built to actually be worthwhile, or be a piking healbot not worthy of taking into any quest in the game. For me, I'll take a Cleric or a Favored Soul over a healer any day. We get completions that way. And I don't just mean melee builds; I like a good offensive caster as well.

If you're a forward without decent AC, etc, then you deserve to be pulled from the game. I'm AMAZED at how much more durable my cleric is than all of the "combat troops", and that's not factoring in heals.

Most pug groups my Favored Soul gets into, she has well over 100hp more than the "uber dps melee". At 17. With no raid gear.

I've found the easiest method of healing the melee is to be IN the melee; tearing it up right along side the fighters. Mass cures centered on me. The only threat that way in regular questing is lag. Even my offensive caster Cleric ends up in melee range more often than not, as in a good group (read: not anyone like those complaining of Clerics/FvS never healing in this thread) you never need more than the aura and an occasional burst. I've had HoX runs where I didn't use a single healing spell until the dogs were charmed (new method, so we didn't have a chew toy while we gathered stones). Including the run down through the sub.

04-10-2011, 01:02 PM
I dont think AC should really factor here (sorry to lazy to quote) I wear dresses on my barb and have 100% fort so I expect to take tons of damage from the odd melee monsters while I hammer on casters, and of course Im frenzied and raged twice so my ac is through the floor. what I do is carry stacks and stacks of pots and eat them like potato chips. If there is cleric present or not. Im still eating those chips.

I simply do not rely on the cleric for heals.

and hirelings feel too much like cheating to me.

It is also helpful to not power right over mob...Pull 1 or 2, or string mob over distance and kill one at a time.. Casters first. alot of dungeons also have hidey holes to duck in and get in corner while you fight 3 or more, just have enough jump to kite if needed.

04-10-2011, 01:10 PM
I just think its funny whenever someone expects someone else to do something for them. like when everyone stops in front of a lever but no-one pulls it. Basically, anyone who can't take care of theirself at least temporarily shouldn't be anywhere near the combat. Even if they're a max HP Barb. Yes, I've played Barb. Yes, its expensive. Yes, I still potted/scrolled/wand myself out of respect for the cleric having to drop half their SP bar to full heal me once.

*EDIT* and then of course when there is no healer, and times when I like to solo.

04-10-2011, 01:15 PM
These are the same people that run blindly into every mob they see. Not to mention not having any type of status removal pots or cure pots of any kind. Even the ones that fall out of crates for free.

Yah that still annoys me, although I try to ignore it - the HEALZ ME NOW idiot with 10hp left who rushed past the 3 clw pots at his feet. *sigh*

04-10-2011, 01:25 PM
Yah that still annoys me, although I try to ignore it - the HEALZ ME NOW idiot with 10hp left who rushed past the 3 clw pots at his feet. *sigh*


04-10-2011, 02:50 PM
Dont worry about that so much, doesnt bother me, what server are you seeing that on? I was playing on Can. the other week and was knee deep in them.

Seem to be in short supply on Ori. tho, been there the last 5 days.

/rant on
Part of the reason for this might be the fact that after you've spent the entire raid keeping as many people as possible on their feet after the other cleric dc'd and the group INSISTED on not breaking the towers in VoN6 at the same time, burned through all of your limited supply of pots, and went through all your wands and Heal scrolls, you STILL get comments like "Next time you might want to try Mass Heal"... On my level 12 Cleric (I'm serious - I wish I had a screen shot of it). Oh, yeah, and only one person in the entire group offered ANY help at all in terms of pots or wands...

You want your cleric to get more pots/wands/scrolls, THEN YOU GIVE THEM A COUPLE, OK?

/rant. Still p.o.'d about that. Now I feel better :)

04-10-2011, 03:02 PM
Arlith, you miss the point. The OP is not the typical cleric post "I dont heal you". It is the post of someone that is not a cleric, in a situation where there was no cleric , bard or something in the party, and somebody cries "heal me".

What? There's a point??!

04-10-2011, 03:27 PM
What? There's a point??!

Trolls on the forums are trolling the forums

04-10-2011, 04:38 PM

The interesting part is that most classes are on a pretty even keel until about level 12 or so, when PrC's create the dps gap between melee and other classes. An experienced player can easily kill things just as much or more than the melee toons regardless of the toon they are on.

People are referring to low levels mostly in this thread it seems. More often than not these are the ones where 'healers' are expected to carry mem pots and cure wands to emulate the powergaming playstyle present at endgame. Simple fact is that most builds don't have the sp for that. No seemingly infinite haste or heals. People don't even have the heal spell yet; comically though the expectation exists in pugland for that cure light or cure moderate wounds to do the same thing. These are the same people that run blindly into every mob they see. Not to mention not having any type of status removal pots or cure pots of any kind. Even the ones that fall out of crates for free.

I do what I can. Yet as was mentioned before, the screamers somehow don't make it past my filter. I'm more than happy however to kill the offending mob myself.

This. So many people have extremely dogmatic views of "how the game is played" based on high level content particularly raids and epics. It's amazing how many otherwise good players think that character "roles" are the same in waterworks as they are in the shroud.

The idea that the "only way" to complete waterworks is for clerics to shower heals on melees is asinine. Take and Fing chill pill and have some fun on the relatively easy low level content. So the healer didn't hit you as fast as they would have needed to in epic chrono? Drink a few pots, I know you can afford it you elitist crybaby.

04-11-2011, 12:31 AM
I see alot of people start yelling "heal! heal!"

Im not the cleric or anything but if you cant find a potion or wand vendor or otherwise CYOA then please at least yell "heal PLEASE!" Also might be a be good idea to check the classes in your party before yelling.

It always gets me whem people drop this in general chat.
I often send them a tell, "Mate, you don't need to talk to your pots, just click on them"
Quite often they don't share my sense of humour.

04-11-2011, 12:46 AM
It always gets me whem people drop this in general chat.
I often send them a tell, "Mate, you don't need to talk to your pots, just click on them"
Quite often they don't share my sense of humour.

I love when people say in general "I'm dead", I always want to /golfclap.

I have yet to understand why it is so hard to talk in party chat, once is one thing, 15 posts in general is another ;)

04-11-2011, 01:19 AM
I am glad to hear that I am not the only one having this problem. I thought is was first time jitters playing a healer. Now I understand that most think that my blue bar supports their red bar. Well now I feel sorry for the screamers in that they will loose their voice.

You couldn't even hear how much she was screaming as you didn't have sound on. What was that, CC at/around level 8-ish? Maybe it would be too much to ask for someone...a barbarian...to maybe carry a few healing potions by then, but I'm guessing not. And you were not specifically recruited to be the healer.

In other healing news: I failed to solo heal a shroud tonight. At least I died with an empty spell point bar and potion residue in my mouth.

04-11-2011, 02:13 AM
What? There's a point??!

It depends on what you are willing to give me if there would be a point.
I am bribable. :D

04-11-2011, 07:53 AM
The thing is that the effectiveness of ac drops right off as you level unless you reach benchmarks that require you to give up alot of feats and slots for the most part, although some classes have decent synergy towards aquiring ac of course. And ultimately it might not even help if what your fighting takes much longer to kill then it would have otherwise.

Everybody should do what they can sure, but for most builds avoiding damage is far superior to mitigating it.

Adamantine plate + Nimble trinket (20% blur) goes a long way to stretching things out, even if AC isn't helping much. But of course, those meleers went with the trinket to increase damage just a little, not keep from getting mauled, because it's someone else's job to keep them alive.

Sometimes people should absolutely be close for heals but in many cases burst just isnt going to cut it when casters are raining hell down on your party because you've terrified them into sticking to your hip,

Well, since I'm usually the one charging the casters that won't be a problem. ;)

We have ranged heals for a reason. And crowd control spells.

Don't get me wrong, I'll throw a ranged heal. However, it costs me spell points and takes a lot longer for me to do, and you may very well be out of range or behind a column, or some other stupid thing. It's not ideal. If you die under those circumstances I don't beat myself up about it.

I've never had great luck with crowd control spells... they always seem to save, or they jump behind me, etc. My Swashbuckler Shield on the other hand is excellent. LOVE it.

04-11-2011, 02:41 PM
I just don't play my Cleric in PUGs.

04-11-2011, 05:05 PM
There isn't a lava pit in every quest. How then do you deal with the zergers in here who think that I should be able to teleport to their location and heal their gimp sponges and do nothing but heal their gimp sponges? Or that spells go through walls, around corners and pillars, up several stories, and across the entire map? That I should have abandoned the actual contributing members of the party and followed them like a little love-slave?

Anyone in this thread complaining that "healers don't heal" are that kind of player. It's been proven out 100% when I pug, when they complain of "battle clerics" and "non-healing noobs", they're always out of range, blocked, and deliberately split off from the party to try and pad their kill count. They then grab more aggro than they can handle, don't know how to use a potion to deal with minor issues like curses or poison, and start screaming.

There isn't a Healer class in DDO. There are Clerics and Favored Souls. They can be built to actually be worthwhile, or be a piking healbot not worthy of taking into any quest in the game. For me, I'll take a Cleric or a Favored Soul over a healer any day. We get completions that way. And I don't just mean melee builds; I like a good offensive caster as well.

Most pug groups my Favored Soul gets into, she has well over 100hp more than the "uber dps melee". At 17. With no raid gear.

I've found the easiest method of healing the melee is to be IN the melee; tearing it up right along side the fighters. Mass cures centered on me. The only threat that way in regular questing is lag. Even my offensive caster Cleric ends up in melee range more often than not, as in a good group (read: not anyone like those complaining of Clerics/FvS never healing in this thread) you never need more than the aura and an occasional burst. I've had HoX runs where I didn't use a single healing spell until the dogs were charmed (new method, so we didn't have a chew toy while we gathered stones). Including the run down through the sub.

generally, if I join a pug, I will let them know upfront "heals are on me".

I don't know if it's more acceptable, or expected (especially on Sarlona) but I run a Lord of Blades and a lot of people are suprised I do heal and I've never had anyone complain about my habit of just centering them on myselfs. Infact, my worst runs are when I'm trying to heal bot and don't melee. The worst shroud I was in, I heal botted and didn't melee/mass heal in part 5. I watch my red bar, might glance at yours, but I'm not very likely to track you down unless I know you're holding your own and deserve the special attention.

04-11-2011, 05:10 PM
mass heals centered on self and shoulder to shoulder melees work particularly well vs undeads. Sorry, Im off my own topic.

04-11-2011, 05:18 PM
you can't heal stupid

04-11-2011, 08:34 PM
Its like I always say... The most powerful player in the game is a Cleric...We can just let u DIE!

04-11-2011, 08:38 PM
you can't heal stupid

Gawd I'm so tired of reading this!

Of course you can heal stupid!

Ya just can't cure it, :p

04-11-2011, 08:41 PM
I've been playing for about 2 years and I have never asked for a hjeal...I would like chocolate chip with nuts for my cookie please :)

04-11-2011, 08:56 PM
you can't heal stupid

That's why you carry minor mnemonic pots!

04-12-2011, 12:36 AM
I'm so glad I don't play healers. I don't like buffing, couldn't imagine constantly healing people, good or bad. Guess everyone on my server is thankful I don't play healers either.

Also using a ps3 and a controller sucks for posting on forums :P.

04-12-2011, 10:15 AM
I've found that when playing a Healer, the louder someone yells for "hjeals" the worse my connection gets. Darn that "lag"! ;)

04-12-2011, 08:52 PM
My only currently capped toon so far is a Cleric. I had a Paladin I TR'ed but I got bored so he's stuck at lvl 14 :)

I think I still play the Cleric as a sort of penance. Like, healers heal me in quests and even rez me sometimes when I'm stupid. So I feel I have to play the Cleric occasionally to give something back.

I guess I do an OK job. I spent loads of plat in the early levels on wands (which I couldn't have done without alts to provide it).

And I never refused to heal idiots. Usually, though, the idiots were out of range so there wasn't much I could do. Actually, I found keeping up a group of newer players something of an amusing challenge (if I was in the right mood).

Oh, and there are those groups who do express real gratitude. Like the one where players offered me their mats after saving a group from near total wipe in Elite Rainbow (saved by my Death Pact). I didn't accept the mats but was happy with the thanks.

Nevertheless, on balance, I find playing a healer sucks :)

04-12-2011, 09:19 PM
Oh, and there are those groups who do express real gratitude. Like the one where players offered me their mats after saving a group from near total wipe in Elite Rainbow (saved by my Death Pact). I didn't accept the mats but was happy with the thanks.

Nevertheless, on balance, I find playing a healer sucks :)

Playing a "healer" can definitely suck. Playing a "Cleric", on the other hand, is usually great fun ;)

The main reason I keep going back to my clerics after a bad experience is because of things like what you wrote above. Knowing you were the last line of defense in a huge challenge and managed to bring everyone through can be a huge rush, even without the gratitude of the party (though that's nice to get too)

04-12-2011, 10:00 PM
you can't heal stupid

Of course you can, you just have to wait for the host of the stupid to die multiple times and see if the host becomes less ignorant. Curing is a process, not a product

04-12-2011, 10:03 PM
Yeah I agree I'm sick of it in pugs on my healers which is why i try and stick to all guild possible as there are times I Don't feel like being the healbot and would rather hit things.

Its worse at low levels when all you really have is wands..pugs don't seem to understand the cooldown of wands or even scrolls...grrrr

04-12-2011, 10:14 PM
Curing is a process, not a product

And it generates tasty ham

04-12-2011, 10:42 PM
I'm so glad I don't play healers. I don't like buffing, couldn't imagine constantly healing people, good or bad. Guess everyone on my server is thankful I don't play healers either.

Also using a ps3 and a controller sucks for posting on forums :P.

I don't play a healer. I play a melee, healing capable FvS. From my own experience (and maybe I am lucky since I rarely pug) it's rare for me to spend all this massive time just playing healbot. Infact things actually sometimes go downhill when i healbot Sure, I'll toss out masses when needed, but mass cure light or mass cure moderate seem to do a great job topping off with just an ardor clickie.

04-12-2011, 10:44 PM
It's not just the abrupt 'heal' or 'rezz' without any form of correct social usage, it's also being referred to constantly as 'the cleric' with a really limited understanding of what 'the cleric' can do apparently.

I've decided I don't really mind people yelling 'heal' at me anymore. This is because I've being playing with very self
sufficient vets so other than the occasional tricky mosh up battle, I can zerg along and add to the CC and kills. So when I play with with squishies who need constant healbar checking I kind of forget (oops) so an occasional 'heal' is fine. And if you're rude about it, idc, whatever, I'll heal you and move on.

What I didn't get, playing on a different server from my usual, guildless and pugging, is the guys who wanted me one step behind them and at command. And that if I had the star people didn't get that 'the cleric' was leading. And lfming an Orchard run 'taps and slayers run, please keep up' and the very few who join just *don't* get it. I mean, I'm a frigging cleric, most classes can outrun me. What's so hard?

Yep, I've almost got to that stage where I don't take it personally when I or you die. But being not polite as the OP says is another thing entirely. And it doesn't matter what class you're interacting with. It's just bizarre that people are just so abrupt with obvious healer types...

04-12-2011, 10:50 PM
I dont take things personally when theres death. Esp if quest is above the parties average level on hard or elite. Death is part of life and to die in a video game is part of the fun. Its not so wonderful always winning.

In fact, on my PM I would get people killed on purpose(necromancers like death after all). Leading clericless groups, having rogue way too low lvl for traps. Gathering tons of aggro then diplo it off on some unsuspecting person.

Personal record on that guy is 51 deaths on one quest.



04-12-2011, 10:52 PM
you can't heal stupid

I heal you all the time (yeah had to say it)

04-12-2011, 10:57 PM
I dont take things personally when theres death. Esp if quest is above the parties average level on hard or elite. Death is part of life and to die in a video game is part of the fun. Its not so wonderful always winning.

In fact, on my PM I would get people killed on purpose(necromancers like death after all). Leading clericless groups, having rogue way too low lvl for traps. Gathering tons of aggro then diplo it off on some unsuspecting person.

Personal record on that guy is 51 deaths on one quest.



ROFL. I *love* it! I will have to mention that to a certain PM I have been playing with... me as a cleric so maybe I will wait until I get deathpact before I do (ha!)

Yeah I love it when people are relaxed about people dying. One of the vets I've been playing with recently commented that 'if someone hasn't died then you're not trying hard enough'. Which frees me up to play harder and try new things and make mistakes and learn from them.

I don't know why but from day 1 I have always found healer types *the* most stressful to pug. I kind of agree with Vio and others above in this.

04-12-2011, 11:04 PM
I rarely chase people down for a heal, I am busy killing stuff

I've only felt bad about one death because some one got held and I could have fom'd or removed paralasys them after the first heal. The next night I was on my main for a shroud with them on another character and they told me that they had a low con and 350ish hp on the character, so I felt a bit better.

04-13-2011, 12:29 AM
Yeah I love it when people are relaxed about people dying. One of the vets I've been playing with recently commented that 'if someone hasn't died then you're not trying hard enough'. Which frees me up to play harder and try new things and make mistakes and learn from them.

There is that, as well.

I have played with PUGS (OK, I only play with PUGS) where there is a kind of casualness about death. To the point that if there's a wipe people just laugh and say 'lets do that one again'.

I like that attitude.

04-14-2011, 03:47 AM
Thread made me giggle.. :D

04-14-2011, 04:22 AM
I like the buttslide heal myself. If its a problematic player, I wait until they get knocked unconscious, its usually that time they actually make an effort to run towards me to get a heal. I drop a heal on them as they go down and they butt slide down the hall like a dog with an itchy patoot. cracks me up every time.