View Full Version : How do Monks generate Ki in different stances?

02-19-2011, 05:20 AM
I've searched the Compendium, the DDO Wiki and searched online, but I can't find anything that tells how Ki is generated when in the Wind and Sea stances. I know that the Sun stance generates Ki from hitting mobs and the Earth stance generates Ki when hit by mobs, but what generates Ki when my Monk is in the Wind and Sea stances?

Much thanks, in advance, for any info!

02-19-2011, 05:29 AM
water/air= same 1 per hit
earth 1 on hit
fire 2 on hit

02-19-2011, 05:35 AM
You punch things just as you would in fire. You'll notice a yellow bar getting filled, just not as fast as you would be in fire stance

02-19-2011, 05:38 AM
From the wiki:

"Ki is a renewable but temporary resource, generated as a monk attacks enemies (or, in some cases, if the monk is struck)."

Fire stance just generates ki more quickly than the other stances.

02-19-2011, 05:42 AM
So... you always gain Ki from attacking, except in Earth stance (where you gain it from being attacked)?

Thanks, everyone, for the helpful info!

02-19-2011, 05:42 AM
All stances generate ki through successful attacks (ie: any attack that lands and deals at least one point of physical damage). Fire and Earth stances generate additional ki from hitting and being hit respectively.

In essence:
No Stance: 1 ki per hit landed
Wind, Water: 1 ki per hit landed
Fire*: 2 ki per hit landed, 3-6 ki per critical hit landed.
Earth: 1 ki per hit landed, 1 ki per hit taken, 2-5 ki per critical hit taken.

With the latter two, how much ki is generated is dependent on which version of the stance you have. Lesser Sun Stance (the initial Fire stance) generates only 3 ki on a critical, whereas Ultimate Sun Stance generates 6 ki on a critical.

Also of note are the "Way of the Elegant Crane" enhancements, which add up to 4 ki per hit landed regardless of stance.

02-19-2011, 05:45 AM
No Stance: 1 ki per hit landed
Wind, Water: 1 ki per hit landed
Fire*: 2 ki per hit landed, 3-6 ki per critical hit landed.
Earth: 1 ki per hit landed, 1 ki per hit taken, 2-5 ki per critical hit taken.

That's exactly the info I was looking for. Much thanks!