View Full Version : Can we have the old class forums back now?

04-06-2011, 10:00 AM
This little experiment over yet? Can we have our old class forums back or has everyone been assimilated to the new format?

04-06-2011, 10:59 AM
I just quit going to the class forum all together now, unless a thread title catches my eye in the recent threads display.

04-06-2011, 11:05 AM
/absolutely signed

player still hates the mess you did in the class forums

04-06-2011, 11:07 AM
I would like to see it come back but I think its unlikely :( oh well.

04-06-2011, 11:08 AM
Not gonna happen.

And no, I never go to the class forums. If something catches my eye on the recent posts list I'll look at it but the forums themselves are such a mess they may as well just be marked "misc"

04-06-2011, 11:09 AM
tell me about it we all know that there are some very god threads in each class forum for the new player that they must read. Those threads get barried in a blink of an eye, and key word search can only do so much.

04-06-2011, 11:09 AM

I've stopped going to those forums altogether. I just skim the main page now and if nothing catches my eye then I'm off the site. I used to spend much more time reading build posts and sometimes offering suggestions.

04-06-2011, 11:15 AM

What we have now is an absolute mess.

04-06-2011, 11:27 AM

We came we saw and we didnt like it!!!!!! Put it back Please!!!

04-06-2011, 11:32 AM
And no, I never go to the class forums. If something catches my eye on the recent posts list I'll look at it but the forums themselves are such a mess they may as well just be marked "misc"

This. If it is not in the recent post area, I dont go to any class discussion.

04-06-2011, 11:36 AM
I miss the Hireling folder, that's all I get to speak to sometimes.

04-06-2011, 11:36 AM

04-06-2011, 11:38 AM
This little experiment over yet? Can we have our old class forums back or has everyone been assimilated to the new format?

/signed to get old format back

I think this was an attempt to get forums to appear more active, and instead all it's done is chase people away from those forums.

In game lingo, "FAIL!"

04-06-2011, 12:20 PM
New class forums truly and absolutely suck.

Change back.

04-06-2011, 12:22 PM

I've stopped going to those forums altogether. I just skim the main page now and if nothing catches my eye then I'm off the site. I used to spend much more time reading build posts and sometimes offering suggestions.

Same here. I used to spend a fair amount of time working thru various posts. Now I scan the front page and move on. The new class forums are a joke and I will not bother with them. Sucks for the new players because there is a lot of good information in there but it is impossible to find it now. IMO, it is one of the dumbest things Turbine/DDO has done.

04-06-2011, 12:23 PM
I think we'll actually achieve a consensus on this.


04-06-2011, 12:26 PM

Come on it can't be that much work to revert it.

04-06-2011, 12:35 PM

04-06-2011, 12:35 PM
New look is bad.

I've stopped going in there. I've looked if a new post has a good title.

I've only posted once in the new area and it was purely by accident. I was sleepy and the thread title was a good one so I went in there but I tend to avoid that area on purpose.

It is a mess. I feel dirty going in there.

I used to read the bard and wizard forums regularly. I'd like to read paladin and monk forums also but I'm not going in that mess they are in now.

Break out the class forums.

Break out the class forums.

Break out the class forums.

Break out the class forums.

04-06-2011, 12:35 PM
Its the same story ask for some changes get something other than what you asked for. The forum changes didnt make anything better, just like U5 didnt give guilds guild banks as the guilds originally asked for, that is unless you consider something rented as owned. Another great one is: please fix lag so we get a twf nerf that didnt fix the lag.

I love the pretzel logic Turbine uses to fix things players request. If it werent so sad id laugh.

04-06-2011, 12:41 PM
This. If it is not in the recent post area, I dont go to any class discussion.

Me too. But with that said, won't Turbine's data show now that the melee, specialist and spell caster forums see more use now then the old class forums saw. You will have folks interested in rangers, fighters and paladins clicking posts that are marked melee. So more traffic. The point I am trying to make is that just because the data shows an increase in the traffic that doesn't mean that the new system is better or more user friendly.

So ... /signed.

04-06-2011, 12:45 PM
This little experiment over yet? Can we have our old class forums back or has everyone been assimilated to the new format?

this ^^


04-06-2011, 12:51 PM

I've stopped going to those forums altogether. I just skim the main page now and if nothing catches my eye then I'm off the site. I used to spend much more time reading build posts and sometimes offering suggestions.

Ditto. I have stopped going to the class forums and just scan the New Posts now.

The class forum change was a bad idea, please put it back the way it was.

04-06-2011, 12:53 PM

If Turbine has achieved their goal of increasing traffic in the new forums, it's partly because of frustrated people clicking through pages of useless, unorganized bull feces in an attempt to find something relavent to the actual class they wanted.

I was one such fool for about 15 minutes one afternoon. Now I don't even bother. I can't even imagine being a new player and trying to search through all that hodge-podge of garbage.

Truth be told though, we all know they're not going to change it back. It's all about dollars and money does all the talking.

04-06-2011, 12:58 PM

Worse yet.... I stopped using the forums altogether. I pop in once every few weeks to see what's going on... use to be on several times a day.

And yes...I can directly attribute it to not being able to sort thru forums to find what I'm looking for.

04-06-2011, 12:58 PM

04-06-2011, 01:11 PM


I just quit going to the class forum all together now, unless a thread title catches my eye in the recent threads display.

Not gonna happen.
Pathetic - thanks for not contributing. Man up and pick a side rather than hiding behind what YOU think Turbine might or might not do :rolleyes:

04-06-2011, 01:26 PM

A cleric is not a wizard is not not a sorcerer. The old class forums worked very well - why they felt the need to "fix" (cough) something that wasn't broken I still haven't figured out.

04-06-2011, 01:28 PM

I only post in the PvP forums now. :D

04-06-2011, 01:38 PM
The reason they gave for combining the class forums was that the individual ones received too little traffic.

Those of you that have stopped visiting them are simply justifying Turbine's decision to consolidate them.

04-06-2011, 01:41 PM
agreed! Please bring back the old forums.

04-06-2011, 01:44 PM
The reason they gave for combining the class forums was that the individual ones received too little traffic.

Those of you that have stopped visiting them are simply justifying Turbine's decision to consolidate them.

I do not follow your logic. We're not justifying their decision at all. Traffic should be dropping further. What next, a general "classes" folder to deal with too little traffic to the melee/specialist/caster forums?

I can't prove it, but I believe traffic has continued to drop.

04-06-2011, 01:46 PM
I don't think there is any person that can possibly disagree with the OP. The game is almost solely built around the classes that are available and all have their unique characteristics. It makes no sense to group them together in one forum.

04-06-2011, 01:46 PM
yeah...i used to go to the class forums and now i dont, basically because the change made it harder to find what u want.

oh well

04-06-2011, 01:48 PM
I would like to see it come back but I think its unlikely :( oh well.

Judging from my experience with such... most likely not.

Consider this ... they would have had to keep record of where each thread in the new structure of forums came from. They would have to load those threads back to their old forums and the remainder? Does this post forum merge x thread of melee belong in fighter, barb, monk or pally forums? Seems very tedious to say the least.

04-06-2011, 01:49 PM
I love the new class forums! Any time I can waste my time searching through stuff that is of absolutely no interest to me on the off-chance that I see something interesting once in a while, I'm all for it!

In fact, I've shifted 90% of my time that I used to use to actually play the game over to shuffling through the forums!

Why look for a bloodstone, when THIS kind of frustration is available?

Oh Joy!


Put 'em back man - what were you guys thinking?

04-06-2011, 01:56 PM
Me too. But with that said, won't Turbine's data show now that the melee, specialist and spell caster forums see more use now then the old class forums saw. You will have folks interested in rangers, fighters and paladins clicking posts that are marked melee. So more traffic. The point I am trying to make is that just because the data shows an increase in the traffic that doesn't mean that the new system is better or more user friendly.

So ... /signed.

So much BS, they say there is "more traffic" but I'll bet the reality is the amount of traffic is significantly less, but funneled through the 4 subforums. Turbine/Warner are more interested in marketing revenue than us. They can't even be bothered to supply a current user's manual for the game. The compenium is a joke, yet they take away a valuable user created resource to profit off our hard work. It's pathethic really. T

04-06-2011, 02:03 PM
The new class forums is a mess. I now have to look through unrelated topics that don't related to the class I looking for.

As for putting the old threads back to there previous class forums it would be near impossible unless it is done by hand or have some type of internal tag system which showed where a particular thread came from.

The reason they gave for combining the class forums was that the individual ones received too little traffic.

Poor excuse for combing the class forums.
A store has pet section that receives very little traffic, do they go around mixing the pet food with human food, pet toys with baby toys so when a customer comes looking for pet food they are told to look at all the isles since its all just food and toys.

Those of you that have stopped visiting them are simply justifying Turbine's decision to consolidate them.

If you don't like a certain website, store or person do you continue to visit them? Even after you tell them what they are doing wrong and refuse to change.

04-06-2011, 02:07 PM
yeah I mean is there a single person in the whole game who feels it's an improvement? I used to visit class forums a few times a day as I enjoyed reading different builds and peoples back and forth.

Now I just skip it entirely.

04-06-2011, 02:07 PM
I know it probably won't happen, but I also really want the class forums changed back.

04-06-2011, 02:12 PM

04-06-2011, 02:25 PM
Agreed, the new format is crapola.


04-06-2011, 02:25 PM
I preferred the old class forums, but if we can't have them back how about something more specific to roles as an alternative?

Melee (Tanking and DPS)
Offensive casting (Debuffs, CC, Nuking, Instadeath)
Healing (and damage mitigation)

Classifying by what the character does instead of the label makes more sense for players looking thru completely unrelated topics. Brainstorming categories like that might work better than the restructure we have now and maintain some increased traffic that didn't exist before to make everyone happier.

I've stopped looking at a lot of class forums so much and stick with the recent topics more too.

04-06-2011, 02:25 PM
yeah I mean is there a single person in the whole game who feels it's an improvement? I used to visit class forums a few times a day as I enjoyed reading different builds and peoples back and forth.

Now I just skip it entirely.


04-06-2011, 02:31 PM

04-06-2011, 02:32 PM
You have successfully canceled your Dungeons and Dragons Online™ subscription. We are sad to see you go, but you may resume it at any time. We hope to see you back soon!

Help us improve by filling out this Exit Survey.

And yes, I did full out the Survey listing the sole reason as leaving, being the Class forum changes.

Have fun guys, im not staying and playing a game where the devs make boneheaded decisions, too many games do it right to stay with a company that's doing it wrong.

04-06-2011, 02:33 PM
I don't know why but the changes to the class forums reminds me of The Railroad Paradox that I read in system analysis class.

04-06-2011, 03:48 PM
Yep I still hate the new forum layout. Still smells like a cow field on a hot humid spring day.

I am sorry if this insults whoever or whomever was responsible for this new layout. However it is equally insulting to not only myself, but to many friends I play with, that we, the end users, were not given a chance to debate the "merits" of this change.

That said:

I can see some benefit to the new layout for very general queastions only (such as: Which weapon does the most damage?). For specific classes it still sucks, for many reasons already stated here ad nauseum. For me, if the new layout also had a Build section with each class broken out under that for use for posting builds and maybe also class specific questions only (such as: Which PrE is better?), it would go a long way to fixing many of the issues myself and my friends currently have with the new layout. Also would for many of the folks who have expressed thier opinions here, at least based on the responses posted here.

I certainly do not go to these forums much anymore, and get more discouraged each time I do. Irinis said it best a different thread:

New players are unable to find the build advice from more experienced players.
More experienced players are unable to find threads quickly to answer questions from newer players.
This leads to more unsatisfying play experiences for both new players and vets.

This is certainly true for me, and it is certainly true for almost all of my friends that i play with, and I am guessing it is true with many others.

Please change it back. if you do: Player forgive. Player forget forumgate.

04-06-2011, 03:50 PM
I cannot begin to describe the massive /facepalm I did when I saw they were all lumped together like that.

It's had it's time to impress, it has failed to do so. Please change it back to how it was, it's too confusing to go there anymore.

04-06-2011, 03:52 PM

04-06-2011, 03:55 PM

Edit: Never been this far into a suggestions post without reading at least one "/not signed, you're a n00b!" comment.

04-06-2011, 04:03 PM

Edit: Never been this far into a suggestions post without reading at least one "/not signed, you're a n00b!" comment.

Well, how about this:

/signed but you're still a n00b!

04-06-2011, 04:07 PM
Not a real not signed anyway. Hmmmm, anyone from Turbine reading or care?

04-06-2011, 04:38 PM
Not a real not signed anyway. Hmmmm, anyone from Turbine reading or care?

Of course not, they would, at this point be forced to admit, that this change is purely a marketing/profit backed change.

I have not see ONE post, that is 100% for these changes, the closest Ive seen was a "Race changes are fine, but class forums changes are stupid"

When you have close to 100% of your affected player base, calling you an idiot for the change, and wondering what your smoking, and you DONT change it back? Only reason is they're making more money.

Or at least they're perceiving they are, ive canceled my VIP over this, I encourage more people to, and fill out the survey saying you have canceled for the sole reason of the forum changes.

A few hundred to a thousand of these, and they will change it back. No one wants to lose 1-10k a month because some marketing drone who should be canned thought up an moronic idea to make a few hundred extra in ads per month.

04-06-2011, 05:06 PM
Of course not, they would, at this point be forced to admit, that this change is purely a marketing/profit backed change.

I have not see ONE post, that is 100% for these changes, the closest Ive seen was a "Race changes are fine, but class forums changes are stupid"

When you have close to 100% of your affected player base, calling you an idiot for the change, and wondering what your smoking, and you DONT change it back? Only reason is they're making more money.

Or at least they're perceiving they are, ive canceled my VIP over this, I encourage more people to, and fill out the survey saying you have canceled for the sole reason of the forum changes.

A few hundred to a thousand of these, and they will change it back. No one wants to lose 1-10k a month because some marketing drone who should be canned thought up an moronic idea to make a few hundred extra in ads per month.

I'm unwilling to cancel my VIP over this, nor do I agree that trying to make more money is moronic. Nothing wrong with making money, wish I did it better than I do :)

The forum idea is a failure according to anyone posting, and if it was just about ad revenue, views and click-thrus should be declining and Turbine will start making less money.

Simple fact for anyone at Turbine who might read this--when thinking about a class, most players seem to think of the class and not some common characteristic.

My main is a rogue, not a specialist.

My monk is a monk, not a melee.

04-06-2011, 05:08 PM
Not a real not signed anyway. Hmmmm, anyone from Turbine reading or care?

No they are too busy depositing their marketing revenue checks...

04-06-2011, 05:13 PM
new Class Forums Truly And Absolutely Suck.

Change Back.


04-06-2011, 05:28 PM
I'm unwilling to cancel my VIP over this, nor do I agree that trying to make more money is moronic. Nothing wrong with making money, wish I did it better than I do :)

The forum idea is a failure according to anyone posting, and if it was just about ad revenue, views and click-thrus should be declining and Turbine will start making less money.

Simple fact for anyone at Turbine who might read this--when thinking about a class, most players seem to think of the class and not some common characteristic.

My main is a rogue, not a specialist.

My monk is a monk, not a melee.

I half agree, a business wanting to make money, is not moronic. A business that wants to make a little more money, at the cost of antagonizing thier customers, is moronic.

And cancel, fill out the survey. Then resub when your time runs out ;) I wont be doing this, ill stay gone, but its an option.

04-06-2011, 05:35 PM
The class forums as they are now are worthless. I have to use the search function if I am looking for something now.

I'm all for changing them back. It's a black eye knowing you actually paid someone to do this to the forums but take your medicine and change it back.

04-06-2011, 05:41 PM
I just quit going to the class forum all together now, unless a thread title catches my eye in the recent threads display.

Same here. I've been avoiding at all costs going to the "bunched together" class forums since their implementation. In fact, even when I see a promising post title, I skip it. I've voiced my opinion in the matter several times in several threads. We have yet to get an answer from the community folks. I really hope that at the very least they will acknowledge that there's a big discontent within the forum users and that they're open to going back to the more organized, coherent architecture we had.

04-06-2011, 06:01 PM

The whole melee, specialist, caster breakdown was a bad idea in the first place. In a game that draws so much from multiclassing trying to label each class in a sub category is not accurate.

04-06-2011, 06:05 PM
/signed for what its worth

04-06-2011, 06:11 PM

04-06-2011, 06:13 PM
/signed from the moment they changed it
still /signed because it really sucks!

Since the merge i haven't checked any class forum solely for reading up, unless a tricky post shows up in the most recent list and takes me to the mess that is now piling up.
Before the merge i checked on my favorit-classes-seperated-forum daily.

04-06-2011, 06:16 PM
is there not going to be a dev saying why they changed it?

04-06-2011, 06:26 PM
is there not going to be a dev saying why they changed it?

They have, apparently some 'survey' and 'numbers' show that this will both attract more people to those forums, and allow for the information to be more readable!

Translation: We'll get more ad revenue because the users will have to click 2-4x as much to get at the same information, and thats if they're lucky!!

And I believe one post buy our resident spin doctor claimed that the players called for this change. Yeah, of course we did, just like we all wanted Dungeon Alert implemented right?

Translation: We're going to try and say that most of the player base wanted this change, just like our other unpopular changes, only this time we failed to take into account that we cant lie to everyone and say its just all the people who don't post on the forums who wanted this change. We'll, we're still going to say that, and just not care that every single person on the forums knows its a lie :)

04-06-2011, 06:32 PM
They have, apparently some 'survey' and 'numbers' show that this will both attract more people to those forums, and allow for the information to be more readable!

Translation: We'll get more ad revenue because the users will have to click 2-4x as much to get at the same information, and thats if they're lucky!!

And I believe one post buy our resident spin doctor claimed that the players called for this change. Yeah, of course we did, just like we all wanted Dungeon Alert implemented right?

Translation: We're going to try and say that most of the player base wanted this change, just like our other unpopular changes, only this time we failed to take into account that we cant lie to everyone and say its just all the people who don't post on the forums who wanted this change. We'll, we're still going to say that, and just not care that every single person on the forums knows its a lie :)

hahah well lets see alot of people are on here saying /signed and no one is saying /notsigned hmmmmm to me it seems like they did not survay people playing the game

04-06-2011, 06:34 PM
I never use class/race forums any more. If a topic pops up in the new post catagory i'll check it out but i never go to the race/class forums for build help any more. it is dead to me.

04-06-2011, 06:44 PM
I never use class/race forums any more. If a topic pops up in the new post catagory i'll check it out but i never go to the race/class forums for build help any more. it is dead to me.


04-06-2011, 06:47 PM

Yes please, old class forums back!

And maybe, just maybe, an actual regular forum interface? Yknow - big forum titles in the center of the screen, instead of the tiny ones you can barely read on the left of the screen?

This'd even letcha... Make a Melee top layer, and sublayer class specific... and have it be viewable!

I know, I know, I ask for too much....

04-06-2011, 07:21 PM
They have, apparently some 'survey' and 'numbers' show that this will both attract more people to those forums, and allow for the information to be more readable!

Translation: We'll get more ad revenue because the users will have to click 2-4x as much to get at the same information, and thats if they're lucky!!

And I believe one post buy our resident spin doctor claimed that the players called for this change. Yeah, of course we did, just like we all wanted Dungeon Alert implemented right?

Translation: We're going to try and say that most of the player base wanted this change, just like our other unpopular changes, only this time we failed to take into account that we cant lie to everyone and say its just all the people who don't post on the forums who wanted this change. We'll, we're still going to say that, and just not care that every single person on the forums knows its a lie :)

I am not abolutely sure, but I think the main reason for the change is due to the need to have enough pageviews to generate revenue from the banner ads. So pages that don't get a lot of views don't generate revenue or perhaps are below some minimum number of views that the advertisers require to even have the banners show up? Something like that.

The "official Turbine response" was so absurd it was laughable, but they haven't changed their rational or the forums even in light of almost 100% dissaproval of the restructuring. I don't know of anyone who considers the change beneficial and very few who even think the change was a net neutral. All opinion appears to be strongly against the merged forums, at least for the class forums, I think merging the race forums wasn't a terrible idea, they really were a ghosttown... T

04-06-2011, 07:23 PM
The reason they gave for combining the class forums was that the individual ones received too little traffic.

Those of you that have stopped visiting them are simply justifying Turbine's decision to consolidate them.

The individual ones received too little traffic.

Now, if the broader ones receive even less traffic than the class forums did before, then how does it follow that we are justifying Turbine's decision?

04-06-2011, 07:33 PM
I am not abolutely sure, but I think the main reason for the change is due to the need to have enough pageviews to generate revenue from the banner ads. So pages that don't get a lot of views don't generate revenue or perhaps are below some minimum number of views that the advertisers require to even have the banners show up? Something like that.

The "official Turbine response" was so absurd it was laughable, but they haven't changed their rational or the forums even in light of almost 100% dissaproval of the restructuring. I don't know of anyone who considers the change beneficial and very few who even think the change was a net neutral. All opinion appears to be strongly against the merged forums, at least for the class forums, I think merging the race forums wasn't a terrible idea, they really were a ghosttown... T

The new forum layout is about the worst user interface I have seen in a long long time. They are bad, please change them back.

04-06-2011, 07:35 PM
Oh yes, please! I'd like to 54th the motion!

04-06-2011, 07:40 PM

Hell, now I only read the general discussion and thelanis server sections of the forum. When I use to delve deeply in the class sections. I have not read anything in the class area in a long long time, and do not plan on doing it anytime soon.

04-06-2011, 07:51 PM

04-06-2011, 08:42 PM
Not one mention of this or any other threads in the same vein (except for the very first one when they told us to wait couple weeks until dust settled last month) in the dev or service tracker. All we are asking is for a dev to acknowledge this issue. Because as of right now, it would seem to me they're avoiding/ignoring it.

04-06-2011, 08:48 PM
I used to go to the cleric forums a few times a week, now I just don't go to the class forums.

04-06-2011, 08:58 PM

Using recent posts, New player discussion & Khyber.

Using Google to look for any particular build.
Could it happen that Google secretly bought Turbine out?

04-06-2011, 09:08 PM
Ive said it before and I'll say it again, post change, I pointedly avoid even looking at posts on those forums. It was a poorly executed change and has been pretty uniformly panned since basically day one....


04-06-2011, 09:22 PM
It seems to be a real mess now. Plz change it back!


04-06-2011, 10:30 PM

Please restore the class forums!!!

I used to browse the class forums for my current or planned characters to gain insight from the experience of others. I initially tried to find info after the change, but gave up. Maybe this is Turbine's plan. Make it hard to find useful info so we mess up our builds so they can sell more Hearts from the store. :(

04-06-2011, 10:39 PM

Kobold do not want!

04-06-2011, 11:49 PM
I signed it twice. :rolleyes:

04-06-2011, 11:51 PM
I signed it twice. :rolleyes:

that's cheating! :D

04-07-2011, 12:32 AM
...Turbine/Warner are more interested in marketing revenue than us...

Wait- how can they make marketing revenue when there are no ads on the forum pages? Or is adblock and noscript hiding ads from me?

04-07-2011, 03:31 AM
I don't really use the class forums, I just check some threads who appear on the main page.
But this change is jut another change Turbine made without asking their customers and without caring what they think afterwards.

Thats why
/signed for changing back the class forums!

04-07-2011, 04:14 AM
I use adblock anyway, and I suspect that quite a few other forum users do as well. This means that I am not seeing/clicking any forum advertisements. I also spend less time on the forums due to the inconvenience.

I would recommend that other posters also use an adblock program if they aren't already.

(I am happy to support Turbine with money spent for content. I have already invested a fair amount into the game. The issue here is that any extra advertising revenue generated by the change is undeserved. It feels like a cheap trick.)


04-07-2011, 06:11 AM
Well i dont like to belittle people's work...obviously somebody put work into it and had a reason for the change...but I believe that reason to be something along the lines of "aaarglbrgblrglbsubatomicalienstealingmythoughts" and I have to jump aboard the /signed train....=/

04-07-2011, 06:31 AM
New class forums truly and absolutely suck.

Change back.

/sign I want the old way back

04-07-2011, 06:54 AM

04-07-2011, 07:03 AM

04-07-2011, 07:12 AM

04-07-2011, 07:20 AM
agreed. me no likey the new set-up

04-07-2011, 07:23 AM
I used to browse the class forums for my current or planned characters to gain insight from the experience of others. I initially tried to find info after the change, but gave up. Maybe this is Turbine's plan. Make it hard to find useful info so we mess up our builds so they can sell more Hearts from the store. :(

This and /signed.

04-07-2011, 08:23 AM
Apple Safari user here, so I don't get to use all the cool toys from FF and Chrome, but ads are like commercials on TV, I just ignore them.

04-07-2011, 09:43 AM

pretty much that's all I could say besides "ditto" what the other poster have said

04-07-2011, 09:45 AM
I just quit going to the class forum all together now, unless a thread title catches my eye in the recent threads display.



04-07-2011, 09:48 AM

04-07-2011, 09:52 AM

04-07-2011, 11:09 AM

Beforethe change i´d browse the Barb, Fighter, FvS, Cleric, Bard, Rogue classforums several times per week when drinking my morning coffee.

After this change it got really tedious as too much infoclutter now buries the classes i am interested in. ---> I only enter the "Specialists" forum one or twice a week and take a short look at the recent threads. My participation in the class forum build discussionshas gone down by ~75%. And even then i feel alsways annoyed when i have to sift out all the Ranger trashthreads when i want to read a bit about Rogue or Bard.

Barb & Fighter as well as Cleric& FvS are dead to me now, as the browsing there just got too much of a hassle to be of any fun.

The old class forum layout was simply superior in any way.

04-07-2011, 11:37 AM
/Signed.....again....and a bump

04-07-2011, 12:03 PM
/Signed.....again....and a bump

:( Still no response or acknowledgement from Cordovan/Tolero.

04-07-2011, 12:44 PM

In the old forums, I'd often browse recent posts in the cleric section and respond to newbies. I'd also hit other class-specific forums for info on classes as I leveled up, or when I was rolling a new character.

Now I just scan through today's posts, quickly check the Orien server section, and then head on over to the forums on the other site (the one run by Strakeln) to actually talk about DDO.

For info on the game, I rely on ddowiki, not these forums or the compendium. The forums used to be useful to peruse for flavour builds and playstyle options for different classes, but not anymore. That interesting monk/wiz build idea that someone tried out is now probably buried amidst a thousand battle cleric threads.

04-07-2011, 12:45 PM

Get those rangers and bards out of our Thieves Guild! But at least we didn't get lumped together with monks. We'd never get anything done with all the noise their Air-Fu makes. Hi-ya!

04-08-2011, 11:26 AM
Once more unto the first page my friends, once more.

A response would be nice, even a "We're not changing it, we're making more money, you can stop bleating now" is preferable to stonewall silence when its obvious everyone dislikes the change.

04-08-2011, 12:13 PM
:( Still no response or acknowledgement from Cordovan/Tolero.

Nothing new to say at this point, your feedback is being considered, so...acknowledged?

04-08-2011, 12:23 PM

It's a good thing to keep this issue in the public eye.

Rather than some useless "acknowledged" post, I'm curious to know if the changes achieved their goal. Are there more threads and new posts in the new mishmash class forums (total) than there used to be in the old piecemeal ones (total).

I'd suspect that even if you count all the "we hate these stupid changes" threads, the answer would be no.

04-08-2011, 12:32 PM
Nothing new to say at this point, your feedback is being considered, so...acknowledged?

Thank you, even an acknowledgment that we're being heard and considered is a very nice thing to hear.

04-08-2011, 12:45 PM
I snuck a peak at the classes kludge piles.

In the past 24 hours those forums have had new posts in 22, 14 and 16 threads total. I did not look for how many posts, just threads with new last post dates.

By comparison with the following...

Off Topic has 8 threads with new posts.

Races has 2 threads with new posts.

Suggestions and Ideas has 30 threads with new posts.

Gameplay has 8 threads with new posts.

Custom Character Builds has 19 threads with new posts.

Hitting the NEW POSTS button got about 490 threads with new posts in the past day.

So overall the new mucked up piles get about "average" traffic based on the simplistic metric of threads with new posts on it...and no one still bothers with Race.

04-08-2011, 10:48 PM
/signed. New format suuuucks. Used to be able to refer back to good builds etc. Now one big jumbled mess!PLEASE go back to the old way.

04-08-2011, 10:53 PM
your feedback is being considered, so...acknowledged?
all i wanted was this

and fir them to change it

04-08-2011, 10:56 PM
I don't come to the forums in general as often. Used to come while at work daily, now check maybe twice a week. Don't even bother with the class forums.

Between this and all the changes for the next update kinda losing interest in ddo.

04-08-2011, 11:03 PM
all i wanted was this

and fir them to change it

Shhh! No, you just compromised with them by thinking they did 1/2 of what you wanted.

I don't come to the forums in general as often. Used to come while at work daily, now check maybe twice a week. Don't even bother with the class forums.

Between this and all the changes for the next update kinda losing interest in ddo.

That's more like it!

Seriously, the forum needs to be changed back. It reminds me of the Internet before Google. Before Google, I would say the first five links in search engines got me what I wanted, usually with an authoritarian creditability. Then Google came and you had to wade through five to 20 pages of links that were the Google-bombs of the moment.

04-09-2011, 03:04 AM
Nothing new to say at this point, your feedback is being considered, so...acknowledged?

That is, indead, acknowledgement to me. :)