View Full Version : Monster Madness, Round 3!

03-21-2011, 04:48 PM
Click here (http://www.ddo.com/monstermadness) to find out how to vote for your favorite villain in our Monster Madness matchup!

03-21-2011, 04:56 PM
Facebook Fail :(

03-21-2011, 04:57 PM
I wish they didn't do it via Facebook, now everyone will know I'm a gigantic nerd forever /howcouldthishappen

03-21-2011, 05:12 PM
Facebook. Oh well - hope the vote goes well guys. Was fun, but nowhere near worth signing up to Facebook for.

03-21-2011, 05:22 PM
I've never created a Facebook account, because I don't want to be murdered. :(

03-21-2011, 05:28 PM
uhm wait, I am forced to register on facebook? I not really have a problem with facebook, but needing to register there to actually do a vote is a very bad move in my opinion. Some of us have a private live and want to be able to distinguish between the game and their personal life. This however cross this border. Further some people already have a profile on MySpace, Friendster, Hi5, Orkut or one of those other Networks and don't really need to register in a new one. Advertising Facebook as a Sponsor may have been ok, but not a forced account creation. Needless to say that either dummy accounts now may be created with throw away emails having it impossible to track the single person voting, or if it is tracked it mean a link between game account mail and facebook exists which is a security breach!

/no thanks

03-21-2011, 05:29 PM
Don't have a Facebook account. Don't want a Facebook account. Guess Turbine doesn't want my participation.

03-21-2011, 05:32 PM
Fail voting method...I was really enjoying this thing up until now.

03-21-2011, 05:44 PM

no facebook fan


03-21-2011, 06:10 PM
^ agree with everything above ^

i won't do my voting on facebook. i hope that whoever decided to do that would please reconsider for the next round.


03-21-2011, 06:13 PM
Click here (http://www.ddo.com/monstermadness) to find out how to vote for your favorite villain in our Monster Madness matchup!

Sorry Jerry. This comp doesn't touch FB bugfestville.

I shall send good thoughts to Malicia, however. Looking forward to that catfight next round.


03-21-2011, 06:13 PM
I *have* a facebook account and will not be using to vote because I believe stuff like this should NOT be handled like that.

03-21-2011, 06:20 PM
no facebook here, so i guess i wont be voting. I was enjoying thins now i cant. Dont let next round be like this!
Voting fail!

03-21-2011, 06:22 PM
I can appreciate that some folks like Facebook, while others like it a bit less. Ultimately, one of our goals is to bring this event to all of our communities, be it the web site, forums, Facebook, etc. We'd love to have you vote on Facebook (and join us over there too!), but this is purely optional of course.

We do have a nice Facebook crowd too, some of whom use the forums more regularly than others. The goal is to spread the DDO monster love...wait...I mean bring monstrous evil to everyone...no, wait...I mean support villainy in all its forms...ummm...

Vote! :)

03-21-2011, 06:22 PM
I *have* a facebook account and will not be using to vote because I believe stuff like this should NOT be handled like that.


03-21-2011, 06:24 PM
Same here, not going to create a Facebook (or in fact, any) account (outside DDO) just to vote on this. Too bad, I like the monster madness. Big fail from DDO on this one. :-(

03-21-2011, 06:25 PM
yea ill chime in here, just to add my vote so that, hopefully, devs will do it different next time....

I have a facebook account, I wont use it to vote for this though. No explination really, just i want to keep my game time and my social networking seperate.... Plus i dont want my firends to know im a dnd nerd :D

Seriously though.... this isnt a good idea, why not have the vote on the ddo forums... you know... the ones that many of us ddo users use.

03-21-2011, 06:25 PM
No facebook here either.

03-21-2011, 06:25 PM
The goal is to spread the DDO monster love...wait...I mean bring monstrous evil to everyone...no, wait...I mean support villainy in all its forms...ummm...

U9 Love for everyone? :D

03-21-2011, 06:25 PM
I can appreciate that some folks like Facebook, while others like it a bit less. Ultimately, one of our goals is to bring this event to all of our communities, be it the web site, forums, Facebook, etc. We'd love to have you vote on Facebook (and join us over there too!), but this is purely optional of course.

We do have a nice Facebook crowd too, some of whom use the forums more regularly than others. The goal is to spread the DDO monster love...wait...I mean bring monstrous evil to everyone...no, wait...I mean support villainy in all its forms...ummm...

Vote! :)

Or you could advertise there and use your own services. Thanks but no thanks.

03-21-2011, 06:28 PM
Lame :(:(

03-21-2011, 06:36 PM
Facebook? Awww man, I was enjoying this monster mash so far, so much for that... :(

03-21-2011, 06:40 PM
DDO has it's own forums for it's own community. Why in the world would we have this on Facebook? This makes no sense to me at all.

03-21-2011, 06:42 PM
I can appreciate that some folks like Facebook, while others like it a bit less. Ultimately, one of our goals is to bring this event to all of our communities, be it the web site, forums, Facebook, etc. We'd love to have you vote on Facebook (and join us over there too!), but this is purely optional of course.

We do have a nice Facebook crowd too, some of whom use the forums more regularly than others. The goal is to spread the DDO monster love...wait...I mean bring monstrous evil to everyone...no, wait...I mean support villainy in all its forms...ummm...

Vote! :)

But we started this on the forums, and apparently moved to Facebook. The forumites that have enjoyed and participated in this event have done it on the DDO forums. Why change it to Facebook mid-stream and alienate people who have been involved and enjoyed this? If it started on Facebook, then I suppose that would make sense...but this just seems odd.

03-21-2011, 06:44 PM
I can appreciate that some folks like Facebook, while others like it a bit less.

You want me to vote, make the voting happen like it used to..

I will NEVER use facebook until it becomes the only way to find employment.

Following Facebook for fans is one thing, forcing your core people to use it for fun events is ********.

03-21-2011, 06:53 PM
I can appreciate that some folks like Facebook, while others like it a bit less. Ultimately, one of our goals is to bring this event to all of our communities, be it the web site, forums, Facebook, etc. We'd love to have you vote on Facebook (and join us over there too!), but this is purely optional of course.

We do have a nice Facebook crowd too, some of whom use the forums more regularly than others. The goal is to spread the DDO monster love...wait...I mean bring monstrous evil to everyone...no, wait...I mean support villainy in all its forms...ummm...

Vote! :)

the only links provided on the page are facebook, circular link to itself, and follow us on twitter and facebook.
I call fail.
thanks anyway. Y'all have fun.

03-21-2011, 06:57 PM
Well, I'd have loved to vote in this round like I have all the others, but I'm not on bookface, and I don't really 'do' social media, I do try not to feed my narcissim beast where possible.

I vote malicia for what its worth :)

Edit: I wonder if all the people refusing to use facebook all vote the same way...

03-21-2011, 07:24 PM
Why on facebook :( loved it on DDO Forums...

Worst villian IMO :D

03-21-2011, 07:25 PM
^ agree with everything above ^

i won't do my voting on facebook. i hope that whoever decided to do that would please reconsider for the next round.


I wonder if they'll get enough votes for there to *be* a next round. :D

But seriously. I was wondering where the voting was. If it wasn't for this thread I would have just thought they messed up and forgot to post it somewhere. Oh well. Hoping next round is accessible.

03-21-2011, 07:44 PM

If you start a competition in a specific place you should keep it there.

I don't have a facebook acount and don't want one.

My picks:

Please add them to the vote count.

03-21-2011, 07:46 PM
I have some strong personal objections to certain of Facebook's policies, and so from an ethical standpoint I refuse to make even a throwaway account there. Maybe I'll be able to join in on the next round of Monster Madness. (hopefully it won't be on twitter or some such, not that I have the same aversion to them)

03-21-2011, 07:48 PM
I can appreciate that some folks like Facebook, while others like it a bit less. Ultimately, one of our goals is to bring this event to all of our communities, be it the web site, forums, Facebook, etc. We'd love to have you vote on Facebook (and join us over there too!), but this is purely optional of course.

We do have a nice Facebook crowd too, some of whom use the forums more regularly than others. The goal is to spread the DDO monster love...wait...I mean bring monstrous evil to everyone...no, wait...I mean support villainy in all its forms...ummm...

Vote! :)

Yeah... no. I don't really have the compulsion to share what I like with every stranger in the world.

If you have a nice community there, why not try to bring them here? Everyone on these forums have already heard of Facebook, bot not every one on Facebook might have heard of these forums. Besides, in doing what you did, you're now only presenting 1/4 of truly interesting monsters to the epitome of human nosiness that is the Facebook.
It would make more sense to me, to do the voting transition in the other direction.

03-21-2011, 07:54 PM
We do have a nice Facebook crowd too, some of whom use the forums more regularly than others. The goal is to spread the DDO monster love...wait...I mean bring monstrous evil to everyone...no, wait...I mean support villainy in all its forms...ummm...

Vote! :)

So how big is the snail mail crowd?

Also here: Sorry, I would have liked to participate, but I'm not going to create a FB account for this.

03-21-2011, 07:57 PM
Facebook? Nope, sorry not voting.

03-21-2011, 08:05 PM
I don't have a FB account, so won't be be voting this round.

I hope next week they won't do it on Twitter, or else I'm gonna have to sit out that one too. :(

03-21-2011, 08:07 PM
There's a typo on the page (http://www.ddo.com/monstermadness)
It says 'Welcome to Round 2 of Monster Madness!' instead of 'Welcome to Round 3 of Monster Madness!'

03-21-2011, 08:07 PM
I have to agree with many other posters on this thread. I wont be voting either because the only way to do it is on facebook. I could have understood if you wanted to add that as an option for those that wanted to vote that way. If the next round is only on twitter then i guess i am done voting. Sorry and i enjoy these types of things on the forums too. :(

03-21-2011, 08:11 PM
I can appreciate that some folks like Facebook, while others like it a bit less. Ultimately, one of our goals is to bring this event to all of our communities, be it the web site, forums, Facebook, etc. We'd love to have you vote on Facebook (and join us over there too!), but this is purely optional of course.

We do have a nice Facebook crowd too, some of whom use the forums more regularly than others. The goal is to spread the DDO monster love...wait...I mean bring monstrous evil to everyone...no, wait...I mean support villainy in all its forms...ummm...

Vote! :)

id be very interested to know how many people make up your "nice big facebook crowd" and how many of them do not have access to/ have never been made aware of the official DDo forums.

I only ask because generally an official poll would be held on the official site.... surely?

Also, given that your "facebook crowd" presumbably have DDO accounts, allowing them access to this site, where as alot of your memebers, as shown in this thread, wouldnt have facebook accounts..... i would assume that as being logical but still...

03-21-2011, 08:15 PM
I'm glad to see that I'm not by any means alone in thinking Facebook sucks. I think the developers simply assumed they were completely typical of their player base and were therefore all happy Facebook users. Unfortunately, when they were criticized for taking the voting to Facebook and effectively excluding those of us who wouldn't touch FB with a ten-foot stick, they were pretty lame about rationalizing the whole thing and continuing to leave the rest of us out in the cold. Phooey, Facebook and Facebook-fixated tools.

03-21-2011, 08:30 PM
Ultimately, one of our goals is to bring this event to all of our communities, be it the web site, forums, Facebook, etc. We'd love to have you vote on Facebook (and join us over there too!), but this is purely optional of course.

My wife couldn't convince me to draft up a Facebook account. DDO, as much as I enjoy the game itself and most of the community attached to it, won't force a different outcome.

Involving as many aspects of the community as possible is a fine and laudable thing -- Turbine is to be commended on the sentiment, at least, especially given the flak it's caught from time to time on the subject of communication with its player base; however, all this recent move has accomplished is to segregate the greater community into those who endorse or otherwise tolerate Facebook and those who do not.

It ultimately fails, as it introduces barriers to participation that involve an otherwise unrelated third party.

03-21-2011, 08:48 PM
I can appreciate that some folks like Facebook, while others like it a bit less. Ultimately, one of our goals is to bring this event to all of our communities, be it the web site, forums, Facebook, etc. We'd love to have you vote on Facebook (and join us over there too!), but this is purely optional of course.

We do have a nice Facebook crowd too, some of whom use the forums more regularly than others. The goal is to spread the DDO monster love...wait...I mean bring monstrous evil to everyone...no, wait...I mean support villainy in all its forms...ummm...

Vote! :)

the problem is not that it's on facebook, it's that it's *only* on facebook.

03-21-2011, 08:53 PM
I guess monster maddness is over for me as well. I don't plan on using whateverbook , junkspace , twister, etc no matter the game, family member, friends, guildies, co-workers who are on it.

03-21-2011, 09:12 PM
I'll join everyone in hoping that our friends on Facebook enjoy the next portion of the contest.

03-21-2011, 09:19 PM
All I can say is I hope Arritrekos rips a new one in the Black Abbot, believe me. He better. I absolutely hate the Black Abbot.

Not to mention I also laugh at how many men failed their will save at Malica. I guess they really can't see her true nature, can they? Oh well...

03-21-2011, 09:27 PM
I have facebook. I fully endorse accepting votes from facebook. Requiring it is stupid. I won't participate.

03-21-2011, 09:54 PM
I'll join everyone in hoping that our friends on Facebook enjoy the next portion of the contest.

This. nothing to say that hasn't already been said 50 times before me.

03-21-2011, 10:07 PM
At least they were honest:

... one of our goals is to bring this event to all of our communities, be it the web site, forums, Facebook, etc. We'd love to have you vote on Facebook (and join us over there too!), ... The goal is to spread .. DDO ... to everyone...

They want us to vote on facebook via like so that it shows up on our feeds, 4 times no less. This is all about free advertizing for Turbine. If all Turbine wanted was for it to be accessible to all communities they would link facebook to the forums, not the other way around.

I don't "like" anything on facebook. People on facebook don't need to know about my DDO obsession.

Bring it back here where it started or give it up.

03-21-2011, 10:14 PM
Not signing up to facebook to vote

No way. Not even if your giving away free TP's.


03-21-2011, 10:24 PM
Please, no swearing or personal attacks. Perhaps the voting method could have been made more clear, that the first round would be on DDO.com, the 2nd round on the forums, the third round on Facebook, and the 4th round on Twitter (final round voting method will stay a secret for now.) We've heard your feedback on this method of voting. Thanks!

03-21-2011, 10:40 PM
A Facebook voting method? Bleh. No votes this round from me.

03-21-2011, 10:43 PM
Unfortunately I am not a thirteen year old girl, and therefore have no reason to want to have anything to do with facebook. Hell, it pains me just to go the the turbine twitter page to see when the games going to be back up when it crashes.

03-21-2011, 10:44 PM
Yeah, I guess it probably could have been made more clear, given that I didn't even know it was happening at all until the second round was halfway over. As I don't have a FB or T account, I will be watching from the sidelines for rounds 3 and 4(and likely 5, since I also don't have a myspace account, or a tumblr blog, or a reddit name...)

03-21-2011, 10:47 PM
I *have* a facebook account and will not be using to vote because I believe stuff like this should NOT be handled like that.

Yeah, this. Bad form IMO.

I don't see why you couldn't just link to the main site from all the services (forums, FB, Twitter), that way everyone would be included, and there'd be a centralized place to vote.

03-21-2011, 11:26 PM
Please, no swearing or personal attacks. Perhaps the voting method could have been made more clear, that the first round would be on DDO.com, the 2nd round on the forums, the third round on Facebook, and the 4th round on Twitter (final round voting method will stay a secret for now.) We've heard your feedback on this method of voting. Thanks!
There is no need for swearing, well not here anyway.
And personal attacks are full on fail.

But no, the problem was not a lack of clarity in plan. It was a lack of concept in crossing boundaries for the benefit of marketing without consideration of the ramification.
Failbook already has destroyed lives with their desire to own personal data. It continues to eat away at rights and protections to see where the edge of "make a profit with no respect for others" end and if they can step just a foot or two beyond without getting burned.

I certainly understand the marketing dept. desire to increase the "facebook share time." but this was not a well received fishing trip and the wall certainly still has it's shy results.

Oh, and no, I don't wish to grant Turbine the rights to data mine everyone I know for marketing purposes.
Sorry if that was too blunt. I wish you no ill will but, there you decided to go.
last I'll say on it. enjoy.

03-22-2011, 12:10 AM
Please, no swearing or personal attacks. Perhaps the voting method could have been made more clear, that the first round would be on DDO.com, the 2nd round on the forums, the third round on Facebook, and the 4th round on Twitter (final round voting method will stay a secret for now.) We've heard your feedback on this method of voting. Thanks!

Facebook and Twitter only rounds, that's a joke, right, that's brigning the community together? I'm not on either of those, and I do not plan to create an account on any. Monster Madness was fun, and should have been handled way differently. A special section on ddo.com where the voting is, and a strong advertisement on the forums, Facebook and Twitter would have been perfect, not force people to sign up where they don't want to if they want to participate in something fun. A page for each monster and a background history with ingame quotes and maybe even a funny video of said monster would have been great.

For me, the Monster Madness is over, I won't even bother with the last round.

03-22-2011, 12:14 AM
Why can't we vote on facebook OR on this website...

I'm not voting via Facebook... Forget it... I guess I'm done with this contest. :(

03-22-2011, 12:20 AM
Sorry this event was such a good idea untell now...

now its something im just going to ignore... not gona do facebook not gona do twitter and probly wont do the super secret one either.

oh well it was good idea atleast i enjoyed it up untell now.

03-22-2011, 12:34 AM
I'm with everyone else on this one. I voted in previous rounds but it isn't worth making a facebook page to vote on this.

03-22-2011, 12:49 AM
The upcoming Twitter round is just kind of pointless, and I won't be participating in it. But it doesn't bother me, especially since you've told us about it in advance.

This current Facebook round actually makes me feel a bit uncomfortable and less trusting of Turbine. I'm already not thrilled about how vigorously Turbine markets at me -- especially since I already pay a good chunk of money -- but any association with a company as sketchy and with as little respect for privacy as Facebook rubs me the wrong way.

And, I mean, come on -- couldn't the link at least have said it was going to be taking us to Facebook? There was nothing to indicate that, which may just have been an oversight, but felt like you were trying to trick me.

03-22-2011, 12:55 AM
Well glad I'm not the only one who won't touch Facade Book. Last round is twitter, don't know much about twitter, so I can't say if its better than FB or not. Nonetheless, a poll of monsters that only people who play the game are going to care about is not going to encourage people to play the game. Bring the poll back to the people who are actually INTERESTED in the poll. (Hint Hint: Forum Goers)

03-22-2011, 01:52 AM
No. Just... just no.
Facebook is bad.

03-22-2011, 02:25 AM
I use facebook alot but have no desire for my family and friends to see that I prefer xxx monster over yyy monster.

03-22-2011, 03:14 AM

03-22-2011, 03:55 AM
I have facebook but I will not use it for this.

I do not have twitter and will not get one.

Have fun everyone.

03-22-2011, 05:10 AM
I call foul, this contest has obviously been "fixed" and the results will not be accurate because Turbine decided to throw this facebook curve at us. I too will stop voting on this contest.

Bad move Turbine this was a fun contest.

03-22-2011, 05:25 AM
Never felt the need to post. Made an exception this time.

Voted in Round 1 and Round 2. Won't be creating a facebook account to vote. I prefer to do my social networking in-game not via your sponsors.

03-22-2011, 05:52 AM
I have a Facebook account that I am considering deleting. I won't use it or Twitter to vote though, sorry Cordovan. :( Voting was fun while it lasted, as long as it didn't involve third parties.

03-22-2011, 06:25 AM
Please, no swearing or personal attacks. Perhaps the voting method could have been made more clear, that the first round would be on DDO.com, the 2nd round on the forums, the third round on Facebook, and the 4th round on Twitter (final round voting method will stay a secret for now.) We've heard your feedback on this method of voting. Thanks!

Well that is just silly.

As always, I wish Turbine the greatest of success but truly hope the next few rounds fall flat on their face as to not encourage further Facebook/Twitter requirements for aspects of this game and it's surrounding community.

I understand, Turbine.
I know why companies drool at the idea of Facebook.
That's why I am repulsed by it.
It's a tool for advertisers and those who sell them info about you to them.

The fact that you keep in touch with your friends is a distant, distant consideration for Facebook.
Soon it will be the equivalent of being on the Radioshack mailing list for every company on planet Earth.

Social networking is simply the small service Facebook provides to get you to participate so they can mine your habits and likes/dislikes to sell to companies so they can better sell you stuff.
Just like this contest, apparently, has nothing to do with a fun event but is simply a way to get us on Facebook/Twitter.
That's disappointing I must say.

Enjoy your contest social media people. :)

03-22-2011, 07:29 AM
*sad face* :( I wanted to vote but no facebook here, I have a stalker on there *closed* (no she isn't hot)

03-22-2011, 07:34 AM
Boo Facebook.

I prefer to keep my info and the stupid things I do to myself.

03-22-2011, 07:43 AM
This is...


And I am not talking just about the fact the voting is on Facebook. I don't mind voting on Facebook (much). But after several attempts, I was unable to cast my vote even though I tried. Or perhaps I succeeded, and Malicia got 1 more vote -- but I have no way of telling, and no interest in trying more.

Utter fail.

03-22-2011, 07:47 AM

I am another guy who does not want a facebook account. =/

03-22-2011, 07:48 AM
Vote on Facebook...?


*Thinks very hard on this....



I don't think so...

Let us please Keep the voting on the forums and in DDO.


See we Dwarves can be's polite... :p

03-22-2011, 07:54 AM
Well i don't have a facebook account, so i signed up to vote...

..But now i'm hooked on FARMVILLE!!!!

See you around DDO!!

ok all the above is a lie, apart from the 'not having a facebook account'. i also don't have twitter, myspace, or whatever other 'social' sites are out there.

Oh well just something else to be annoyed with, then forgotten in a few days.

03-22-2011, 07:57 AM
Not to mention I also laugh at how many men failed their will save at Malica. I guess they really can't see her true nature, can they? Oh well...

We see her True Nature... We just don't care. ;)
She, unlike several ex's I could mention, makes no pretense about her 'Nature'. :D

Please, no swearing or personal attacks. Perhaps the voting method could have been made more clear, that the first round would be on DDO.com, the 2nd round on the forums, the third round on Facebook, and the 4th round on Twitter (final round voting method will stay a secret for now.) We've heard your feedback on this method of voting. Thanks!

Just to start off on the right foot - I won't be doing it on Twitless, either. :(

Jerry. Look back thru these pages and make sure the right person sees this. Very few things go on that pull a huge majority of folks in the same direction like this FB/Twitter idea has. (i.e. The Wall)

Integrate input from folks on those sites without us here having to click any link to those pages - Great!
Making us go there. Very not so much so.

03-22-2011, 08:04 AM
Sigh. Like I'm letting anyone on my facebook know I play this game.

03-22-2011, 08:27 AM
yeah so not doing facebook, do voting on twitter instead.

03-22-2011, 08:45 AM
I can appreciate that some folks like Facebook, while others like it a bit less. Ultimately, one of our goals is to bring this event to all of our communities, be it the web site, forums, Facebook, etc. We'd love to have you vote on Facebook (and join us over there too!), but this is purely optional of course.

We do have a nice Facebook crowd too, some of whom use the forums more regularly than others. The goal is to spread the DDO monster love...wait...I mean bring monstrous evil to everyone...no, wait...I mean support villainy in all its forms...ummm...

Vote! :)

So... if the goal is to make it available to 'everyone' then why is it only available to Facebook users now?

I don't follow.

03-22-2011, 08:48 AM
Please, no swearing or personal attacks. Perhaps the voting method could have been made more clear, that the first round would be on DDO.com, the 2nd round on the forums, the third round on Facebook, and the 4th round on Twitter (final round voting method will stay a secret for now.) We've heard your feedback on this method of voting. Thanks!

While I appreciate you attempt to use Facebook and Twitter to promote DDO, but since I have neither, I must inform you that because you have chosen to exclude me from being able to vote in rounds 3 and 4, I will be bycotting the final round even if it avalaibel to me.

Perhaps the best process would have been to make all rounds avaliable to all platforms instead of being so restricive. After all arn't you interested in you community's opinion.

In the future if I find that you have adopted a similar pattern to have a vote on a certain topic or inprovement, then I will refure to vote in the earlier rounds, especially if I will not be able to vote in subsequent rounds.

03-22-2011, 09:07 AM
I just have to wonder why any Community event would willingly exclude any facet of the community.

Would not a better idea be to open the voting up to multiple venues, and count them all? Sure, it'd be more complicated. But, the benefit would be to make sure that this cool idea remained cool and nobody felt like they were having their options limited by seemingly arbitrary social-media requirements for voting. And, without any advance warning that the voting would be skipping from online venue to online venue. Had I known that Facebook/Twitter/secret last stage would be a component of this poll... I would not have bothered to cast the first vote and become invested or even interested.

But hey, whatever. This ship has sailed.
I'm just sad that Turbine chose to take this route with what really was their best idea in a while. It has sullied what was a rather fine idea - and made me (again) wonder why I even bothered in the first place to get excited about it.

Bad idea, Community Reps.

03-22-2011, 09:12 AM
I have, and use, a facebook account. However I won't be using it to vote in this contest. I don't want my friends and family spammed with who I voted for anymore than I want to see what they did on Mafia Wars today.

I pay you (Turbine) to play a game, you don't pay me to advertise for you.

This event really seemed like a nice little forum event to bring everyone together and have some fun. Shame you turned it into something that is no longer fun, congrats on bringing the forums together in a common disgust for this most recent move.

03-22-2011, 09:12 AM
I just have to wonder why any Community event would willingly exclude any facet of the community.

Would not a better idea be to open the voting up to multiple venues, and count them all? Sure, it'd be more complicated. But, the benefit would be to make sure that this cool idea remained cool and nobody felt like they were having their options limited by seemingly arbitrary social-media requirements for voting. And, without any advance warning that the voting would be skipping from online venue to online venue. Had I known that Facebook/Twitter/secret last stage would be a component of this poll... I would not have bothered to cast the first vote and become invested or even interested.

But hey, whatever. This ship has sailed.
I'm just sad that Turbine chose to take this route with what really was their best idea in a while. It has sullied what was a rather fine idea - and made me (again) wonder why I even bothered in the first place to get excited about it.

Bad idea, Community Reps.

I must agree with Memnir on this. I was really looking forward to voting in round 3 and sunequent rounds but not excited enough to get a facebook or twitter acct.

Great Idea, Poor Implementation.

03-22-2011, 09:19 AM
I have some strong personal objections to certain of Facebook's policies, and so from an ethical standpoint I refuse to make even a throwaway account there.

Sorry Jerry, I'll have to pass on this and the Twitter round.

03-22-2011, 09:20 AM
I just have to wonder why any Community event would willingly exclude any facet of the community.

Would not a better idea be to open the voting up to multiple venues, and count them all? Sure, it'd be more complicated. But, the benefit would be to make sure that this cool idea remained cool and nobody felt like they were having their options limited by seemingly arbitrary social-media requirements for voting. And, without any advance warning that the voting would be skipping from online venue to online venue. Had I known that Facebook/Twitter/secret last stage would be a component of this poll... I would not have bothered to cast the first vote and become invested or even interested.

But hey, whatever. This ship has sailed.
I'm just sad that Turbine chose to take this route with what really was their best idea in a while. It has sullied what was a rather fine idea - and made me (again) wonder why I even bothered in the first place to get excited about it.

Bad idea, Community Reps.

Lets see.

Reorganisation of forums -> More page views -> More ad views

Getting people interested in a 'community event' then moving it to facebook where you have to allow some app made by god knows who and gives them access to god knows what to allow you to vote. Don't really know much about Twitter, but I'm sure they will make money off that too.

I know the exact thing here isn't 'bait and switch', it feels alot like it, get people interested in something, then change in order to make more money.

You can claim 'its to get more people involved' all you want, would they prefer we post builds on facebook for our friends and family to make suggestions?

Maybe the final round of voting will require you to PM Strakeln in order to get access to the site you need to go to :D

03-22-2011, 09:40 AM
...Maybe the final round of voting will require you to PM Strakeln in order to get access to the site you need to go to :D

Final round will be in MyDDO :)

03-22-2011, 09:58 AM
I have facebook open at work quite a bit during down time, but I won't be voting in the contest. As someone previously mentioned, I don't want my friends spammed with DDO **** any more than I wanna be spammed by farmville/cityville/mafia wars/whatever else ****.

GL on your contest. I have never even directed a browser to twitter, so I certainly won't be going there. I doubt I'll vote via myDDO either.

In summary: do not want.

Oh and I only saw one person thus far admitting to trying to like this idea or vote via facebook. That ought to tell you something.....

03-22-2011, 10:00 AM
Final round will be in MyDDO :)

That is acceptable.

Twitter and facebook are not.

If you want to run Facebook only, or twitter only, hey, that is fine.

But to have a "for fun" contest and make each part REQUIRE a different non Turbine hosted manner is [undesirable].

If the contest had been setup such that votes could come in from all sources at the same time. I would have been fine with that. Sure, voting would have been skewed, but meh. However, every player has access to the Turbine voting resources, but they may not or choose not for the others.
If I had children, I would not allow them to have either types of accounts. I would imagine some parents probably feel the same. Congratulations on excluding these players as well.

regardless, because of the manner in which the voting is being handled, I wash my hands of it.

03-22-2011, 10:00 AM
Ooooh. Epic Fail.

03-22-2011, 10:14 AM
Yep, as others have said.

I was interested in the contest for the first two rounds but I will not be voting via Facebook or Twitter. Frankly, even though the final round voting will be available to me I won't bother since I won't have a vote in deciding who the final contestants are. Why would I want to choose the winner between the two contestants that the 'other' communities picked?

Now my only interest will be to see how few people actually vote on the final round given that so many are now going to be excluded from rounds 3 and 4.

The tournament was a fun idea but this idea is full of fail.

Sure seems to me that it would have been better to encourage your 'other communities' to come to your site to vote instead of the other way around. Besides, there are lots of players that could use a little time reading the forums, lol. ;)

03-22-2011, 10:16 AM
As almost everyone else said, I will not further participate.

I will not support a site with shady and underhanded privacy policies like Facebook.
I will not create even a throwaway account on yet another site. My information is already spread around on the Internet enough, I don't need to spread it around any more.
In addition, I get enough spam e-mail. I don't want even more from a site I don't care to ever use, which (at least in Facebook's case) will involve my address being sold to other marketers.
I feel that all these different sites divides the community, not brings it together.
Although there is no real reason to, I suspect that the Facebook and Twitter voting schemes can be far more easily faked or "hacked" with. Turbine has no control over them, and without privacy violating verification between Facebook/Twitter and Turbine regarding game accounts, it wouldn't be too hard to easily fake hundreds of votes.
Every player has a forum/MyDDO account. Not every player has or wants a Facebook or Twitter account.
It comes across more as a money making and advertising scheme than something to actually boost and interest the community. I know Turbine is a business, but this is too much.

03-22-2011, 10:17 AM
Final round will be in MyDDO :)Not going to be voting there either. Sadly, this Facebook/Twitter misstep has killed any enthusiasm I had for this poll or it's results.

Good luck with it. Many happy returns. Please don't do this again.

03-22-2011, 10:17 AM
If the contest had been setup such that votes could come in from all sources at the same time. I would have been fine with that. Sure, voting would have been skewed, but meh. However, every player has access to the Turbine voting resources, but they may not or choose not for the others.
If I had children, I would not allow them to have either types of accounts. I would imagine some parents probably feel the same. Congratulations on excluding these players as well.

It has always been stated in the Monster Madness event that voting would happen in multiple ways. Round 1 occurred in DDO.com, Round 2 in the forums, this week in Facebook, followed by Twitter, and then MyDDO. Players participate in ddo "community" across multiple mediums. These cultures have their chance to shine and welcome new members from the other mediums throughout the month in an activity that is fun and light hearted.

For example - during round 2, we definitely had our share of new forum users who joined in from the facebook and twitter DDO communities who otherwise had never touched the official forums before Monster Madness even though they're avid DDO players. It was a great opportunity for them to learn that the forum folk are fun and friendly, and you don't need to know character builds like the back of your hand to participate in the boards.

03-22-2011, 10:18 AM
Since DDO went F2P I doubt there's even a hand full of people that follow DDO on facebook and don't have a DDO account. On the other hand, number of people using this forums and not using facebook seem to be a bit bigger.

I don't have anything against promoting the game through various channels, but throwing it in like that - in the middle of an exciting showdown - is just plain shameful.

03-22-2011, 10:20 AM
Yep, as others have said.

I was interested in the contest for the first two rounds but I will not be voting via Facebook or Twitter. Frankly, even though the final round voting will be available to me I won't bother since I won't have a vote in deciding who the final contestants are. Why would I want to choose the winner between the two contestants that the 'other' communities picked?

Now my only interest will be to see how few people actually vote on the final round given that so many are now going to be excluded from rounds 3 and 4.

The tournament was a fun idea but this idea is full of fail.

Sure seems to me that it would have been better to encourage your 'other communities' to come to your site to vote instead of the other way around. Besides, there are lots of players that could use a little time reading the forums, lol. ;)

As I have said in an earlier post, since rounds 3 and 4 are not being made avaliable in a format that I can vote in, I will not be voting in in the final round!

And I am no longer interested in finding out the winner of this little contest.

03-22-2011, 10:22 AM
It has always been stated in the Monster Madness event that voting would happen in multiple ways. Round 1 occurred in DDO.com, Round 2 in the forums, this week in Facebook, followed by Twitter, and then MyDDO. Players participate in ddo "community" across multiple mediums. These cultures have their chance to shine and welcome new members from the other mediums throughout the month in an activity that is fun and light hearted.

For example - during round 2, we definitely had our share of new forum users who joined in from the facebook and twitter DDO communities who otherwise had never touched the official forums before Monster Madness even though they're avid DDO players. It was a great opportunity for them to learn that the forum folk are fun and friendly, and you don't need to know character builds like the back of your hand to participate in the boards.
Your "community" is trying to tell you something. Taking a stubborn stance is your strategy though? Fair enough. Good luck with that.

03-22-2011, 10:22 AM
/fb fail

great idea of this monster madness, I joined it and watched it - but dont have fb account and dont want to have one.

03-22-2011, 10:27 AM
It has always been stated in the Monster Madness event that voting would happen in multiple ways.Where, exactly, was this always stated?
The time has come to vote on your favorite DDO villain! It's Monster Madness!!! (http://www.ddo.com/monstermadness)

32 monsters enter, just one leaves, in this battle to the finish! We're collecting your favorite monsters, putting them into brackets, and pitting them against each other until one reigns supreme! At the end of each round we'll announce the winners! You can find them here: http://www.ddo.com/monstermadness


Support your choice with a monstrously new forum avatar! We've created a Monster Madness category, which you can find by clicking on User CP at the top of the forums, then clicking "Edit Avatar." Have fun!That is Post-Zero for this event, and I'll be dipped if I can find a reference to multiple voting platforms. I combed through all four pages of that thread and took note of all Mod/Dev replies... not one mention of multiple voting venues, either. Same goes for Round II's forum post.

It might be mentioned on the poll brackets page itself - but some framing issues with Turbine ads have always occluded the text there.
Is that where it's mentioned? Because if so, then it might as well have never been mentioned at all. Because a notification that cannot be seen does little good. Perhaps it should have been mentioned at some point in the forum posts themselves - because it seems like it's pretty relevant information to pass along - and this FB thing seems to have taken more folks then just me by surprise.

03-22-2011, 10:28 AM
It has always been stated in the Monster Madness event that voting would happen in multiple ways. Round 1 occurred in DDO.com, Round 2 in the forums, this week in Facebook, followed by Twitter, and then MyDDO. Players participate in ddo "community" across multiple mediums. These cultures have their chance to shine and welcome new members from the other mediums throughout the month in an activity that is fun and light hearted.

For example - during round 2, we definitely had our share of new forum users who joined in from the facebook and twitter DDO communities who otherwise had never touched the official forums before Monster Madness even though they're avid DDO players. It was a great opportunity for them to learn that the forum folk are fun and friendly, and you don't need to know character builds like the back of your hand to participate in the boards.

Tolero, I'm offended that you accuse me, and the other forum dwellers, of being fun and friendly :)

Although TBH I'm not following the fuss about Facebook. I am, however, too lazy to sign on to my account to vote.

03-22-2011, 10:29 AM
maybe if voting mechanics were made more clear at beginning of event=less drama?

i dunno but i voted round 1- easy cool.
round 2- huh? forum polls? who uses those? also kinda sad you had to go to multiple pages.
round 3- click link , facebook. ***? link broken? did i click wrong?

03-22-2011, 10:30 AM
Since DDO went F2P I doubt there's even a hand full of people that follow DDO on facebook and don't have a DDO account. On the other hand, number of people using this forums and not using facebook seem to be a bit bigger.

I don't have anything against promoting the game through various channels, but throwing it in like that - in the middle of an exciting showdown - is just plain shameful.

45000 is a handful? ... you keep using that word but I don't think it means what you think it means.

It has always been stated in the Monster Madness event that voting would happen in multiple ways. Round 1 occurred in DDO.com, Round 2 in the forums, this week in Facebook, followed by Twitter, and then MyDDO. Players participate in ddo "community" across multiple mediums. These cultures have their chance to shine and welcome new members from the other mediums throughout the month in an activity that is fun and light hearted.

For example - during round 2, we definitely had our share of new forum users who joined in from the facebook and twitter DDO communities who otherwise had never touched the official forums before Monster Madness even though they're avid DDO players. It was a great opportunity for them to learn that the forum folk are fun and friendly, and you don't need to know character builds like the back of your hand to participate in the boards.


It totally just happened. You don't have to like it. Deal.

I do have a Facebook account. I may, or may not, vote from there. Haven't decided yet. Don't know if I like it or not.

03-22-2011, 10:32 AM
It has always been stated in the Monster Madness event that voting would happen in multiple ways. Round 1 occurred in DDO.com, Round 2 in the forums, this week in Facebook, followed by Twitter, and then MyDDO. Players participate in ddo "community" across multiple mediums. These cultures have their chance to shine and welcome new members from the other mediums throughout the month in an activity that is fun and light hearted.

For example - during round 2, we definitely had our share of new forum users who joined in from the facebook and twitter DDO communities who otherwise had never touched the official forums before Monster Madness even though they're avid DDO players. It was a great opportunity for them to learn that the forum folk are fun and friendly, and you don't need to know character builds like the back of your hand to participate in the boards.

Not to be a bone picker here, but having each round limited to a particular medium, is not multiple voting, it is limited voting. Multiple voting would be allowing voting to various medium for each round.


If you want to have contests like this in hte future then you need to have all options avaliable, not limited to one medium or another.

While you indicate that it has always been stated that each round would utilize a different medium for tabulating votes, from the responses here it is obvious that this was not clearly relayed to the community, and for that simple point tis contest has been a failure.

03-22-2011, 10:33 AM
Where, exactly, was this always stated?That is Post-Zero for this event, and I'll be dipped if I can find a reference to multiple voting platforms. I combed through all four pages of that thread and took note of all Mod/Dev replies... not one mention of multiple voting venues, either.

It might be mentioned on the poll brackets itself - but some framing issues with Turbine ads have always occluded the text there.

Is that where it's mentioned? Because if so, then it might as well have never been mentioned at all. Because a notification that cannot be seen does little good. Perhaps it should have been mentioned at some point in the forum posts themselves.

The text has definitely always been "Every week, villains will be competing for community votes using a different voting method... this week they're taking the fight to [location with link]".

That alignment issue appears to be new, I'll ping Gharet.

03-22-2011, 10:36 AM
While you indicate that it has always been stated that each round would utilize a different medium for tabulating votes, from the responses here it is obvious that this was not clearly relayed to the community, and for that simple point tis contest has been a failure.
Not just that is has not been clearly communicated. Even if it had been, there's still the issue that it's poorly designed, and there's still the issue that the "community" is trying to say so.

03-22-2011, 10:36 AM
The text has definitely always been "Every week, villains will be competing for community votes using a different voting method... this week they're taking the fight to [location with link]".

That alignment issue appears to be new, I'll ping Gharet.

If by new you mean "there for as long as I can remember" then yeah, they're new. :p

03-22-2011, 10:37 AM
Hope the voting goes well, as an anti-facebook supporter, I will not be taking part in this.

Glad you are trying out different methods, and I'm sure you will find the difference in your voting demographic negligible. It's all for fun, and I was having fun.

03-22-2011, 10:42 AM
It has always been stated in the Monster Madness event that voting would happen in multiple ways.

Not seeing it.

Not seeing it.

Maybe the bracket page itself?
I'm at work, so I'm not about to try to post a picture.

But the text I have reads


Welcome to Ro...
Who's the "best" bad guy in DDO? Your vote will decide!
How can I vote

Every week, villa....
using a diffen....
fighting it out or...

Throughout this...
villain's profilec...

Don'tforget to...
here to check it...

how can I stay...

Visit http://ww...
follow us on twitter and find us on facebook.


It is all covered up by the facebook plugin, liking people from facebook, and the DDO store.

So no, if that is there, I haven't been able to read it unless I wanted to take the time to copy/paste into a text editor. I'm not going to do that.

03-22-2011, 10:46 AM
That alignment issue appears to be new, I'll ping Gharet.

If by new you mean "there for as long as I can remember" then yeah, they're new. :p
It is all covered up by the facebook plugin, liking people from facebook, and the DDO store.Yeah... it's been there since the voting started. It's not new at all.

So, I guess technically you are right in that it's always been stated. But, please reread my point about a notification that cannot be seen does little/no good. It may be there - but if myself and others can't see it then it may as well not be there at all.

And this may be another reason that overly complicating ideas like this, ideas that should be pretty straight forward and simple to understand, is perhaps a bad idea to avoid in future plans. The multiple voting venues may have sounded like a good idea on paper and at a boardroom table - but in reality it's cumbersome, awkward, confusing, and bound to stir up some discontent.

03-22-2011, 10:46 AM
If by new you mean "there for as long as I can remember" then yeah, they're new. :p

They're doing some work on the site this morning, and alignment appears to be impacted by it. However, all previous rounds the bracket page alignment was working fine (Mr Tolero wouldn't let me live it down otherwise when he was voting).

03-22-2011, 10:51 AM
Those who experienced the alignment issue before this week's round, what browsers were you using when you got the display error? In rounds 1 and 2 it was displaying properly for myself and several of my friends who were voting (but they were predominantly using firefox and IE so there could be other mischief at work).

(If you're seeing the alignment issue right now, no need to respond as Gharet is already working on it).

03-22-2011, 10:54 AM
Those who experienced the alignment issue before this week's round, what browsers were you using when you got the display error? In rounds 1 and 2 it was displaying properly for myself and several of my friends who were voting (but they were predominantly using firefox and IE so there could be other mischief at work).

(If you're seeing the alignment issue right now, no need to respond as Gharet is already working on it).Firefox.
And that block of ads has been there the whole time - which was why I put up the pic in the first place.

03-22-2011, 10:59 AM
The text was displaying correctly when the event started (using Chrome). I remember looking at it and deciding not to bother participating because I wasn't going to join twitter or facebook for it. My choice and I have no problem with them using different sites for it.

No idea when the frames screwed up and covered up the text though.

03-22-2011, 11:01 AM
No facebook = no voting for me. Stupid idea, since not quite everyone in the world is stupid enough to be addicted to exposing themselves to strangers and/or actually thinking that everyone is interested in every little detail of their lives. Just most people.

03-22-2011, 11:05 AM
The text was displaying correctly when the event started (using Chrome). *snip*

No idea when the frames screwed up and covered up the text though.

This was my experience as well, I've been using Firefox and Chrome to look at that page since it started (at my home computer as well, just FYI.) For me, I didn't notice any display issues until today (and as stated above, this is being looked into.) Thanks for responding!

03-22-2011, 11:11 AM
Please, no swearing or personal attacks. Perhaps the voting method could have been made more clear, that the first round would be on DDO.com, the 2nd round on the forums, the third round on Facebook, and the 4th round on Twitter (final round voting method will stay a secret for now.) We've heard your feedback on this method of voting. Thanks!

You say you want to bring it to people.

What you are actually doing is taking it away.

Very bad move.

03-22-2011, 11:29 AM
Try check the resolution 1024x768, in home with another resolution I didn't have this problem.

Here, at work and with this resolution, I'm seeing this problem.

Tried with Chrome, IE and Firefox and happens the same.


03-22-2011, 11:32 AM
I do have a Facebook account, but only so that I can happily ignore anyone who tries to contact me over Facebook.

03-22-2011, 11:34 AM
The display issue for ddo.com/monstermadness (http://www.ddo.com/monstermadness) has been fixed, thanks Memnir and others for reporting it.

03-22-2011, 11:39 AM
I saw the description of it having voting in different places when it started. Pretty sure is was even mentioned on DDOcast when they read the event description. It was coy about not mentioning the locations, but I figured at the time it was a way to get people to register on their various social media sites. I voted in the first two rounds, but I don't have facebook or twitter, and don't want to make an account just for this. But it's no big deal to me as I wasn't surprised about the voting going elsewhere.

03-22-2011, 11:45 AM
It has always been stated in the Monster Madness event that voting would happen in multiple ways. Round 1 occurred in DDO.com, Round 2 in the forums, this week in Facebook, followed by Twitter, and then MyDDO. Players participate in ddo "community" across multiple mediums. These cultures have their chance to shine and welcome new members from the other mediums throughout the month in an activity that is fun and light hearted.

For example - during round 2, we definitely had our share of new forum users who joined in from the facebook and twitter DDO communities who otherwise had never touched the official forums before Monster Madness even though they're avid DDO players. It was a great opportunity for them to learn that the forum folk are fun and friendly, and you don't need to know character builds like the back of your hand to participate in the boards.

Thats fine. I just won't be voting then for round3 and round4. No big deal.
I have facebook but I'm not going to add too much personal information.

03-22-2011, 11:46 AM
Just to put in my 2cp

Having to vote on Facebook is silly. Put it back on the forums with a link from Facebook.


03-22-2011, 11:49 AM
DDO website = our community
DDO forums = our community
MyDDO = our community
Look at MY Face Book = the non-nerdy ex-cheerleaders and football jocks (oh, and our moms).
Twitter = Vain celebrities.

03-22-2011, 11:54 AM
Any chance after over a half dozen Dev posts here on this fluff, we might get some sort of "Hey, you guys may be right" or "We didn't think about that" or "Suck it you little bastards", or something, over in the actually somewhat important spell pass thread?

03-22-2011, 11:55 AM
Final round will be in MyDDO :)

DANG IT! I still had my haggle gear when I last logged off!

03-22-2011, 11:56 AM
Facebook and twitter only... I hope this is the last time I hear that associated with DDO.

03-22-2011, 11:57 AM
Lets try this a different way.

Why the heck are you doing voting in what is that.. 5 different manners?
You will never get the same subset of people so the voting results means jack.

What are you really trying to do? And be honest. If you were using this as a test of your systems to see if the voting is working, TELL US.

You'd probably get a more positive response for being transparent.

03-22-2011, 12:00 PM
Lets try this a different way.

Why the heck are you doing voting in what is that.. 5 different manners?
You will never get the same subset of people so the voting results means jack.

What are you really trying to do? And be honest. If you were using this as a test of your systems to see if the voting is working, TELL US.

You'd probably get a more positive response for being transparent.

Umm, they've obviously trying to get publicity for DDO via various social media. Good for them. It's not like the winner of the monster challenge will get the nerfbat or anything game-relevant.


Dear Facebook,

Kobold still hates you. Kobold remembers privacy fiasco. Kobold will never open facebook account, it was so much trouble closing it last time.

03-22-2011, 12:04 PM
It has always been stated in the Monster Madness event that voting would happen in multiple ways. Round 1 occurred in DDO.com, Round 2 in the forums, this week in Facebook, followed by Twitter, and then MyDDO. Players participate in ddo "community" across multiple mediums. These cultures have their chance to shine and welcome new members from the other mediums throughout the month in an activity that is fun and light hearted.
I'm not a big fan of Twitter, but it turns out, I'm not alone.

11% of online adult users use twitter or update their status online:
1 in 10 adults and 1 in 5 young people is not really very many people.

I didnt mind using facebook because I have an account, but I wont sign up for twitter to vote. It isnt a system that really interests me.

It dosent really matter, my favorites were all eliminated anyway, lol.

03-22-2011, 12:04 PM
I took a quick look at the ooriginal contest and did not understand how to vote in the first round, so I lost interest.

Now that it seems facebook and/or twitter are involved, I think it was good I didn't bother.

I have zero interest whatsoever in Facebook, I refuse to participate unless required to for my work.
I have only a minor interest in twitter for important latest news.

I think both are aggregations of what is already on the web and can be better served by web pages and other services, and present dangers both for privacy and control for the mass internet public.

I assume this is an attempt by Turbine to get us all "on board the latest pop-technology"?

I'd rather just go play DDO.

03-22-2011, 12:11 PM
Any chance after over a half dozen Dev posts here on this fluff, we might get some sort of "Hey, you guys may be right" or "We didn't think about that" or "Suck it you little bastards", or something, over in the actually somewhat important spell pass thread?

We're not getting Dev posts here, we're getting community specialists (Tolero and Cordovan). That's appropriate, since this is a marketing/community issue.

In the spell pass thread, you would be looking for input from the actual devs, and preferably Eladrin. Those are much rarer (since their job description doesn't really include community relations). None of the devs have posted anywhere in the forums since Torc started that thread. (You can check for yourself with the dev tracker (http://forums.ddo.com/turbine_tracker.php?tracker=devtracker).)

03-22-2011, 12:13 PM
We're not getting Dev posts here, we're getting community specialists (Tolero and Cordovan). That's appropriate, since this is a marketing/community issue.

In the spell pass thread, you would be looking for input from the actual devs, and preferably Eladrin. Those are much rarer (since their job description doesn't really include community relations). None of the devs have posted anywhere in the forums since Torc started that thread. (You can check for yourself with the dev tracker (http://forums.ddo.com/turbine_tracker.php?tracker=devtracker).)

I understand that, but presumably, they would be able to shoot an email or an instant message or use a string phone to at least give the devs a heads up people would like a minimum of some acknowledgement on their concerns.

03-22-2011, 12:15 PM
so basically you guys (and by "you guys" I mean Turbine itself and NOT you specific forum personalities specifically) are adamantly defending your stance of "we said this is the way it was going to be from the beginning"...basically, its WAI...

Of course, your (once again, in reference to Turbine) CUSTOMERs concerns are that we think the the system acts like a vacuum.

None of you are defending the fact that we think the system acts like a vacuum which leads me to believe that you (Cordovan and Tolero) also feel the same way but are simply bound by company policy to "back the company line"...

I'd like to see someone from your marketing department get on the forums and voice thier opinnion about why the system was designed the way it is and why it doesn't suck.

Oh, btw, if you guys (back to referencing Turbine for the rest of the post) are at all interested in customer satisfaction...remember 2 years ago when we were in the biggest lull of development in DDO history waiting for Mod 9? Remember this?

Keep in mind that this was at a time that morale amongst the community was at an all time LOW and we still showed up to show our support...

Want to see how much your customers approve now that you have a vastly superior number of customers to rally?

You couldn't even make it out of round one.

03-22-2011, 12:41 PM
Umm, they've obviously trying to get publicity for DDO via various social media. Good for them. It's not like the winner of the monster challenge will get the nerfbat or anything game-relevant.

It could be, but last I read on cnn (as I refused to touch facebook), such spam could get them faceblocked.

03-22-2011, 12:41 PM
DDO website = our community
DDO forums = our community
MyDDO = our community
Look at MY Face Book = the non-nerdy ex-cheerleaders and football jocks (oh, and our moms).
Twitter = Vain celebrities.

Disagree on that last one. While *I*, a member of joe public would never have a reason I can think of to 'tweet' to my followers (because 1. I don't have any 2. why on earth would I want any? 3. what on earth would make me think I'd ever get any anyway!), I think Twitter is a totally acceptable way of getting a message out for private companies - its really just another form of mailing list when used in this way.

But to use it for voting on something like this, which as far as I know requires people to sign up... well, I don't think that's on really.

but no-one forces me to take part in the voting, and therefore, I shall not.

03-22-2011, 12:43 PM

Quite a humorous turn of events, by trying to bring players together they've ended up alienating a large group of players.

03-22-2011, 12:43 PM
I understand that, but presumably, they would be able to shoot an email or an instant message or use a string phone to at least give the devs a heads up people would like a minimum of some acknowledgement on their concerns.

Torc and Eladrin both sit within our threat range. They can't escape, we have improved grab. (They've been reviewing the thread since last night - lot of responses to go through)

03-22-2011, 12:45 PM
I won't go into detail about the voting being done on facebook and twitter as I agree with those who are against it. What I find amusing is that the final round will be on MyDDO. Since so many people have trouble with MyDDO not doing what is intended and not being able to use it's features, it really makes me hate it even more.

Ive sent messages and emails asking for help in getting MyDDO working but all I hear is crickets chirping in the background. Yea, this was fun at first but now, well, lets just say it isn't anymore and leave it at that or I might have another post deleted......:rolleyes:

03-22-2011, 12:47 PM
You couldn't even make it out of round one.

Lets see.. There was Turbine and mod 9 delay and wait with the lawsuit making them have to have tight lips.

But also....

that time through, Escapist opened up the voting to BOTH forum and facebook. So you really could pad the votes.

And also how Escapist handled voting and their own forums, let alone how xenophobic Escapist forumites seemed to be.

That said, this attitude made Turbine the whipping boy that had to be destroyed "just because they were invaders." All because they actually read the rules and followed them of what Escapist was allowing.

It was Escapist in total, that made me not care/not vote, not the lack of content from Turbine. Should Turbine continue in that same path, I shall stop caring here as well.

03-22-2011, 12:50 PM
Torc and Eladrin both sit within our threat range.
So... 19-20/x3? I'm sort of doubting a 20/x2.

They can't escape, we have improved grab. (They've been reviewing the thread since last night - lot of responses to go through)
Improved Grab.... ah the harassment jokes. :)

03-22-2011, 01:06 PM
This was my experience as well, I've been using Firefox and Chrome to look at that page since it started (at my home computer as well, just FYI.) For me, I didn't notice any display issues until today (and as stated above, this is being looked into.) Thanks for responding!

This maybe as well depends on your display size. On a 24" wide screen in a full format it may neither happen. But opening it for example on a Smartphone with limited display with may already screw it. But well, good that it already has been fixed.

03-22-2011, 01:11 PM
Whoa! MyDDO for the final round, eh? So that's how we get to vote on the final 2 monsters that the 12 (non-Turbine employee) twitter users voted for? Gee, that's really involving the community. :rolleyes:

I think y'all can file this one under "Sounded like a good idea while planning it, but it sucked on the execution."

03-22-2011, 01:28 PM
I tossed my vote on FB, then deleted it after I realized I wasn't going to bother with this anymore.

I thought this was fun. But, no matter the result, it's not going to actually reflect the wider DDO community. So, I'm done with it. I'll wander back to see who "won" later. If the original round one had clearly stated about the way the rounds were going to continue, I wouldn't have bothered in the first place other than to see which pics you guys chose for the baddies and idle curiosity.

I know that at least four pages of "FAIL" and "THIS SUCKS" covered it already. But, what the heck. I figured I'd toss in my "yeah, this just screwed up the fun." comment as well.

Edit: LOL. One thing I did find funny is that people are casting their votes in the comments below the initial "Cast your vote now" post. But, they are also posting their votes in the comments for each individual image of the contenders. Looks like fun for whoever has to tally everything up and double check how many people double voted.

03-22-2011, 01:40 PM
Lets see.. There was Turbine and mod 9 delay and wait with the lawsuit making them have to have tight lips.

But also....

that time through, Escapist opened up the voting to BOTH forum and facebook. So you really could pad the votes.

actually, I don't remember there being facebook voting in 2008. I remember that because I specifically had to sign up for thier forums to cast a vote...and there is this:

"To participate, simply take a look at the brackets and vote right there for the developers you like best. (Note: You'll need to register to post on our forums to vote.)"

03-22-2011, 01:42 PM
Torc and Eladrin both sit within our threat range. They can't escape, we have improved grab. (They've been reviewing the thread since last night - lot of responses to go through)

posting such a thread and leaving it with no dev response for almost 24 hours is just bad form.

How many times have we stressed that to lessen how bad things hit that all we need is a little communication?

Give us the ability to help shape the game not everyone wants it to be an easy button.

Seriously tho with this big of a change a lesser heart of wood is in order having to change 7 or more spells will take almost a month.

03-22-2011, 01:56 PM
posting such a thread and leaving it with no dev response for almost 24 hours is just bad form.

How many times have we stressed that to lessen how bad things hit that all we need is a little communication?

Give us the ability to help shape the game not everyone wants it to be an easy button.

Seriously tho with this big of a change a lesser heart of wood is in order having to change 7 or more spells will take almost a month.

Is this intended for the Torc posted upcoming changes to spells, perhaps?
This thread is about the monster madness bracket off.
I see no way that the requiring of facebook, repeatedly proven abused and insecure, would ever involve a lesser heart.

03-22-2011, 02:02 PM
Is this intended for the Torc posted upcoming changes to spells, perhaps?
This thread is about the monster madness bracket off.
I see no way that the requiring of facebook, repeatedly proven abused and insecure, would ever involve a lesser heart.

You'd have to follow the quote trail, but Lifespawn was asking why we got so many responses in here and zero in the spell change thread. Tolero replied, and Lifespawn replied again. An easy way to trace quotes is to click the http://cdn.content.turbine.com/sites/forums.ddo.com/images/buttons/red/viewpost.gif button next to the quoted person's name and it will take you to the quoted post, so you can see if that post quoted a previous post and so on.

03-22-2011, 02:09 PM
would have voted IF it was not on facebook.
not going to log on facebook and vote not going to happen.
never take risks were you cant judge possible repercussions

03-22-2011, 02:10 PM
I have a facebook account, I don't really want to tie in my real life with my DDO life, I get the "my crystal is bigger than your crystal" thinking that drives so much of what goes on.

I guess I won't be playing since keeping me separate from Therigar is important.


03-22-2011, 02:55 PM
I just have to wonder why any Community event would willingly exclude any facet of the community.

Would not a better idea be to open the voting up to multiple venues, and count them all? Sure, it'd be more complicated. But, the benefit would be to make sure that this cool idea remained cool and nobody felt like they were having their options limited by seemingly arbitrary social-media requirements for voting. And, without any advance warning that the voting would be skipping from online venue to online venue. Had I known that Facebook/Twitter/secret last stage would be a component of this poll... I would not have bothered to cast the first vote and become invested or even interested.

But hey, whatever. This ship has sailed.
I'm just sad that Turbine chose to take this route with what really was their best idea in a while. It has sullied what was a rather fine idea - and made me (again) wonder why I even bothered in the first place to get excited about it.

Bad idea, Community Reps.

This post express exactly my feelings.

Final round will be in MyDDO :)

Too bad because for me, this little contest is over.

The feeling left is that you tried to use us rather than getting us involved. Your community is trying to tell you something, I hope you catch up the message and acknowledge it. Telling us you realise Facebook and Twitter only ways of voting was a mistake would be the least thing to do.

03-22-2011, 03:13 PM
You'd have to follow the quote trail, but Lifespawn was asking why we got so many responses in here and zero in the spell change thread. Tolero replied, and Lifespawn replied again. An easy way to trace quotes is to click the http://cdn.content.turbine.com/sites/forums.ddo.com/images/buttons/red/viewpost.gif button next to the quoted person's name and it will take you to the quoted post, so you can see if that post quoted a previous post and so on.

Followed the trail and no Tolero was not replying to Lifespawn and the quote that he was replying to was trying to explain that the devs are paying attention and the one that was replied to which she was replying to stated that no dev was responding here either.

Wow that chain explain hurts the head.

Regardless the point I was making was that the comment I replied to was off topic.

03-22-2011, 03:25 PM
will not be voting via facebook

03-22-2011, 03:41 PM
Hopefully, I won't get myself into trouble this time but it seems to me the DDO team alienated a lot of players, probably temporarily, by taking the voting to Facebook and Twitter and the point I'd really like to make is that their response to the negative player feedback has tended to make that temporary alienation worse rather than better.

03-22-2011, 03:45 PM
While i understand u want to show this on facebook, think of poor arratreikos, who's gonna defend him from the abbot!
Harry needs all the votes he can get.

03-22-2011, 03:48 PM
So... 19-20/x3? I'm sort of doubting a 20/x2.

Improved Grab.... ah the harassment jokes. :)


I have seen dev-powered "Improved Grab" in action. Couple years ago... ;)

(Did not get a screenie, however.) :(

On Topic:
Once the final round arrives, I will certainly drop into My.DDO to vote. I feel a renewed response to the voting back on DDO soil will make a stronger statement than boycotting it. IMHO, anyway.

03-22-2011, 04:19 PM
Funny how there's currently only 43 votes on FB, yet the same amount of people stating that they refuse to go to FB to vote, within the first 3-4 pages of this thread alone.

03-22-2011, 09:44 PM
It has always been stated in the Monster Madness event that voting would happen in multiple ways.
Yes, but this:

Round 1 occurred in DDO.com, Round 2 in the forums, this week in Facebook, followed by Twitter, and then MyDDO.
was never stated in advance. People are upset because they would not have wasted their time if they knew rounds 3 and 4 required some sort of registration. Bait-and-switch is generally a frowned-upon tactic.

03-23-2011, 10:33 AM
Facebook. Oh well - hope the vote goes well guys. Was fun, but nowhere near worth signing up to Facebook for.

Bingo ... i have a facebook account and i never use it anymore ... i hate it. Wife works for a major security firm and they use facebook to look up people and there friends to aquire incriminating evidence to report back to there bosses. I happen to know of at least 10 people just this month that have lost there job or been denied a job dispite years of experience because of things found out through facebook. Right down to having friends with criminal records that live in the same city. I would hate to work for HP ... but i would never get in because my brother has a criminal record in canada.

03-23-2011, 10:34 AM
Yes, but this:

was never stated in advance. People are upset because they would not have wasted their time if they knew rounds 3 and 4 required some sort of registration. Bait-and-switch is generally a frowned-upon tactic.

Yup if its a community event then you should be reaching out to the community without using third party programs to do so.

03-23-2011, 01:30 PM
fail book and twitless only voting? both those places get nothing but scorn and contempt from me.

guess this contest is done for me.

03-23-2011, 03:40 PM
I have, and use, a facebook account. However I won't be using it to vote in this contest. I don't want my friends and family spammed with who I voted for anymore than I want to see what they did on Mafia Wars today.

I pay you (Turbine) to play a game, you don't pay me to advertise for you.

^^ This.

Just chiming in to add my voice to the 7 pages of player discontent with this (not the 1 page of coding discussion/sidebar). Stunts like this make me angry - illogically angry. Angry enough to write a lot more than I will because I'm still possessed of a modicum of self control. It is lazy, unimaginative marketing. It can be done better.

Now, do it better Turbine.

[Edited to third person so as not to seem personal. For what that's worth.]

03-24-2011, 03:00 AM
This makes me sad, I will not use Facebook or Twitter to vote. I hope that my monster choices make it to the end so that I can vote in the myddo round.

03-24-2011, 03:08 AM

03-24-2011, 03:18 AM
Maybe they should have used Friendface (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rNgCnY1lPg) instead.

03-24-2011, 04:01 PM
I trust 3rd party Facebook apps almost as much as I trusted the DDO offer wall.


03-24-2011, 04:51 PM

I want your soul.
I will eat your soul.

03-24-2011, 08:49 PM
VOTER FAIL because of Facebook.

03-25-2011, 01:59 AM
Didn't the ddo community already expressed dissatisfaction with having to sign in in third party sites at the time of the offer wall?

Is good that there's a fb page and fans but from that to having things that only fb users can participate there's some difference.

Would be as bad as limiting some contest to U.S. only residents, if that ever happens... um, wait.

Anyways, how about do a round in google? Lots of ddo players use google, isn't it?

Personally if i wanted to have a fb account i would be playing farmville not a MMO, but each to their own.

03-25-2011, 05:16 AM
It would be interesting to see how many pple voted on facebook and compare it to pple who voted on forum in previous rounds.

Shame you excluded it to fb - dont have account there, and wont make one

03-25-2011, 12:52 PM
We are looking for epic quests not epic fails. Just saying.

03-25-2011, 03:11 PM

I was doing news gathering for this weeks show and was surprised by the strong anti-facebook sentiment. Its just a software program :P

Still I suppose this means people really liked the general promotion, so thats good, but wow, I guess the next time they might run this a little different.

Still, the level of cynicism is pretty thick here. Its not an evil marketing ploy, its just a normal marketing effort. While some of you may hate this or that thing, the fact is this or that thing is hellishly popular and turbine would be stupid not to use them to their fullest.

I don't spend much time on facebook but its darned handy for keeping track of connections and contact information. It has never tried to swallow my soul or force me to play boring flash games. A little perspective perhaps?

03-25-2011, 03:23 PM
pfft.. what on earth made you people think that your players cared about Facebook?

.. ruined this for me I will never be a part of that garbage called Facebook.

03-26-2011, 01:04 AM
Heheh I have a Failbook account that I opened just cuz my wife kept bugging me about it and I wanted to shut her up. Have not been back to it since i first created the account and will most likley never go back to it.

Turbine... EPIC FAIL, sorry dudes but what should have been done was forum voting and links to the voting in all these other mediums that your trying to reach players across. Really??? It's to hard for your devs to put a link on FB to the contest page here? Oh wait, repeater x-bows are still broken... I guess it was to hard.

FYI, I'm a VIP player and I spend my money to enjoy the game and all it's various aspects HERE, not someplace else.