View Full Version : Does Maximize Feat work on AA Imbue arrows enhancements?

02-06-2011, 09:42 PM
If you use Maximize on Imbue Arrows do they do twice the extra damage?

02-06-2011, 11:39 PM
That's a big red hot negative, but it's by design.

Imbues may use spell points, but they are not 'spells' perse. They're spell-like abilities... sorta, in the same way Dragonmark spells aren't quite spell-like abilities.

For instance (and some one correct me if I'm wrong) Archmage SLA's are affected by meta-magic, while (say) bard songs are not. Is the buff from the song magical? not exactly... Are the imbues magical? ... not exactly.

I'm sure some one can explain this more concisely, but the short answer is... No, no they aren't. Would be keen, but it would also be a tetch OP, imho.

02-07-2011, 02:58 AM