View Full Version : Save ur ears!!!!!!!!
04-01-2011, 08:19 PM
There is a group of ppl running around, joining groups an then screaming as loud as they can over the mic. Really ppl? Can't u find something better to then make ppl go deaf. Anyways these incidents all piont to 1 guild.......pls stop screaming in the mic!
04-01-2011, 08:26 PM
Seems like a joke that would have serious negative side effects for the joke-puller.
Because they would get squelched every time they do it, at least by me or people I run with regularly.
04-02-2011, 02:36 AM
Az if you dont mind either pm me in game or on ere and tell me who it is....
04-02-2011, 04:05 AM
Had a screamer in group last night, though many other names could also be attibuted to this player as well i guess.... pm the guild name as well please just for sanity sake.
04-02-2011, 04:11 AM
Another good reason to increase the size of the squlech list. When I squelch someone I MyDDO them and squelch all their alts too. Even their mules, in case they decide to level them up one day.
04-02-2011, 04:27 AM
Please send me a PM as well with the chars who did this and the guild name. I value what I have left of my hearing and sanity.
04-02-2011, 08:23 AM
Another good reason to increase the size of the squlech list. When I squelch someone I MyDDO them and squelch all their alts too. Even their mules, in case they decide to level them up one day.
I'll be happy to let you know....
That when you squelch 1 toon on a account you also squelch the entire account of toons....
Take it from me your squelch list is important to have & will get full.. & it sucks to have to do maintenance on your squelch list to add more people!!
I think I have filled my squelch list 10 times & had to go back & do maintenance.... what a drag when all I want to do is play :D
04-02-2011, 08:29 AM
I'll be happy to let you know....
That when you squelch 1 toon on a account you also squelch the entire account of toons....
Take it from me your squelch list is important to have & will get full.. & it sucks to have to do maintenance on your squelch list to add more people!!
I think I have filled my squelch list 10 times & had to go back & do maintenance.... what a drag when all I want to do is play :D
Well that's good to know.
If there was only an easier way to keep track of who is who.
i'm wondering if it was just some stupid April Fools joke. scream in the mic. hadn't heard of people doing that before, and look what day this post was made, implying that's what day it happened on.
04-02-2011, 08:39 AM
I'll be happy to let you know....
That when you squelch 1 toon on a account you also squelch the entire account of toons....
When did they add that ability? I've always been told that squelching one toon only squelches that toon, but not their alts.
04-02-2011, 09:33 AM
I'll be happy to let you know....
That when you squelch 1 toon on a account you also squelch the entire account of toons....
No it only squelches the one toon, I know this from experience. You need to squelch the entire account.
04-02-2011, 09:36 AM
No it only squelches the one toon, I know this from experience. You need to squelch the entire account.
04-02-2011, 11:09 AM
There is a squelch feature which is 1 toon, then a ignore feature that does all toons :)
04-02-2011, 11:10 AM
i'm wondering if it was just some stupid April Fools joke. scream in the mic. hadn't heard of people doing that before, and look what day this post was made, implying that's what day it happened on.
I wish this happened 2 days before i posted this, just alot of ppl r telling me that it happened to them to, so i posted this to try an save some of u hahaha
04-02-2011, 11:50 AM
When did they add that ability? I've always been told that squelching one toon only squelches that toon, but not their alts.
As long as I can recall.. my xbf & I use to play in the same room...
He didn't like to hear the echo of me talking :)
So he squelched my one toon & it squelched my account....
04-02-2011, 11:52 AM
There is a squelch feature which is 1 toon, then a ignore feature that does all toons :)
LOL, shhh Your letting it be to easy!!!
Can you now drag my TR toon through this quest cause I have No Clue what I'm doing :D
04-02-2011, 04:19 PM
We had an issue with our vent server when I was playing WoW where a bot would log into the server and play all sorts of screeming sounds across the server during a raid. We ended up having to password protect the server. Maybe this is something along the same lines? Have you actually talked to any of the ppl doing this, or seen them running around the world?
04-02-2011, 07:49 PM
PM please.
04-02-2011, 08:41 PM
had a screamer hit my "reset my instance, necro taps runs" lfm. not fun/ i had earphones, and they were really, really loud. didn't squelch, but sent a tell saying "YoU hAvE bEeN fLaGeD aS FtArD"
04-02-2011, 11:49 PM
Should absolutely report these people, if the GMs are getting multiple reports on the same account they can do something about it.
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