View Full Version : DDO premium = LOTRO premium?

03-09-2011, 01:58 AM
Hello forumites and tech people!

A few months ago i went through a several day rigmarole in order to get a LOTRO account onto the same account i use for DDO. I never got to far, due to my supposed play partner never getting into the game, but now I am revisiting it. However, I'm noticing that my LOTRO account is free to play rather than Premium, which was the primary reason i went through such a hassle to link my two accounts.

According to THIS POST (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=284198) it should be atleast possible to create a premium LOTRO account on a Turbine master account that contains a premium DDO account.

For posterity, I have been a DDO player off and on since 2006. I have been VIP, and am now currently Premium pay-as-you-go. If the purpose of free player restriction is to encourage money to be sent in Turbines direction, and to weed out goldfarmers and other undesirables, i believe i have met those criteria :D

Although i am playing with my LOTRO account, it is fairly new and i am willing to delete that free subscription/account to make a new one if that is the only way to get around to upgrading.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter!

03-09-2011, 01:37 PM
Each subscription you have, even if it is the same game under the same username, is treated completely separately. Even if you have Premium access on DDO, that would not provide Premium access for your LOTRO subscription. You would need to buy Turbine Points, any amount would work, or have had a subscription in the past, for your LOTRO subscription to have Premium access.

03-09-2011, 02:14 PM
That must be a new thing then, because my initial time in LotRO was indeed with premium perks (of which there are not many, besides a higher gold cap, some extra character slots, etc), having done nothing else other than create an lotro account under my master Turbine account with a premium/vip DDO sub.

Impossible for me to test at this point, since I did buy a single month of lotro VIP to unlock all toon specific stuff, but if you guys changed it/fixed it (or it is currently working in way Turbine doesn't intend), that's too bad...I thought it was actually smart to provide a small benefit/incentive for existing players to check out your other MMOs.

That one of the few smart things, imo, Turbine does lately turns out to be not WAI shouldn't be a surprise I guess, lol. :rolleyes:

03-09-2011, 04:31 PM
That must be a new thing then, because my initial time in LotRO was indeed with premium perks (of which there are not many, besides a higher gold cap, some extra character slots, etc), having done nothing else other than create an lotro account under my master Turbine account with a premium/vip DDO sub.

Impossible for me to test at this point, since I did buy a single month of lotro VIP to unlock all toon specific stuff, but if you guys changed it/fixed it (or it is currently working in way Turbine doesn't intend), that's too bad...I thought it was actually smart to provide a small benefit/incentive for existing players to check out your other MMOs.

That one of the few smart things, imo, Turbine does lately turns out to be not WAI shouldn't be a surprise I guess, lol. :rolleyes:

This is what confuses me. I've heard from a few different sources that they are able to gain Premium benefits for having been premium in DDO. Did i just miss the boat on this, or what?

I also agree that not only is it a "nice perk", but i know that I am far more likely to spend money on LOTRO the longer I play and more attached i get. Having limited character slots, restrictions on auctions etc. are likely to chafe enough that I feel far less inclined to invest in my play experience there.

Or maybe there's a secret handshake that i didn't learn in the Secret DDO Premiums Club o_O?

03-10-2011, 01:33 AM
Been through a similar problem.
I alt a lot - and I have alt p2p accounts too.

One of my accounts is a mixed LOTRO/DDO account.
I created the f2p LOTRO sub first.

Then I asked for a DDO key, and upgraded it Premium.
The LOTRO sub stayed Free.

I asked for a LOTRO key; it created a new p2p LOTRO sub.
Now I have parallel LOTRO subs - one f2p, one p2p.
I'm asked whichever I want to run before picking servers.

Apparently, I couldn't extend p2p status to pre-existing f2p subs.

08-16-2011, 06:19 PM
I just went through all this and it worked for me. I submitted a ticket yesterday to Turbine to add LOTRO to my account. I am a premium DDO player. I get an email back today with the Key, activated it, and received premium access. I'm not sure that this is how it's suppose to work. However that's how it worked for me, so I would suggest that you might as well try it if you want to. The worse that could happen is that you have to wait a few days to play LOTRO *le gasp*