View Full Version : Blast from the Past

03-06-2011, 11:29 PM
So, I'm sitting here at my desk reflecting on life and cleaning things up. I happen to find a pswd to an old email account I used to use. Yeah, I know... pswds on post-it note... bad ju-ju....

Anyhow, I log into the account and find if full of unread emails..some 3,000 of them. Guess Gmail really does keep all mail! I had not touched this account in several years... actually going back to late 2006...so basically 5 yrs of emails.

In this vast sea of mail.. I sorted it from old to new... and I found this little gem.

I guess after celebrating the 5 year event recently (and liking it a lot more than I expected...) and listening to the "Kobold Still Hate You (forever)" techno song by Steel here at DDO... I cracked open this gem.

Ah, the memories of a long distant past in Ebberon....


From 9/12/05

Dear (name withheld),

Thank you for applying for the Dungeons & Dragons® Online: Stormreach™ Alpha. We are pleased to invite you to join us in this phase of the game's development.

To confirm your acceptance and activate your account on the Turbine Beta Program website, please do the following:

* Go to https://beta.turbine.com/callout/default.html?callid={84A67D6A-34A6-4F3C-AA59-751724C12D04}

* This link will take you to the Alpha Invitation page. Click on the Enter the Alpha link.

* You will be prompted to enter your Turbine Beta Program username and password. Enter the username and password that you initially signed up for Beta with and click Apply.

* Continue to follow the onscreen prompts to complete your registration. You will confirm your registration information, be presented with three legal agreements, receive your product key, and finally activate your game account.

By clicking on the link above, you hereby agree that your right to participate in the upcoming Alpha is subject to the terms and conditions of the Preview and Non-Disclosure Agreement (including, without limitation, the representation that you are at least 18 years of age), the Code of Conduct for Dungeons & Dragon® Online: Stormreach and Turbine’s Terms of Service.

Please remember that the Alpha and Beta Programs are STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Once you have accepted the Preview Agreement and NDA, you are not allowed to divulge any information about your experiences to anyone without Turbine’s explicit consent.

If you have any questions or issues confirming your acceptance into Alpha, please email betasupport@turbine.com for assistance.

We hope you enjoy your adventures in Eberron!

The Turbine Beta Program Team


Ah... seems like just yesterday. Man... I've been involved and playing this game THAT long?! Guess a good thing is hard to give up.

Just sharing the memories... anybody else have some? Not sure why I feel so nostalgic the past few days....


03-07-2011, 01:35 AM
Save the mail mate... I have my beta mail saved just for the good memories as curse since sticked here ever since :-D

03-12-2011, 04:48 AM
I was reflecting on the amount of time I have spent playing DDO... By my own fault I didn't register for the forums in Feb, I waited until March, so I lose my Founder status :( But thankfully I still get my +1 Natural Armor Necklace on every new character!

With all the changes and the terrible slow periods experienced, I've still been playing most of the game's lifetime. I stopped to play Oblivion, took a few months off to recharge; I can't seem to quit. There will be a day when it's time to move on, I'll know it when it comes, and it's now right now.

Let's evoke some memories of the past:
-Only a very, very limited set of enchancements to spend action points on (like 4 I think)
-Giant Cave loots runs!! (one of my favorite times)
-Threnal South loot runs!
- +1 Paralyzing and +1 Vorpals were almost game breaking
-Being in awe of a 32pt build (when getting 1750 favor was pretty intense)

That's a good start. Long live DDO!
