View Full Version : A Restless Man, Indeed...
03-07-2011, 02:00 AM
So I've had the Restless Isles pack now for some time, but FINALLY grew to the level required for at LEAST normal runs of the place. NOW, I tried soloing for a bit with a hire, just here n there to see the place, and was slaughtered once... havent gone in since... Considering this, and the fact that I've almost NEVER seen LFM posts for Twilight Forge runs, I'm in great desperation to get in there and have a look see. I'd love to do at least a normal run, would LOVE the xp, and am not really concerned with what is to be said about how good or bad the adv pack is. Just a guy looking for anyone willing to help out with this quest chain and the raid(at LEAST on norm).
I live in Puerto Rico and its 3 minutes till 3am over here, so if anyone is interested give me a time to be ready for a run if we need to work around a time difference and i'll do what i can.
Reply here, or tell/inbox my mains/others
Mains(generally speaking)
03-07-2011, 12:01 PM
Well... you won't often see the raid PUG'd just because the pre-raid "The Twilight Forge" is a total pain to coordinate and can easily be run shorthanded. There *are* runs opened to PUGs on a semi-regular basis. The one that pops into my mind is the weekly run by Iraelis and his HoLW guild. He's the one that taught me how to run it and now we (The Silver Legion) have a mostly weekly run as well although it's generally not opened to PUGgers just because we use our Vent channel to coordinate the run. You could always contact Iraelis about open spots in his run or me to get into one of ours.
The other option of course is to join a large(r) guild. Lots of guilds can and will run the Titan raid, they normally just don't announce it.
03-07-2011, 01:05 PM
You might want to look above level range as well. I don't recall ever seeing one posted for at level xp runs. At least not one with a real chance of filling.
Problem is (IMO) the two quests are very low xp (4-5000 each) and the really nice two rares (ring of ancestors, and royal mask) both offer single shot spells that have become easily obtainable elsewhere.
There are not many established players that can't res in some fashion or teleport. The mask would regain interest (real interest) if it was a 3/day type of item IMO. The ring should also have a kicker +7 concentration.
So.....hard to get to, Paid pack, with bad xp, and great mod 3 loot that has been passed by........tough combo.
Add go the fact that the best raid loot item (chattering ring) almost is impossible to see drop.......deves could repaint this pack with a 9k xp per quest, rare tweaks, and print the ring really has a fair chance to drop.......and make the guides bribable for say 15 k plat for functional first time use.....and we will have a winner again.
Neither quest us really zergable (at least not go the point these changes make it the next shadow cryPt.)
03-07-2011, 04:22 PM
I dunno Varr, I think the seven fingered gloves are more valuable than chattering ring actually but your right the xp stinks flat out. Not to mention finding the dang quests for first timers is very confusing as well.
03-07-2011, 04:53 PM
Color me spoiled... I had forgotten what it is like to have to run through the Isles to find the quests. Once I found out that if someone shares the quests (Ghola-Fan or Slavers) with you, then you can use the guides I've never run through the Isles again on any character. Yes, if you aren't taking a share and using the guides traversing the wilderness area to the quest givers can be an absolute pain. Easiest thing to do is ask around for someone who has the quest and get them to share it with you. Then you can use the guides to easily reach the quests.
On the loot, I know that some of us are a bit jaded on the loot and we tend to focus on the ring and the gloves... but there is other decent loot that drops in Titan. My favorite of course are the Gyroscopic Boots (Striding 30% and +10 Balance) but there is also the Belt of Brute Strength which is +6 Strength *AND* Greater False Life at ML9! And while it isn't a "super" item, Bereavement (+5 Keen Battleaxe with Seeker +10, ML10) is a great offhand weapon for a TWF axe user.
03-07-2011, 08:49 PM
Also... doing any of these Raids at level is difficult to organize, because, well, the xp in that range is so good that people generally don't stay within the level range for very long. I'm sure they were fun to do at level when the cap was low enough to do it at level. Experienced players will blow by these levels without a thought nowadays.
This is true for all the "below level" raids, including VON, Gianthold, ADQ.
Titan's Raid is going to be less popular in PuGs than the above 3 raids, however, because it has some complicated puzzles. It sucks to do everything right but end up failing a raid because someone on the other branch doesn't have a clue what they are doing.
The mediocre XP doesn't help. Since there are only a handful of useful items for a level 20 capped character. At least ADQ, VoN, GH can still drop items that are useful for a level 20 character, so I think you see those raids being run more often.
03-08-2011, 07:28 AM
I have characters that need to run it.
The main problem is that it is a WHOLE bunch of instances in the slayer area. Once you clear out an area in the tunnels or above you still have zero places to rest if you dilly dally because if you runaway, a tactic I use frequently, the area that you cleared out could be repopulated.
Once you run each quest though, you can talk to your "guide" to go back quicker. It is just that first run is a pain.
It used to be parties would tell you "remove all your gear and let the oozes kill you." Then they would carry your stone to the rez shrine.
I still like the TITAN Raid.
The weapons you will need are
Greater Giant Banes
Greater Aberration Banes for the few mind flayers and some beholders
Paralyzers and vorpals
Ranged Spell casters, obviously these work the best
No way can I play at 3 AM Puerto Rican Time. If we could start at 9 PM Puerto Rican time, I am game. Puerto Rico is the Atlantic Time Zone which is one hour later than EST.
For the challenged, if i read the time zone stuff correctly...
10 PM Puerto Rico AST
03-08-2011, 01:42 PM
I really do enjoy running this raid, but it needs some rework love...seriously. I think its fun to kill a raid boss by playing a mini-game, but only for the people with a job really. Everyone else piking its just a wait out game and that sucks.
03-08-2011, 10:36 PM
I have characters that need to run it.
The main problem is that it is a WHOLE bunch of instances in the slayer area. Once you clear out an area in the tunnels or above you still have zero places to rest if you dilly dally because if you runaway, a tactic I use frequently, the area that you cleared out could be repopulated.
Once you run each quest though, you can talk to your "guide" to go back quicker. It is just that first run is a pain.
It used to be parties would tell you "remove all your gear and let the oozes kill you." Then they would carry your stone to the rez shrine.
I still like the TITAN Raid.
The weapons you will need are
Greater Giant Banes
Greater Aberration Banes for the few mind flayers and some beholders
Paralyzers and vorpals
Ranged Spell casters, obviously these work the best
No way can I play at 3 AM Puerto Rican Time. If we could start at 9 PM Puerto Rican time, I am game. Puerto Rico is the Atlantic Time Zone which is one hour later than EST.
For the challenged, if i read the time zone stuff correctly...
10 PM Puerto Rico AST
ok then sounds fair, i dont have any of these weapons but ill find some, dont got much pp though since i own almost all of the low lvl packs n only one or two of both mid and high lvl, a stupid decision on my part now that i've gotten my main to lvl 11 lol... but i must do with wat i have, ill try n get wat weapons i can for the raid, lets say, this thursday at 9pm AST? that way it'll be 8pm for you, and hopefully by then we can gather more pple for it, though i dont know many pple that are online on a regular basis, n even if they HAVE the pack to begin with. if not, set a date n time n ill let you know if im available, cuz im sure i got more leisure time on me than most pple at least for now that im job searching. thanx again
03-14-2011, 01:17 PM
Other big problem here is that a completed sigil (what gets you into the raid) remains with you after reincarnation. So, in theory, a character only ever needs to flag one time - ever.
That doesn't help with the frequency of these runs.
Took my main character a year to flag for that raid, and I've only ran it (and failed) once. I see PUGs for it occasionally (Yokido runs them) but they are often during the day.
03-14-2011, 05:47 PM
I really enjoy this raid now that I've become more familiar, but it does have the shortcoming that you only need 4-6 people to complete both raids. It's a piker's dream! Still, I usually get to fire the laser now in pt 2 - woohoo! <3 Lasers! Bew! Bew!
The pre-raid is certainly quicker if everyone is familiar with the puzzles, but how often does that happen? The pre-raid is not structured to be zerged, though at least the actual raid can be done in 15 minutes or less.
All of the quests involved are a pain to do at level, though (kind of like Threnal in that regard). Unless you really just want the bragging rights to say you did it at level, you're better off coming back to it later for the sake of less aggravation.
Lately, A Tribe Called Zerg has been doing a run of Titan each weekend, usually with 4-6 spots available for pugs lvl 16-20.
P.S. Gyroscopic Boots are schmexy TR gear!
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