View Full Version : Euro Morning Raid Group - Gathering

02-17-2011, 05:50 AM
Hello fellow Ghallandians, I'm atm well served in guild departement, but my working time has changed so my play time is the morning, since my main has reached lvl16 and is ready to start raiding i would like to gather a group to raid once or twice a week in the morning. This because it's not working to try to find a pug to run the likes of Abbot, VOD, Hound and later on TOD...i would even consider geting titan's pack to chase the elusive chatering ring if the group wants.
So my plan is to start from next wednesday at 10 am London( that's 11am central europe or 12 am eastern europe) time and start knoking thoose raids down.
Send pm or post here if you want in.
Requirements: Know how to play even if you don't know any specific raid, enjoy the game, be polite and i don't want gready people, example: a fighter that loots the belt of seven ideals just for the sake of it instead of passing it to the casters.
Waiting for entries :)

02-17-2011, 04:33 PM
Seems that is not that easy To gather such group, just To add that people from any country will be acepted the euro thing is due to the time. Also i must say i'm on lvl 16 of second life and i know most raids i mention....i don't know the black abbot :) wich i need bad....still waiting on signups

02-17-2011, 04:38 PM
I'd be keen to join, but I have a lot of flagging work to do. As it stands I can only run DQ and GH Tor (with a couple of relics I could pull from another toon). This does mean I'll be new to them all (bar DQ), but I'm not braindead and can respect your loot distribution etiquette.

I'm out of a job at the end on the month :(, but it means I'll have plenty of time to get flagged :)

I'll see if I can get flagged for Abbot this weekend in preparation for Wednesday. I've done Temple of Vol at least.

My toon is a lvl 17 fighter. I'm a Stalwart Defender, but my AC is starting to wane (28 point lootless build) and I'll re-spec to Kensai soon, but want to get the lvl 18 prestige and run with it for a bit before I do.

Let me know if I'm needed.