View Full Version : UnResolvable UnRedeemed Coupon???

02-22-2011, 03:21 PM
I have an UnRedeemed Coupon from a Purchase I made a week or so ago,
and trying to get a response from Customer Support-Account Management doesn't seem to be working.

There was a Sale on Double Stacks of healing potions, and I bought one or two
(no longer remember, probably just one, I mean they ARE double stacks)
stacks of Enhanced Cure Potion (Which seems to have disappeared along with Rogue Contracts?????).

Whenever I try to click on the UnRedeemed Coupon icon in the upper right of my Screen, it said "Failed to Lookup Item, Coupon Not Redeemed".
(*Wondering if someone should talk to the Hierarchy of the Church of the Silver Flame about that, seems DDO Store doesn't have enough Favor?*)

Now I don't really care if I get my points back instead of the Item, But I'd really like to get this resolved already.



Be Well, God Bless, Fare MOST EXCELLENTLY !!!!!

02-22-2011, 04:39 PM
This was covered a few days ago:

Hi, it appears there is an issue with the 200-stack potions. We've unpublished them, and if you were subject to this error you can contact Account Support so that they can issue you a refund.

Please accept our apologies, and thank you for bringing it to our attention.

Hi everyone, just following up here. We have issued refunds to everyone that was affected by this issue - if you feel you are entitled to a refund and did not receive it (make sure you check your brand-spanking-new Turbine Point Statement (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=302188)) please contact account support.

Sorry again, and continue to enjoy the game!

02-23-2011, 12:52 AM
TYVM, hope it takes care of the UnRedeemed Coupon icon also.

02-23-2011, 01:27 AM
TYVM, hope it takes care of the UnRedeemed Coupon icon also.

It didn't for me unfortuantely.