01-25-2011, 02:24 PM
This is a follow up to a recent post I did entitled new quests with update 8. The response I got (from Tihocan was that this paricular quest was Attack on Stormreach and it starts in Lordsmarch palace and the quest giver(s) are all there. Ok I'm currently in that main meeting room and there are 4 coin lords seated around a large 3 sided table. The coin lords are as followed #1 Delera Omaran IV, Graden Wylkes, Varen Lassite & finally Yorrick Amanatu. When talking to them and you ask about the quest "Siegebreaker" you get different answeres depending on who you talk to. So my questions are these. Who actually bestows this particular quest on you, 2 do you have to be a certain level (currently I'm a level 7 fighter)
This is a follow up to a recent post I did entitled new quests with update 8. The response I got (from Tihocan was that this paricular quest was Attack on Stormreach and it starts in Lordsmarch palace and the quest giver(s) are all there. Ok I'm currently in that main meeting room and there are 4 coin lords seated around a large 3 sided table. The coin lords are as followed #1 Delera Omaran IV, Graden Wylkes, Varen Lassite & finally Yorrick Amanatu. When talking to them and you ask about the quest "Siegebreaker" you get different answeres depending on who you talk to. So my questions are these. Who actually bestows this particular quest on you, 2 do you have to be a certain level (currently I'm a level 7 fighter)