View Full Version : Thank you Turbine (30005 billing issue)

03-04-2011, 05:57 PM
I just wanted to say thank you to the people at the DDO customer service call line. I was having the 30005 issue and couldn't get a card added to my account and getting really frustrated. I heard horror stories from people on the forums about holding for a long time to get someone on the phone but I was able to call and get someone on the phone with NO hold time besides the menu system.

The person that then answered was very friendly and helpful in explaining the issue and getting everything resolved. I've been a customer of Turbine in the past with Asheron's Call, DDO and LOTRO all at different times and after this experience I feel I've made the right choice to give Turbine my support.

Thank you!

03-07-2011, 03:10 PM
Thank you for your feedback! I'll be certain to pass it along. :D