View Full Version : looking for people for epics and raids at eu times

01-17-2011, 05:08 PM
i would like to get a group of people together to run raids and epics on argonessen.
my plan would be 2-3 times a week starting between 18oo-20oo german time.

i have at least two lvl 20 toons flagged for every raid that is out there. in addition to that i have two more euro pals with the fitting set of mind and skill.
also we would have acces to our guildship (lvl 66+) with all those nice buffs if need be.

i would like it a lot if we could get some peeps together that are not only interested but also are flagged and (at least a little) geared for that kind of endeavour.
don t get me wrong i am willing to help people out when able to and teach you what little i know.

what i am aiming for at the end is a player base to run with at (for eu people) human times and which helps each other out and has fun together. in the long run we could TR together, flagg together farm together and rant and have a little drama together at times.

if you liked this post and has you thinking "oh yeah boy thats me!" then leave a line or two here.
if you want even with available toons and flaggs and stuff.

greetz rob