View Full Version : Thanks turbine!

02-26-2011, 12:58 AM
I now have hundreds(I haven't even used half my gem trade-ins) of Air elemental summons, not only do they trip epic mobs but now I can use them at lvl 4 to trip practically everything.

This is the most broken item on the event, lvl 4 air elemental summon crystals that are completely unbound, yippy!

02-27-2011, 07:15 AM
I now have hundreds(I haven't even used half my gem trade-ins) of Air elemental summons, not only do they trip epic mobs but now I can use them at lvl 4 to trip practically everything.

This is the most broken item on the event, lvl 4 air elemental summon crystals that are completely unbound, yippy!

Yup, the air ele is really cool (air).

As for being broken, well, u can make a lot but still non-renewable (pending reruns).
And note the broken thing is the min level not the air ele itself, in case anyone would point fingers.
(e.g. other high lv summons are nice too, bezekira trips, earth eles earthgrab just as often)

02-28-2011, 01:44 PM
The minimum level is the problem, yes. While being numbered and non-renewable, I could save these summoning gems for the harder at level quests on elite difficulty. Proof is in the poison is one place that comes to mind as a great place to use this summon, the spell points saved on cc/healing could be dramatic.

I disagree with bezekiras or earth elementals being as useful. They both affect only 1 target at a time, also the earth elemental has a large delay between grabs. A air elemental goes in and all nearby mobs have to make several saves per second, which could possibly be a glitch.

02-28-2011, 01:53 PM
Those are pretty absurd. I think I made 300 of 'em :)

I don't play lowbies very often, if at all, so mine are all going on my rogue for when he's soloing. I can't solo Elite Sins for ingredients because I just take too much damage too fast if I don't get the perfect pull. Now, bah, just summon my knockdown buddy and wail away. LOL, Thanks Turbine.

But I don't know if this is the most broken item in the event. The scimitars are pretty broken, possibly being the best 1-handed weapon in the game and trivial to obtain.

What I'm waiting for is for Turbine to come online and say "Oh, by the way, the items vanish after the event concludes. Hope you had fun with them. But, don't worry, when the event starts up again next year, your items will appear in your backpack! Yaaarrrr!"