View Full Version : My DDO problems

01-12-2011, 02:15 PM
I have a premium VIP account and no characters linked. I just get the “no game account is linked to this blog” message. I have been playing just about every day and checking the websites just as often. I can’t find any way to link my characters. I think it’s weird that when I log in the website I can go straight to the forums or My DDO without re-logging in. It’s like they are linked but not linked; and yes, I have updated all information several times over. I have posted in the general MyDDO forums (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=283624) however I have not heard anything in several weeks and thought this was more a tech support problem.

01-12-2011, 02:24 PM
Just a foot note: when I try to use the in game MyDDO it tells me that I need to create a MyDDO account (even though I can log into the MyDDO website with my web brouser but told I have no game linked to it). When I try to create a new MyDDO using the in game MyDDO link it tells my that the MyDDO already exist or I'm told its unable to connect to MyDDO and to try again later. After several weeks of trying later I'm assuming that's not helping.

01-12-2011, 02:25 PM
MyDDO has been broken for a long time now. For some people it updates (or partially updates) for others it does not. Only thing you can do is wait for turbine to fix it which doesn't appear to be happening any time soon.