View Full Version : On quest level and level ranges in PUGs

01-20-2011, 11:30 PM
When you have a level 13, a level 12, and 4 level 10s, opening a base level 12 quest on elite is (not probably, IS) a bad idea. You can get full xp by opening it on normal and you might just finish it.

The PUG level equation is don't open the quest higher than average level of group +1.

13 + 12 + (4 * 10) = 65/6 = 10.83 which rounded up is 11. Level 12 normal is just right ;-)

If everyone was level 13, _maybe_ you could open it on elite with a PUG and finish, if you get lucky.

You probably aren't superman, and the average player absolutely hates to waste their time. Don't inflict your favor lust on your fellow players with mission way beyond impossible.

For max xp, max success and a good run, run elite quests at an adjusted level which is 0-1 below the average level of group.

In this case, at level 12 on elite, it's a level 14. This means if the entire group is level 14, elite is a good match, provided the group has a clue.

You could finish it with a mixed group of 13-15. Ideally you run it with a group of level 14-15's in a PuG. On elite everything hits harder, has more hitpoints, better DR and has nastier spells, so the quest level doesn't really give you an idea of the full effect. Above level 12 this really starts to add up. To max out your xp, you don't want people dying. To make people want to play with you again, you don't want multiple wipes.

I'm just trying to help, I swear I wasn't just in a PUG disaster with half the people -4 under level and not wearing heavy fort. Honest I wasn't!

"WUH-WUH-WUH" is the sound a player makes when they get critted and get their skull smashed in. If you hear that on an elite quest with regularity, during the first few fights, and everyone is under level, just cut your losses and bail. The group doesn't have a snowball's chance in shavarath of finishing and I wouldn't wish that situation on any healer.

Seriously... opening a quest at a level way beyond the group's capability is a time wasting noob thing to do and it's definitely not fun. Don't be a noob. It's one thing if it's a guild group and everyone can handle themselves. It's quite another if it's a random PUG full of unknown quantities. That stuff might fly on Korthos, even in the harbor, but above level 10 it just doesn't work.

If you want to do it on elite, just advertise the appropriate level range. Don't advert for 10-13 then open a level 14 elite with 4 10s in the group. That is not just any old stupid. It's "lick the galvanized metal fence post in 5 degree weather and get your tongue stuck to it" stupid. You might think the group can do it. They can't. I assure you.

Just some friendly advice to help you save some money on equipment repairs and make it to next level :-)

01-20-2011, 11:43 PM
Well said.

"WUH-WUH-WUH" is the sound a player makes when they get critted and get their skull smashed in. If you hear that on an elite quest with regularity, during the first few fights, and everyone is under level, just cut your losses and bail. The group doesn't have a snowball's chance in shavarath of finishing and I wouldn't wish that situation on any healer.

I PUG pretty regularly on Orien and I'm pretty sure it's more of a "THUD" or "THUNK" sound. The point is that I hear it far too often, and inquiries of the kind "Is anyone still lacking Heavy Fortification?" are usually met with silence. Luckily, it's generally easy to find the culprit. It'll be their soulstone on the ground.

01-20-2011, 11:57 PM
"WUH-WUH-WUH" is the sound a player makes when they get critted and get their skull smashed in. If you hear that on an elite quest with regularity, during the first few fights, and everyone is under level, just cut your losses and bail.

I always thought I sounded exactly like that of a baseball bat hitting a head of lettuce.

01-21-2011, 12:28 AM
I thought it was a melon hitting the pavement. :confused:

Guess we'd better compare notes.

01-21-2011, 12:34 AM
Hmm, think mine is broken, only thing I hear is
"ding" then I see empty red bar on someone.