02-21-2011, 05:20 PM
I am nearing level 20 on my First character which is a human monk, and I was wondering if people would be willing take me on epics or should I not even bother and go straight for a TR?
How wanted is a light monk in epics, I see so many dark monks but on the monk forums people tend to want Light monks more.
Also what exactly will be my job if I do get into epics? I've been told that I'll be on trash duty.
Lastly what is some gear I should be farming before I even attempt to join epics? I have much of the gear already from Rockan Robins list just not epic versions of said items.
Thanks any help to make me a better player is much appreciated.
How wanted is a light monk in epics, I see so many dark monks but on the monk forums people tend to want Light monks more.
Also what exactly will be my job if I do get into epics? I've been told that I'll be on trash duty.
Lastly what is some gear I should be farming before I even attempt to join epics? I have much of the gear already from Rockan Robins list just not epic versions of said items.
Thanks any help to make me a better player is much appreciated.