View Full Version : Gamers needed

03-24-2011, 06:46 PM
Casual, small guild has a room for the following;

PnP or returning players, 3

Raid Ready or Capped players, 10

Our "Lowbie Faction" stands at 7, and the co-founder Regzz says 3 more would be great!

On the high end, I have 6 competent members and need 10 more.

We won't require putting ALL toons in the guild, but we do expect consistent participation.

Many thanks to all the old friends of CHAINMAIL for extending Gratz on reforming, it is these types of messages & affirmation of our decision to reform that makes the rebuilding process enjoyable.


Co founders; Recap, Laggin, Regzz, Garge & Thloc

03-25-2011, 06:28 PM
We will have a Windspyre ship tonight!

Its akin to driving a Yugo (are they still around?) compared to the lvl 70+ ships Ive been on!

We are happy to have it. Thanks to Cryo, Chinzona, Phoeniex, Opiume, Vespidae, Krazy ED, Ganus, Regzz, Aaron, Vendarien,

GREAT effort in 12 days, with a small group & casual approach to gaming.

We are still in need of 6 or 7 high level players. Send Regzz or Recap, Laggin a tell in-game

03-26-2011, 10:17 AM
Sat. morning push. Just keeping the thread alive.

As planned, we acquired our airship status last night.

The next 7 days, we are focused on hitting lvl 25.

We need experienced high level members, that want to help rebuild a guild, and have a fresh start (if you're in another guild)

OR!;; if you are an old friend of the guild, and wish to put one or two toons in Chainmail to help out, that would be awesome.

03-30-2011, 01:21 PM
3 new member this week!

Our goal of 16 raid-ready members is within reach!

Guild has hit lvl 22, and has a "Yugo" for an airship!

And we will be upgrading when we hit lvl 25!

04-06-2011, 11:37 AM
We hit lvl 25!

We need 6 more raid-ready players.

Great casual atmosphere, ZERO drama, Guild war-chest for scrolls & pots used, Tr groups nightly.

Contact any officer in-game, or PM me here.

04-10-2011, 07:27 PM
Sunday afternoon forum push. (keeping the thread alive)

See Chinzona, Opiume & Phoeniex our 3 new officers for more guild info.