View Full Version : Gothiscandza (lvl 45) - looking for new blood

02-07-2011, 01:28 AM
The Goths (the fierce warrior types who sack Roman cities, not the pierced emo types who slash wrists) are looking to bolster our ranks. We've been running everything from ADQ to VoD plus six-person epics for a while now, but we're a few level 20s short of reliably running epic raids, the next logical step in our progression. Most of us know at least one other member of the guild in real life, and in order to keep this distinction going, we primarily recruit couples and groups of friends who know each other in real life. That said, we've also taken a few solitary applicants who have demonstrated a compatibility with our philosophy.

We are a goal-driven group, striving to advance through all the game has to offer, but without sacrificing the atmosphere of fun and community that so many raiding guilds seem to. We joke, we tease, but we know the game and know how to play our characters. We try our best to help prepare everyone for raiding, including semi-organized flagging. We are generous with each other and fair to PUGs. We run most raids on hard or elite (exception: ToD normal). Most of our members are in North America but quite a few are in Europe. We typically raid early afternoon Sunday (server time) and early evening a couple nights during the week to accomodate as many people as possible. Above all we recognize that people play DDO for fun, so there are no attendance requirements of any kind.

If you're interested in joining a successful, casual raiding guild, and are part of a real-life team of DDO players, simply let me know and I'll invite you all, no questions asked. If you're a lone raider looking for a home, we can discuss a trial membership. If you're a guild leader looking for a group with similar ideals to partner with in raiding, we can discuss that too. Please contact me in game (mail is fine if I'm not online) or on this forum to discuss the possibilities.


02-11-2011, 03:26 AM
Best guild ever !


04-01-2011, 06:55 PM
In the few weeks since this latest posting, Gothiscandza has climbed from level 45 to level 50 and still going strong. We're running VoN, ADQ, and ToD at least once a week, epic VoN once a week, adding epic ADQ weekly into the mix as well, and sometimes participate in semi-pug runs with our other friends on Cannith for VoD, HoX, and Shroud. We're working on flagging people for Abbot to start running that one regularly in addition. Our door is still open for a few more casual raiders - the more we have, the more dungeons we can run at various times to make sure everyone has a chance to raid. Send one of our officers a tell in game for more info if you're interested:

Anagyth, Mathild, Nakintha, Thalynn, Cassiopeia, Kallysta, Surkin, Venthil, Beladill

04-16-2011, 09:47 AM