View Full Version : Opinions: Changing PrEs and stuff

03-17-2011, 05:12 AM

1. I'm thinking of changing my virt to spellsinger.

Reasoning: My Virt is lvl 20 but the content I'm running isn't allowing me to use my abilities because they're immune.(Epics and Amrath) My bard already has good Charisma so landing spells wouldn't be that much of a problem other than the lack of Spell Focus and I can still use Fascinate. Using spell points to use Otto's Irrestable Dance when I need to melee.

2. I'm thinking of changing my Stalwart to Kensai

Reasoning: I'm having trouble hitting and monsters are hitting me more than I'd like even when I'm trying. Until I get the AC items I want, my stalwart going kensai will give more help than trying to build his AC up.

These are good ideas right?

03-17-2011, 05:39 AM
you want a pat on the back?

seriously, why care for others if those ideas are sound to you?

are they not?

i'd say a spellsinger won't be much more fun in epics than your virtuose. you can help cc either way. but autocritting is the everyday bread of running epics. so you add damage through songs and dualpick too. as a str based bard you have more to offer there (not saying warchanter as its not pre related).

if you have problems hitting with your defender it will be better with your kensai, sure. but you should not have problems hitting with your defender in the first place, really.
high str. weapon foci. what mob have you trouble hitting?

03-17-2011, 05:51 AM
you want a pat on the back?

seriously, why care for others if those ideas are sound to you?

are they not?

i'd say a spellsinger won't be much more fun in epics than your virtuose. you can help cc either way. but autocritting is the everyday bread of running epics. so you add damage through songs and dualpick too. as a str based bard you have more to offer there (not saying warchanter as its not pre related).

if you have problems hitting with your defender it will be better with your kensai, sure. but you should not have problems hitting with your defender in the first place, really.
high str. weapon foci. what mob have you trouble hitting?

My defender has Combat Expertise on all the time so that's immediately a -5 to hit. But at the content I'm running, Gianthold/Vale as he's lvl 16, it's hitting the archers and stuff... maybe I'm a bit too used to playing high lvl characters with greensteels

My bard is only somewhat STR-based because with a +6 STR item he's only at 20 STR. Relying on songs to help bolster my attack using heals here and there.

03-17-2011, 06:03 AM
My defender has Combat Expertise on all the time so that's immediately a -5 to hit. But at the content I'm running, Gianthold/Vale as he's lvl 16, it's hitting the archers and stuff... maybe I'm a bit too used to playing high lvl characters with greensteels

well, turn it off then. as a kensai you would have less ac anyway and would not run around with ce. ce off = more hit = more damage. but seriously, if you can't hit the stuff in gianthold (even on elite) with a lvl 16 pure fighter then theres something direly not right with your char. towershield has a - to hit too. don't use it if you have trouble hitting stuff.

My bard is only somewhat STR-based because with a +6 STR item he's only at 20 STR. Relying on songs to help bolster my attack using heals here and there.

everyone and their mother can use a pair of maiming picks against held mobs. 10 strength only is a difference of 20 damage/hit on a held mob with a pick. thats huge but not crucial. first thing i'd do is get a grip on 2 maiming rocksplitters. use em on held mobs (might require fast/often switching of weaponsets in epics). see combined 90+ damage a hit on your bard. be happy and semi useful ;)

03-17-2011, 06:26 AM
well, turn it off then. as a kensai you would have less ac anyway and would not run around with ce. ce off = more hit = more damage. but seriously, if you can't hit the stuff in gianthold (even on elite) with a lvl 16 pure fighter then theres something direly not right with your char. towershield has a - to hit too. don't use it if you have trouble hitting stuff.

everyone and their mother can use a pair of maiming picks against held mobs. 10 strength only is a difference of 20 damage/hit on a held mob with a pick. thats huge but not crucial. first thing i'd do is get a grip on 2 maiming rocksplitters. use em on held mobs (might require fast/often switching of weaponsets in epics). see combined 90+ damage a hit on your bard. be happy and semi useful ;)

1. Indeed. I would turn CE off when I'm on my kensai or use Power Attack intead. 29 STR will be 32 with lvl 20 STR +1 lvl and a +2 STR tome. Also using Towershield so with CE and towershield I'm taking a -7 to hit. Already have two weapon foci... It's prob. just my imagination. Also, prob. just my imagination with my monk that I'm having trouble hitting... although it's prob. bad stat splits on both.

2. Rocksplitters are on my Heavy Pick Kensai fighter I'm building....

If you want to see my character builds all my toons are on Khyber and I don't care if you look at MyDDO:

Good: Torriin (http://my.ddo.com/character/khyber/torriin/) (Lvl 20 Paladin), Nagasnake (http://my.ddo.com/character/khyber/nagasnake/) (Lvl 20 bard)
Decent: Koruna (http://my.ddo.com/character/khyber/koruna/) (Lvl 20 Wizard)
Bad: Goldenac (http://my.ddo.com/character/khyber/goldenac/) (Lvl 14 ftr/Lvl 2 rog), Olmanjenkins (http://my.ddo.com/character/khyber/olmanjenkins/) (Lvl 20 monk)

03-17-2011, 06:39 AM
1. Indeed. I would turn CE off when I'm on my kensai or use Power Attack intead. 29 STR will be 32 with lvl 20 STR +1 lvl and a +2 STR tome. Also using Towershield so with CE and towershield I'm taking a -7 to hit. Already have two weapon foci... It's prob. just my imagination. Also, prob. just my imagination with my monk that I'm having trouble hitting... although it's prob. bad stat splits on both.

2. Rocksplitters are on my Heavy Pick Kensai fighter I'm building....

If you want to see my character builds all my toons are on Khyber and I don't care if you look at MyDDO:

Good: Torriin (Lvl 20 Paladin), Nagasnake (Lvl 20 bard)
Decent: Koruna (Lvl 20 Wizard)
Bad: Goldenac (Lvl 14 ftr/Lvl 2 rog), Olmanjenkins (Lvl 20 monk)

just took a quick look at your fighter.
you should get some backup gear maybe. so you have a tanking and a dps gear. for dpssing i'd go for more hp and less ac. so get a minos, a +6 con item and gfl if you don't have it already. use a +5 holy of pg twohander until you have all 3 twf feats (if you plan on taking those anyway).
for tanking purposes a minos would be good too. a +6 con item and a gfl item. ac + hp = win. try and move the intimidate to ring or get a maenya's iron fists gloves.

you can still intimidate while dpssing. more hp will help you there and makes life easier for your healer.

as wf you could have with lvl 16

20 base
140 fighter
12 rogue
112 con (assuming 14 starting +2 enhancement +2 tome +6 item =24 con)
20 toughness (minos)
18 toughness (feat)
30 racial toughness
30 fighter toughness
10 argonessen favor
30 greater false life

edit: oh, and lay off the power attack enhancements for later maybe if you taken em already ;)

03-17-2011, 06:55 AM
just took a quick look at your fighter.
you should get some backup gear maybe. so you have a tanking and a dps gear. for dpssing i'd go for more hp and less ac. so get a minos, a +6 con item and gfl if you don't have it already. use a +5 holy of pg twohander until you have all 3 twf feats (if you plan on taking those anyway).
for tanking purposes a minos would be good too. a +6 con item and a gfl item. ac + hp = win. try and move the intimidate to ring or get a maenya's iron fists gloves.

you can still intimidate while dpssing. more hp will help you there and makes life easier for your healer.

as wf you could have with lvl 16

20 base
140 fighter
12 rogue
112 con (assuming 14 starting +2 enhancement +2 tome +6 item =24 con)
20 toughness (minos)
18 toughness (feat)
30 racial toughness
30 fighter toughness
10 argonessen favor
30 greater false life

edit: oh, and lay off the power attack enhancements for later maybe if you taken em already ;)

I was hoping to get a Quorforged Docent of Battle to take care of the toughness from Minos and yes I am getting some DPS gear for when I'm not tanking...

Oh wait... here's a thought: Maybe I'm just judging my to-hit scenarios based on the amount I hit with a two handed weapon like my Bard and Paladin... I mean don't you get 1.5x STR bonus to hit

03-17-2011, 07:01 AM
I was hoping to get a Quorforged Docent of Battle to take care of the toughness from Minos and yes I am getting some DPS gear for when I'm not tanking...

but youre in trouble now and the quarforged docent can be elusive and needs to be upgraded for the toughness and sfl benefit ;)

Oh wait... here's a thought: Maybe I'm just judging my to-hit scenarios based on the amount I hit with a two handed weapon like my Bard and Paladin... I mean don't you get 1.5x STR bonus to hit

no, just 1.5 x strmod to damage.

buy a stack of heroism pots if you don't have someone with you to cast greater hero on yourself. and maybe try to get a planar gird. theres nothing better than to be self sufficient in every way.