View Full Version : Price Check Handwraps

01-19-2011, 05:36 AM
+3 Seeker +8 Handwraps of Stunning +8 ML18 Half Orc Only

01-19-2011, 09:33 AM
+3 Seeker +8 Handwraps of Stunning +8 ML18 Half Orc Only

YMMV but I've always had to sell these type of things to the brokers. Any stunning less than +10 rarely sells, and given that most melee have some level of seeker already limits the value on seeker handwraps.

01-19-2011, 10:25 AM
YMMV but I've always had to sell these type of things to the brokers. Any stunning less than +10 rarely sells, and given that most melee have some level of seeker already limits the value on seeker handwraps.

Yes and No.

As a monk it is my opinion that wearing a bloodstone over your other trinket options is almost never an optimal choice.

That being said, having a nice seeker item on your wraps will out-dps every other option, so this is an exceptional pair of wraps assuming you can get past the RR.

The major downfall, as you did state, is they are stunning +8 instead of +10 and personally I can't justify losing 2 from my DC, but others may, and should very well consider it.

01-19-2011, 10:32 AM
Yes and No.

As a monk it is my opinion that wearing a bloodstone over your other trinket options is almost never an optimal choice.

That being said, having a nice seeker item on your wraps will out-dps every other option, so this is an exceptional pair of wraps assuming you can get past the RR.

The major downfall, as you did state, is they are stunning +8 instead of +10 and personally I can't justify losing 2 from my DC, but others may, and should very well consider it.

The one plus here is that a half orc could very likely go wisdom based and still have the strength of a strength based non-horc which would lead to high enough DC's to consider a +8 stunner. I know that my human str-based that started with a 14 wisdom and put level-ups into strength wouldn't be able to consider it...already on the cusp for the stun dc's.

01-19-2011, 10:44 AM
A wrap that isn't stunning 10 is going to be a tough sell.

01-19-2011, 07:35 PM
I've seen a lot of people looking for +10 seeker +10 stunning in other marketplaces. That's why I jumped on them this morning. I didn't figure I was going to see an 10/10's in the AH, but the chance to get these and icy burst them was too good to pass up. I guess I'll throw them in my trade list and see what happens. Thanks for the feedback!

01-19-2011, 07:39 PM
Let me add my voice to the “If it ain’t +10 Stunning it’s not going to sell” crowd.

I guildchested some Force Burst of Stunning +8's after they failed to sell on the AH.

01-20-2011, 08:10 AM
I picked up some +1 seeker +6 of stunning +10 ml16 for 50k this morning. :D