View Full Version : Quickly Approching 20

02-21-2011, 05:20 PM
I am nearing level 20 on my First character which is a human monk, and I was wondering if people would be willing take me on epics or should I not even bother and go straight for a TR?

How wanted is a light monk in epics, I see so many dark monks but on the monk forums people tend to want Light monks more.

Also what exactly will be my job if I do get into epics? I've been told that I'll be on trash duty.

Lastly what is some gear I should be farming before I even attempt to join epics? I have much of the gear already from Rockan Robins list just not epic versions of said items.

Thanks any help to make me a better player is much appreciated.

02-21-2011, 09:05 PM
first off whats your stats

whats your HP

monks in epics are dps but also great CC as they can stun many things quickly

Mainpiece of gear is stunning 10 wraps with the highest + u can get on them and weapons to bypass dr where needed

Greaterbanes also help out alot

02-21-2011, 09:11 PM
I am nearing level 20 on my First character which is a human monk, and I was wondering if people would be willing take me on epics or should I not even bother and go straight for a TR?

How wanted is a light monk in epics, I see so many dark monks but on the monk forums people tend to want Light monks more.

Also what exactly will be my job if I do get into epics? I've been told that I'll be on trash duty.

Lastly what is some gear I should be farming before I even attempt to join epics? I have much of the gear already from Rockan Robins list just not epic versions of said items.

Thanks any help to make me a better player is much appreciated.

lucky you your on sarlona go to the khyber forums and look at what one guy is saying are the minimum requirements to get into his epic pugs.