View Full Version : My first PvP experience in DDO.

03-07-2011, 01:27 AM
Today after our static group finished a little early, one of our members suggested we break into two groups for a little PvP with the time we had remaining.

Now this forum is rife with PvP bashing, so I sort of cringed at the notion. We still had 20 mins left of our scheduled time, so I thought ***?

I had a blast. It was really interesting to see what was affective and what just didn't work against our teammates. I thought the little arenas were fun, and I'd definitely do it again.

I'm not sure why there is such naked hatred and loathing for PvP on the forums, because it was fun, harmless, and has zero impact to the rest of DDO.

I was disappointed that sneaking was useless, as my bard has a 1 spot and had no difficulty seeing the other players when they tried to sneak. I'm sure invisibility would be equally as useless. That really hamstrings the rogue player, and of the four of us - cleric, rogue, barb, bard, the rogue was the most ineffective.

It would be nice to see more battlefield scenarios like an assault on summerfield type setting where you could go 12 on 12. From what I saw, the PvP would probably get a bit boring after you knew the ins and outs of the environments.

I'd recommend anyone who hasn't tried it, to give it a go with a few guildies , friends, or what have you.

03-07-2011, 01:45 AM
I'm not sure if naked aggression is the prevailing feeling toward pvp. I think what gets people riled up is any suggestion to change a game mechanic for the sake of pvp. Unlike many mmos, there has been no effort to balance the classes against one another in a pvp setting, something you mention you saw in just a few minutes. People like the balance between classes as it exists now for instanced dungeons, and don't really care how that effects pvp.

03-07-2011, 01:50 AM
You played in the pvp pit with some friends. This has very little to do with pvp.

Next time its just you online. Go jump in the pvp pits with whoever is there.

Try that out. And get back to us.

03-07-2011, 01:54 AM
Today after our static group finished a little early, one of our members suggested we break into two groups for a little PvP with the time we had remaining.

Now this forum is rife with PvP bashing, so I sort of cringed at the notion. We still had 20 mins left of our scheduled time, so I thought ***?

I had a blast. It was really interesting to see what was affective and what just didn't work against our teammates. I thought the little arenas were fun, and I'd definitely do it again.

I'm not sure why there is such naked hatred and loathing for PvP on the forums, because it was fun, harmless, and has zero impact to the rest of DDO.

I was disappointed that sneaking was useless, as my bard has a 1 spot and had no difficulty seeing the other players when they tried to sneak. I'm sure invisibility would be equally as useless. That really hamstrings the rogue player, and of the four of us - cleric, rogue, barb, bard, the rogue was the most ineffective.

It would be nice to see more battlefield scenarios like an assault on summerfield type setting where you could go 12 on 12. From what I saw, the PvP would probably get a bit boring after you knew the ins and outs of the environments.

I'd recommend anyone who hasn't tried it, to give it a go with a few guildies , friends, or what have you.

I know many people who enjoy "casual" pvp. However, if a "power gamer/pvp geared toon" was to join your group no one else would have any fun.

03-09-2011, 04:03 PM
I know many people who enjoy "casual" pvp. However, if a "power gamer/pvp geared toon" was to join your group no one else would have any fun.

Yeah, I guess I'm just recommending the casual PvP.

I'm not going to build any characters just for PvP. It's a nice little addition to the game, and I think it could be fun to play squad on squad PvP between guilds, but it's nothing that I would ever focus on.

03-09-2011, 04:04 PM
You played in the pvp pit with some friends. This has very little to do with pvp.

what? That doesn't make any sense.

03-09-2011, 04:29 PM
PvP is Awesome

03-09-2011, 04:31 PM
what? That doesn't make any sense.

Go into the pit, wait for a pm, aa with slayer arrors or a divine stuffed with guards. Try and enjoy.

03-09-2011, 05:05 PM
what? That doesn't make any sense.

Makes perfect sense. If you have any experience with actual pvp.

A group of friends in the pvp pit is not pvp. You're missing out on all the lameness, stupid tells, whining, moaning, extra lameness, gm reporting, unwritten rules, and crude comments that are the backbone of pvp in ddo.

So i say it again. Just go jump in the pit with random strangers. not guildies, not friends.
Try that out a few times. and get back to us with your revised opinion of pvp in this game.

The actual pvp mechanics in this game are just fine. However all the other things it brings with it are not fine.
Its for those things that pvp is hated. That and the fact that devs might actually waste time trying to make a technical solution to a social problem when so many other areas of the game are incomplete and broken.

03-09-2011, 05:38 PM
The actual pvp mechanics in this game are just fine. However all the other things it brings with it are not fine.
Its for those things that pvp is hated. That and the fact that devs might actually waste time trying to make a technical solution to a social problem when so many other areas of the game are incomplete and broken.

Well that's what I was talking about: my experience with the pvp mechanics.

I think the mechanics are fine, and I encourage anyone who hasn't tried them to do so. I had fun with my guildies, and I expect other people might as well. It's fun to actually play against your friends, actual people who know your strengths and weaknesses and don't just stand mindlessly in firewalls, etc.

You've made it clear you dislike toward the majority of pvp players you have personally encountered, but that isn't really relevant to my post.

03-09-2011, 05:41 PM
Go into the pit, wait for a pm, aa with slayer arrors or a divine stuffed with guards. Try and enjoy.

Why would I want to challenge someone I don't know? I just thought it was fun to play against my friends as a novelty.

Like I said, it's nothing I'm going to design or equip a character for.

03-09-2011, 05:49 PM
Player X is beaten by player Y numerous times with the same attack.

All you hear is how unfair it is.

So, you look at the players and Player X is a Level 20 TR(with all the UBER guild ship buffs) and player Y is a level 13, not TR.

Yet, Player X continues to whine. And Whine. And Whine. And Whine. And Player X is an adult.

But Player X has no problem dominating other players continually.

Now, change Player X into being a kid and it just goes into whining factorially.

If players did not whine, I would not mind PvP.

WHINING ruins PvP.

03-09-2011, 05:52 PM
The pits with friends is awesome.

The Lobster/Phoenix Pits? Not as much with the Uber PvPers.

The hate from PvP is definitely from the latter of these two.

03-09-2011, 05:56 PM
I just thought it was fun to play against my friends as a novelty.

there is nothing wrong with this..way back in the day you could form a grp and assign teams and Ninja whoever was in your grp (it would pull them to the pvp arena)

at 2am it was a way to break up the grind..and was always fun...in small amounts

03-09-2011, 05:57 PM
and then a level 20 sorceror with meteor swarm and regalia of the phoenix came along and... (or polar ray and xachosian eardweller)

04-04-2011, 10:15 PM
and then a level 20 sorceror with meteor swarm and regalia of the phoenix came along and... (or polar ray and xachosian eardweller)

Chain lightning and air savant...:D