View Full Version : looking for completionist friendly guild

03-06-2011, 09:33 PM
With the current state of affairs in Gods and Heroes, i'm looking for a new guild. my main is Plausable currently on his 4th life. i have several other chars of various levels, though most are 15-18. i don't normally do epics, though i have, on occasional, logged my sons account and done one.

about me:

i'm a construction worker, my language can turn crude especially when i'm excited or angry. having children of my own, i'm usually good if i know someone underage is in the group. i've played since launch, i know the game fairly well. since i've done most of the older quests a lot, i tend to zerg. i usually prefer not to lead quests. not being listened to makes me angry, and i play this to have fun, so i avoid leading to stay happy! i do lead certain quests, like the crucible because it requires a knowledgeable leader. i follow directions well, sometimes too well. my family frequently has the television on behind me so sometimes i cannot hear voice chat well. i prefer need before greed on raid loot.

03-07-2011, 01:47 AM
Hey Sultro, I definitely understand where you're coming from. I've been watching G&H deteriorate lately, which is a shame to see, since I used to run with you guys quite often. I think HoLW would be an excellent choice for you as we raid frequently, present a relaxed, endgame-focused play style geared toward mature players, and the vulgar humor frequents our guild conversations ^_^ Additionally, I'm on path to completionist as well, and the raid schedule and frequency of reincarnation in the guild significantly supports that. Feel free to peruse the guild website and questions are always welcome, you would be a welcome addition to our team :-)



03-07-2011, 11:46 AM
Thanks Iraelis,

always a good time running with you. talked to a couple of others in game. i'm not going to rush into this. i'll be gaming with several guilds including obsidian dragons, and whoever lotusfly is currently running with(does he have his own guild now?) over the next couple of weeks. i'll make sure i hit your website and try to drop in on a guild raid or something to see how i like the group.


03-08-2011, 11:04 PM
Bah. Talk to lotusfly, we are looking for members who are mature and dont cry like babies. I'm not shure I played with u, but you seem a alright guy. Give me or lotusfly a holler, and we will see whats up.

03-09-2011, 07:46 AM
If you're looking for something not too terribly serious and truly only care about having fun (big emphasis here), check out Casual Vengence. We're about 12 people strong and there's usually always someone on. Currently you'd be the highest leveled player, so I don't know if that would be an issue for some reason. If you're interested, contact Whitehairguy or Emold in game for any questions, thanks!

03-13-2011, 11:04 PM

05-27-2011, 07:37 PM
I decided to post here because I'm in a similar boat.

I was in The Dirty Rotten Scoundrels and left because the member quality was deteriorating fast, people were recruiting everyone and anyone, and people only wanted in because the guild is at level 61.
I haven't ever been in a guild other than DRS(at least not seriously) and was recruited in the process of my main char first life(about this time two years ago). I left because it wasn't the guild I had joined in the first place.

Moving on..

I work in construction weekdays so I play from around 6:00-9:00 weekdays, plus Saturdays and Sundays. I'm currently in my sixth life(rangermulticlassed) and want a guild that has people who know more than I do, and can perhaps help me level. I basically want people to TR with, run quests with, and have good times with, this is after all a social game.
I do not enjoy leading but I have a good grasp on almost every chain(all except the higher level stuff and Epics).
I have flagged for and completed every raid except ToD.

And that's it.

Theolupus - Cannith server(Theoadept; only alt)