View Full Version : Account E-mail Problems.

03-10-2011, 12:42 PM
The E-mail i used to create this account is now no longer active because someone (i have no clue who) broke into it, changed my password and did the same in my facebook account but that dosent matter.

Anyhow, I'm thinking of buying Turbine Points for this account because i advanced my characters inside it and also go Warforged through favor, so creating a new account would be a waste for me.

My request is to change this account's email, i couldnt find that option in the account managment.

Any suggestions?

[Please dont tell me to re-new password or reseting it because it dosent work, i tried few times and even tried contacting google, but i gave up about this email account and created a new one.]

EDIT: Changed E-mail after searching in the account managment, Please ignore and lock-down this thread, Thanks.

03-24-2011, 01:27 PM
Don't mind me, just piggybacking off of your post to test something (I didn't want to create a new post)